New in #AI #ML that is not #chatgpt
I am STOKED about our research on #OpenWorldLearning at #AAMAS 2023.
#OWL is a novel learning paradigm. The three waves of #AI share a common design pattern. Phase 1 - program/train the inference algorithm; Phase 2 - deploy it. If deployment finds some unhandled usecases, go back the the first phase.
#OWL breaks this cycle & builds systems can #learn like #humans - they learn autonomously AFTER they has been deployed.
#ai #ml #chatgpt #openworldlearning #aamas #owl #learn #Humans
We invite PhD students working in the general research area served by the International Conf. on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems to take part in the Doctoral Consortium (DC) of #AAMAS in London, UK, in May/June 2023. The DC is an opportunity to interact closely with established researchers in your field as well as other students, to receive feedback on your work, and to get advice on managing your career.
Deadline: 25th Jan (must reg. 20th Jan)
Malestar compartit, una eina de canvi #Assemblead’afectadespelmasclismeielpatriarcatdeManresa #FederacióSalutMentalCatalunya #Grupsd’ajudamútua #PAHCBaixMontseny #DonesdelPendès #RàdioNikosia #salutmental #Activament #OrgullBoig #Cruïlla #Insania #AAMAS
#Assemblead #FederacióSalutMentalCatalunya #Grupsd #PAHCBaixMontseny #DonesdelPendès #RàdioNikosia #salutmental #Activament #OrgullBoig #cruïlla #INSANIA #aamas