Glædelig mandag. Just sending you a postcard from #Aarhus, just to say that I hope this week treats you well.
Like one of those stressful Captchas where the barest half-millimetre of the traffic light may or may not have edged into a neighbouring square, I don't know whether to tag this #WindowFriday or #Bloomscrolling
#WindowFriday #Bloomscrolling #aarhus
For #FensterFreitag, the Rainbow Panorama walkway at #ARoS in #Aarhus again, this time from a couple of weeks ago. #Denmark #Danmark
#danmark #denmark #aarhus #aros #fensterfreitag
If this hollyhock were human, it would wear a cravat
The city’s new 1000 m2 mural champions the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals. It is painted at the cruise ship quay. Every time I see a cruise ship towering over it, my brain starts to whimper.
This seabird has been sitting on this rock for hours. At intervals, it half-spreads its wings and sits completely motionless like that for minutes. Then folds them, and sits completely still like that for a while. It doesn't seem to be in pain or distress. I've decided that it is trying to woo the crane.
Striking cloud formations, all the time, every day. All the weathers, all at once, all the time. All Summer, and now in Autumn.
I don't know whether to admire them or be nervous about them. That niggling question keeps nibbling at me: it this weather or is this climate change?
Glædelig mandag. Just sending you a postcard from #Aarhus, just to say that I hope this week treats you well.
I must look like an Old Woman Yells At Clouds meme as I wander around town nowadays. I keep staring at the sky because every day, every hour, everywhere, the clouds look overwrought. Too low, too thick, too swirly, too many kinds at once. Storm clouds mixed into fluffy white clouds. Grey and and black and white and orange clouds mixed, surrounded by cloudless deep blue sky.
Maybe I will yell at them. I'll yell: ‘Are you weather or are you climate change?!’
I went to see an exhibition of the work of the Icelandic pop artist #Érro at the #ARoS gallery in #Aarhus today. A lot of his work is based on collages of comics which he then paints on a large scale. See the collage and the final work below.
The work is interesting but unfortunately he does not credit the original artists, so raises similar issues to the work of #RoyLichtenstein. 1/
#RoyLichtenstein #aarhus #aros #Erro
Kampanilen in #Aarhus, a new building in the regenerated docklands area of #AarhusØ. The clock is made up of windows, so it’s another #FensterFreitag post. #architecture
#architecture #fensterfreitag #aarhuso #aarhus
For #FensterFreitag, here’s the #MoesgaardMuseum in #Aarhus, yesterday.
The building is a historical, archaeological and anthropological museum with exhibitions covering the Stone Age through to the Middle Ages. Many exhibits are well-preserved from bogs, notably the Iron Age bog body Grauballe Man.
The huge sloping concrete structure with a grassed roof which visitors can walk on was designed by Henning Larsen Architects A/S and landscape architect Kirstine Jensen, and opened in 2014.
#aarhus #moesgaardmuseum #fensterfreitag
Glædelig mandag. Just sending you a postcard from #Aarhus, just to say that I hope this week treats you well.
So happy to finally be cooking with lamb for the first time since moving to #Aarhus. Took a trip out to #bazarvest yesterday to pick up a shoulder of lamb, and now have a some saag gosht simmering on the stove.
Off for my first work trip since the before times, to my old stomping grounds of #Cambridge and then #Aarhus