What if we had opening credits of Deadpool with funny voiceover for Ace Attorney Investigations 2?
@aceattorney #AceAttorney #AceAttorneyInvestigations #AAI2 #GyakutenKenji #Deadpool #Dub #Russian
#aceattorney #aceattorneyinvestigations #aai2 #gyakutenkenji #deadpool #dub #russian
Posting an enhanced thumbnail for sir FlightlessBird. It's a guy that makes story-based letsplays of #VisualNovel, #RPG, #PointAndClick games.
Have one PNG picture below and a layered GIMP/XCF file: https://pad.envs.net/file/#/2/file/9B6kikmKCj9wf2lsgHiaGhvN/ ❤️
#AAI2 #AceAttorney #AceAttorneyInvestigations #MilesEdgeworth #GyakutenKenji
#visualnovel #rpg #pointandclick #aai2 #aceattorney #aceattorneyinvestigations #milesedgeworth #gyakutenkenji
I dunno, there is just something catchy in open areas with clocks... in #videogames. :morty:
1 - Romeo Drive from #ShrekSuperSlam.
2 - Grand Tower Plaza from #AAI2.
More in the #AltText on images. 👇
#videogames #shreksuperslam #aai2 #alttext