Ein #medivac (Evakuierung einer erkrankten oder verletzten Person) ist nichts, was man in der Antarktis haben möchte, schon gar nicht im Winter, weil der Aufwand immens und die Zeiträume im Vergleich riesig sind. Passiert glücklicherweise sehr selten, im Moment findet aber gerade so eine Rettungsaktion der australischen #aad statt.
Mittlerweile wurde die Person erfolgreich evakuiert, der Eisbrecher befindet sich nun auf dem Rückweg
Ooof, thinking of everyone's projects on ice this summer because AAD can't provide support. Antarctic science seems ROUGH.
#ausantarctic #aad #antarctica
Renaming SUCKS!!! 🙄
„#Microsoft announced today that it would change the name of its Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) enterprise identity service to Microsoft Entra ID by the end of the year.“
#microsoft #azure #activedirectory #aad #azureactivedirectory
Are there any best practices for when a user stops working at a company that uses Azure AD & Outlook, to make their mail account available for another person in the company and also forwarding all mails while also "kicking" the previous colleague out of the account and ensuring that they're logged off, etc.?
#it #itsys #microsoft #aad #azure #informatik
I risultati di Bing possono essere falsificati utilizzando la falla di sicurezza BingBang
Gli esperti di sicurezza hanno scoperto un bug di sicurezza, al quale è stato dato il nome di #BingBang.
Hanno scoperto che una configurazione errata di Azure Active Directory (#AAD) potrebbe portare alla #compromissione delle #SERP di Bing[.]com, agli attacchi #XSS e alla compromissione degli account utente di Office 365.
Il #bug ha fatto guadagnare ai #ricercatori una ricompensa di 40.000 dollari.
#redhotcyber #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #hacking #cybersecurity #cybercrime #cybersecurityawareness #cybersecuritytraining #cybersecuritynews #privacy #infosecurity
#bingbang #aad #compromissione #serp #xss #bug #ricercatori #redhotcyber #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #hacking #cybersecurity #cybercrime #CyberSecurityAwareness #cybersecuritytraining #CyberSecurityNews #privacy #infosecurity
“Comment #Microsoft lui-même a été victime de pièges de mauvaise configuration” : vulnérabilité sous #Bing et le jeton #OAuth permettant de modifier les résultats-requête !
#microsoft #bing #oauth #securite #data #vieprivee #xss #moteurderecherche #aad
Remember PowerToys ? Yap now MS identity management has their version called IdPowerToys. Pretty little cool tool to help you with your conditional access documentation.
#Azure #AAD #PowerToys #IDPowerToys #Microsoft
#azure #aad #powertoys #idpowertoys #microsoft
Attacks from on-prem to #Azure AD most times start with a compromised account. But what if #AAD #MFA is in the way?
✨In this blog post I discuss an attack path that "bypasses" MFA and establishes #GA persistence without the need for password reset. 🛡️
If you ever wondered why a user has a "Unfamiliar sign-in properties"? Now this information is directly exposed in the portal UI as well as in Log Analytics
Do you also want the possibility to request a #aad group membership via #Microsoft #Graph API?
E.g. to improve Self-Service possibilities for #M365 and #security Groups?
Then please support my feature request:
#AzureAD #AAD #GraphAPI #Microsoft365 #MSGraph #MSFT #microsoftazure #Identity
#msft #microsoftazure #identity #aad #microsoft #graph #m365 #security #azuread #graphapi #microsoft365 #msgraph
Azure AD Kerberos Tickets: Pivoting to the Cloud
#ad #aad #kerberos #pivot #cloud #cybersecurity
Whether you're fresh to #Azure or #AzureAD, or have been around the block for a while, understanding the tenant to subscription relationship can be a tricky thing.
In this post we'll try to gain a better understanding with a mix of analogies and visuals.
#mvpbuzz #aad #azureactivedirectory #azuresecurity #entra #identity
#azure #azuread #mvpbuzz #aad #azureactivedirectory #AzureSecurity #entra #identity
Blogged: Using multi-tenant AAD delegated APIs from different tenants
#azuread #aspnetcore #consent #tenant #aad #dotnet
Updated to .NET 7
Secure ASP.NET Core GRPC API hosted in an Linux kestrel Azure App Service
#NET7 #aspnetcore #dotnet #oauth #oidc #aad #azuread
Updated to .NET 7, Angular 15 and Duende IdentityServer
External OpenID Connect Login to IdentityServer and ASP.NET Core with AAD
#net7 #aspnetcore #dotnet #angular #oauth #oidc #aad #azuread
#NET7 #aspnetcore #dotnet #angular #oauth #oidc #aad #azuread
Forensic artifacts in Office 365 and where to find them.
In this article, we aim to provide some explanations and tips for investigators to use to be able to easily understand in any situation what data is available.
#office365 #data #forensics #graphapi #api #Azuread #aad #azure #microsoft365 #log #loganalytics #sentinel #microsoftsentinel #microsoft #microsoftsecurity #azure #xdr #siem #soar #hunting #exchange #sharepoint #teams #powerautomate #defender #casb #retention
#office365 #data #forensics #graphapi #api #azuread #aad #azure #microsoft365 #log #loganalytics #sentinel #MicrosoftSentinel #microsoft #microsoftsecurity #xdr #siem #soar #hunting #exchange #sharepoint #teams #PowerAutomate #defender #casb #retention