Loved reconnecting with dear friends on our morning walks at #aals2023. First time we could do so since COVID began. Am so grateful for our friendship and that you'll get up early with me:)
Congratulations to Society of American Law Teachers (SALT) honorees Professor Jayesh Rathod, Professor Emily Behzadi, and Nazanin Boniadi on their well-deserved recognition. It was wonderful to honor them and to be in community at the 2023 SALT Annual Celebration. Thank you to California Western School of Law Dean and President Sean Scott and her team for hosting this event and so many others at #aals2023
Many congratulations to UC Davis School of Law Dean Kevin Johnson on being the inaugural recipient of the AALS Michael A. Olivas Award for Outstanding Leadership in Diversity and Mentoring in the Legal Academy! It is such a well-deserved recognition of Dean Johnson's tremendous contributions and important honoring of the enormous difference that Professor Olivas made. #aals2023
Leadership matters. I am so inspired by these amazing law deans (and those not pictured as well!) and am very grateful for the difference that they make. It was wonderful to be together in community at the 2023 AALS Annual Meeting. Excited for our collaborations in the coming year! #aals2023
Congratulations to incoming Dean Stacy Leeds and Arizona State University’s Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law! ASU is very lucky to have her impactful leadership and I am excited to collaborate with her. It was wonderful to celebrate her leadership together with Dean Kevin Washburn at the ASU reception at the 2023 AALS Annual Meeting. #aals2023
Many congratulations to Northwestern Pritzker School of Law Professor Jamelia Morgan on receiving the 2022 Association of American Law Schools Deborah L. Rhode Award. This is such a well-deserved recognition of her incredibly important contributions to scholarship and public policy on race, disability, gender, and criminal law. It was wonderful to celebrate with her and her family at the 2023 AALS Annual Meeting award ceremony. #aals2023
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor talks with Dean Erwin Chemerinsky at #AALS2023 about her life, career, and thoughts about how law schools can make a difference.
#LawProfs #LawSchool #LawFedi #SCOTUS #Sotomayor #Chemerinsky
#aals2023 #lawprofs #LawSchool #lawfedi #scotus #sotomayor #chemerinsky
Just filled out the survey for #AALS2023 and had lots of positive things to say. Back to in person after a pandemic break has really heightened appreciation for the AALS annual meeting and all the folks who go
If you tied my hands behind my back, I would probably lose the ability to speak.
Really enjoyed seeing law prof friends at #AALS2023 Sorry to miss folks at ALEA and Law & Society this June (have a conflict); if you’re in the neighborhood this year, give a shout!
Had a great time discussing Professor Joan Howarth's new book Shaping the Bar: The Future of Attorney Licensure at #AALS2023
Busy week at @aals #AALS2023 in San Diego!
(1) Invited commentator on a terrific work-in-progress article by @MedLawDan
(2) Invited panelist on "Vaccine Mandates: Continued Controversy and Litigation in a Multitude of Settings"
(3) Invited panelist on "Health Equity Post-COVID -- Goals and Obstacles"
(4) Participated in workshop for pre-tenured law school teachers of color
Truly an A+ baby! #AALS2023
The beautiful, cuddly, squishy, lovey, perfect baby of at an #aals2023 dinner is one of the highlights of my trip.
Tax star and dear friend discussing estate planning with's child. Baby's facial expression says it all.
My highlight of #AALS2023 so far is meeting’s baby!
Judges Gonzalo P. Curiel (SDCA) and Ann Claire Williams (Ret.)(7th Cir. Ct. of Appeals) speaking to the AALS Deans Forum about the importance of pipeline programs for diversifying legal ed and the profession #AALS2023