Urban jungle just 6 kilometers from the center of Helsinki.
#otaniemi #aaltouniversity #aaltoyliopisto #aalto #alumni #almamater #campus #espoo #helsinki #finland #suomi #summer #kesä #nature #luonto #finnishnature #suomenluonto #käärijä #kaarija #green #vihreä #chachacha #photography #valokuvaus #mobilephotography #walk #kävely
#otaniemi #aaltouniversity #aaltoyliopisto #aalto #alumni #almamater #campus #espoo #helsinki #finland #suomi #summer #kesa #nature #luonto #finnishnature #suomenluonto #kaarija #green #vihrea #chachacha #photography #valokuvaus #mobilephotography #walk #kavely
I'm back in Helsinki and super excited about my course on #tractable #probabilistic modelling at #aaltouniversity! Looking forward to explore the space and limitations of #tractable computations in #probabilisticmodels with students.
#tractable #probabilistic #aaltouniversity #probabilisticmodels
New #openaccess publication #SciPost #Physics Core
Extracting electronic many-body correlations from local measurements with artificial neural networks
Faluke Aikebaier, Teemu Ojanen, Jose L. Lado
SciPost Phys. Core 6, 030 (2023)
#openaccess #SciPost #physics #aaltouniversity #HelsinkiInstituteofPhysics #tampereuniversity #academyoffinland #JanejaAatosErkonSäätiö #MagnusEhrnroothinSäätiö
I’m excited to be organising a special #course on #tractable #probabilisticmodelling at #AaltoUniversity at the end of this term.
Please consider joining if you are at Aalto and interested in the topic.
#course #tractable #probabilisticmodelling #aaltouniversity
Setting up my own Mastodon instance for testing. Interested in working at Mastodon or around other fediverse projects.
#HireMe #Master #MasterOfScience #MSc #ComputerScience #AaltoUniversity #graduated #LookingForJob #LookingForJobs #mastodon #fediverse #finland #suomi #remote #RemoteJob #RemoteJobs #software #SoftwareEngineer #engineer #europe #EU #design #development #web #WebDesign #WebDevelopment #accessibility #a11y #art #taide #pekkasipila
#hireme #master #masterofscience #msc #computerscience #aaltouniversity #graduated #lookingforjob #lookingforjobs #mastodon #fediverse #finland #suomi #remote #remotejob #remotejobs #software #softwareengineer #engineer #europe #eu #design #development #web #webdesign #webdevelopment #accessibility #a11y #art #taide #pekkasipila
Akash Dhaka successfully defended his thesis "Robust and Automated Variational Inference" at Aalto University even the opponent Maurizio Filippone completely knocked him out once!
The thesis is available at https://aaltodoc.aalto.fi/handle/123456789/118636
In a move I did not see coming when I started #taideryijy weaving, I stumbled into #datavisualization. I have a collaborative textile art and mechanical engineering project with Aalto University Professor Sven Bossuyt (that I hope to get funded). Currently a sample of it is at the #AaltoUniversity exhibition Dialogues, that presents collaborative projects involving textile development and innovation with various science fields.
#taideryijy #datavisualization #aaltouniversity
Computer Science department at Aalto University (my department) has open call for tenure track assistant professors. The call mentions some focus areas, but any topic related to CS is valid. As we have strong Bayesian/ML/AI community in Aalto, this would be a great opportunity for someone working on computational Bayesian methods, probabilistic programming, ML or AI.
More information at https://www.aalto.fi/en/open-positions/assistant-professors-computer-science
Aalto University and University Helsinki have strong Bayesian/ML/AI community. We contribute to open source software packages. Aalto pays postdocs well compared to many other countries. We have plenty of travel funds. Occupational and national public healthcare in Finland are great and free. You can manage in work and everyday life well with English (no need to learn Finnish unless you want to)
#universityofhelsinki #aaltouniversity
I skied to work today. The roads were cleared in the morning, but this was the one of the rare days with more snow coming during the day and there was enough snow in the roads that biking would have been inconvenient, but skiing was possible #AaltoUniversity
تولید مثل جنایت علیه بشریت
Procreation is the mankind's biggest crimes:
"Matti Häyry is a professor of Philosophy at Aalto University School of Business in Helsinki Finland, and the original author of The Risk Argument for Antinatalism!": https://www.facebook.com/Antinatalism.Persian/posts/pfbid0Ur4JCzPX5UHDmYZgETByWqUNn3YPHMeNV3ed4FgXQpxGdqro7ktWXuS4UgBphDs9l
#Aaltoyliopisto #MattiHäyry #Aalto-yliopisto #AaltoUniversity #Antinatalism
#aaltoyliopisto #mattihayry #aalto #aaltouniversity #antinatalism
@FCAI Update on Zheyang’s status: The opponent got there on the last minute, gave an enlightening view of the position of the thesis in #BayesianModeling and #GaussianProcess es, and asked a set of broad and challenging questions. Zheyand did outstandingly well, with still some unsolved questions which he will be eager to pursue when on the job market at some point. Big congrats Zheyang Shen and many thanks opponent Chris Oates! #PhD #AaltoUniversity @FCAI
#bayesianmodeling #gaussianprocess #phd #aaltouniversity
Hello world! I am a German Finnish lawyer with a focus on Data Protection and regulation law. I teach #aaltouniversity and #helsinkiuniversity #twobirds is where I practice law. I am still figuring out how I can follow the same people like on Twitter.
#aaltouniversity #helsinkiuniversity #twobirds
Nitin Sawhney #AaltoUniversity talks about the role of AI in art, science, and society #NordicAiMeet
#aaltouniversity #nordicaimeet