📬 AAPA möchte am liebsten alle technischen Geräte verbieten
#IPTV #Rechtssachen #Streaming #AAPA #AudiovisualAntiPiracyAlliance #EUIPO #ParkAssociates #SheilaCassells #UniversitätBournemouth https://tarnkappe.info/artikel/rechtssachen/aapa-moechte-am-liebsten-alle-technischen-geraete-verbieten-280369.html
#iptv #Rechtssachen #streaming #aapa #audiovisualantipiracyalliance #euipo #parkassociates #sheilacassells #universitatbournemouth
TorrentFreak: Should Any Device Which Can Be Used to Infringe IP Be Made Illegal? https://torrentfreak.com/should-any-device-which-can-be-used-to-infringe-ip-be-made-illegal230908/ #Anti-Piracy #AAPA
TorrentFreak: Should Any Device Which Can Be Used to Infringe IP Be Made Illegal? https://torrentfreak.com/should-any-device-which-can-be-used-to-infringe-ip-be-made-illegal230908/ #Anti-Piracy #AAPA
"This bookstore, for me, is a continuation of the movement, the activity, the interest, so that part will continue. It’s just that this space, and the lease, won’t be around."
So sad to hear Eastwind Books in Berkeley is closing. I used to love going there when visiting fam in SF. Thanks to @iriskwok for this rich and lively account of its history and significance in relation to the Asian American organising, the International Hotel, Third World Liberation Front and more. May the spirit of Eastwind continue in other ways, beyond the space, beyond the lease...
#asianamerican #antiracism #antiimperialism #decolonisation #organising #aapi #berkeley #sanfrancisco #ihotel #internationalhotel #aapa #books #bookstores #history #sfba #ethnicstudies #esea
#asianamerican #antiracism #antiimperialism #decolonisation #organising #aapi #berkeley #sanfrancisco #ihotel #internationalhotel #aapa #books #bookstores #history #sfba #ethnicstudies #ESEA
📬 IPTV-Piraterie im Trend: 17 Millionen Europäer streamen illegal
#IPTV #Streaming #AAPA #AudiovisualAntiPiracyAlliance #Europa #iptvpiraterie #Pirateriedienste #Raubkopierer #Streamingdienste https://tarnkappe.info/artikel/iptv/iptv-piraterie-im-trend-17-millionen-europaeer-streamen-illegal-262514.html
#streamingdienste #raubkopierer #pirateriedienste #iptvpiraterie #europa #audiovisualantipiracyalliance #aapa #streaming #iptv
#TorrentFreak : IPTV: Anti-Piracy Coalition Reveals ‘Offshore Hosting’ Challenges https://torrentfreak.com/xmas-iptv-anti-piracy-coalition-reveals-offshore-hosting-challenges-221226/ #Anti-Piracy #anti-piracy #AAPA #Bein #iptv
#torrentfreak #anti #aapa #bein #iptv
RT @MDMagazine
Dr. Jennifer Orozco, DMSc, PA-C, DFAAPA, president and chair of @AAPAorg, discussed her @dermPA presentation on physician associates in today's medical system #DermPAFall #SDPA #dermatology #AAPA: http://ow.ly/Rkge50LIrwk
#dermpafall #sdpa #dermatology #aapa