@vuamsterdam looking forward to see new faces, learn new names, meet new talents! #Aardwetenschappen
#geology you know you are working at an earth sciences department when everyone has it's own rock to keep the door open in warm weather 😀 for some air movement @vuamsterdam #Aardwetenschappen
Utrillas sands, silt & clays. Dunes, rivers, shallow marine. Cerro Fortaleza, fieldwork #Aardwetenschappen #geology @vuamsterdam
Another fieldday with students, teaching them the 4D complexity of system Earth. #Aardwetenschappen #Spain #Prebetics
#prebetics #spain #aardwetenschappen
Due to the heavy rains of last weeks, quite some fresh outcrops show nice examples of #sedimentary #geology structures. #fieldwork #Aardwetenschappen @vuamsterdam #Spain.
#spain #aardwetenschappen #fieldwork #geology #sedimentary
La tormenta acercándose.. #geology #fieldwork #aardwetenschappen #Spain
#spain #aardwetenschappen #fieldwork #geology
Just got my geological hammer through security for the high-speed train Barcelona Valencia. I guess I looked 'geologist' enough, with mountain boots and backpacks... so far the image people have... #aardwetenschappen #earthsciences @vuamsterdam #train #trainnoplane
#trainnoplane #train #earthsciences #aardwetenschappen
Always a nice moment: teaching Geohistory Analysis or backstripping to the students. First they draw an accumalation curve for different wells and sections in the Ebro foreland, than thinking about what else to include and what pattern it shows.. Thanks to the Barcelona geology team for this nice teaching material. #geology #aardwetenschappen @VrijeUniversiteit
Net even bij @nieuwsenco@birdsite.wilde.cloud #NieuwsenCo @nporadio1 #radio1 wat mogen vertellen over actieve #vulkanen op #Venus! https://www.nporadio1.nl/uitzendingen/nieuws-en-co/4bf4ccf1-b492-4283-95a1-e0660904758b/2023-03-17-nieuws-en-co, vanaf ~00:24
#aardwetenschappen @VrijeUniversiteit
#aardwetenschappen #venus #vulkanen #radio1 #nieuwsenco
Some very nice 'outcrops' #UrbanGeology #UrbanFieldwork #ZuidAs #amsterdam @VrijeUniversiteit #aardwetenschappen
#aardwetenschappen #amsterdam #zuidas #urbanfieldwork #urbangeology
Always nice to go out and study sedimentairy facies on the beach! #earthsciences #aardwetenschappen
#aardwetenschappen #earthsciences
After several lectures on the subsurface #geology of the Netherlands (including offshore), a geo-contest for the students. Nine cores, nine possible stratigraphic units. Task: match both... #northseacores #vrije #universiteit #aardwetenschappen
#aardwetenschappen #universiteit #vrije #northseacores #geology
#tectonics #geology #aardwetenschappen #volcanoes #structural #españa @VrijeUniversiteit #amsterdam
#amsterdam #espana #structural #volcanoes #aardwetenschappen #geology #tectonics