Vergeet Taylor Swift, de grootste van alle pupillen van #AaronDessner is deze singer-songwriter.
Ze brengt meer geloofwaardige songs dan haar "grote zus" waarmee ze nu op tournee was.
In 2019 zat ze nog filmpjes te posten met covers van haar grote voorbeelden om dan stilletjes te groeien en met de regelmaat van de klok een single te releasen, en vanaf nu tekstuele pareltjes brengend op haar eigen debuutalbum.
Prachtig gewoon.
#aarondessner #gracieabrams #goodriddance #bestmusic2023
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: A Personal (Unhinged) Ranking of All of Taylor Swift's Surprise Songs So Far #Jezebel #taylorswift27sreputationstadiumtour #entertainment2cculture #theothersideofthedoor #deathbyathousandcuts #the1989worldtour #stephencolletti #phoebebridgers #outofthewoods #marcusmumford #humaninterest #baxtertaylor #stateofgrace #aarondessner #concerttours #jackantonoff #timmcgraw
#jezebel #taylorswift27sreputationstadiumtour #entertainment2cculture #theothersideofthedoor #deathbyathousandcuts #the1989worldtour #stephencolletti #PhoebeBridgers #outofthewoods #marcusmumford #humaninterest #baxtertaylor #stateofgrace #aarondessner #concerttours #jackantonoff #timmcgraw
Apple Music Live: Ed Sheeran startet Staffel mit exklusiver Performance
Die zweite Staffel der erfolgreichen Live-Performance-Serie Apple Music Live startet am 10. Mai 2023. Weltstar Ed Sheeran erรถffnet die Staffel mit einem exklusiven Konzert im Londoner Eventim Apoll
#News #AppleTV #EdSheeran #AppleMusicLive #neueStaffel #exklusivesKonzert #EventimApollo #Subtract #AaronDessner
#News #appletv #edsheeran #applemusiclive #neuestaffel #exklusiveskonzert #eventimapollo #subtract #aarondessner
๐ #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music's #6MusicArtistCollection
Matt Berninger, The National, Bryce Dessner, Aaron Dessner, Scott Devendorf, Ben Lanz & Kyle Resnick:
๐ต Carin at the Liquor Store (6 Music Session, 26 Sep 2017)
#nowplaying #bbc6music #6MusicArtistCollection #MattBerninger #thenational #brycedessner #aarondessner
๐ #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music's #6MusicArtistCollection
Matt Berninger, The National, Bryce Dessner, Aaron Dessner, Scott Devendorf, Ben Lanz & Kyle Resnick:
๐ต Nobody Else Will Be There (6 Music Session, 26 Sep 2017)
#nowplaying #bbc6music #6MusicArtistCollection #MattBerninger #thenational #brycedessner #aarondessner
๐ #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music's #6MusicArtistCollection
Matt Berninger, The National, Aaron Dessner, Scott Devendorf, Bryce Dessner, Bryan Devendorf, Kyle Resnick & Benjamin Lanz:
๐ต Graceless (6Music Session, 8 Apr 2013)
#nowplaying #bbc6music #6MusicArtistCollection #MattBerninger #thenational #aarondessner #kyleresnick
๐ #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music's #6MusicArtistCollection
Matt Berninger, The National, Aaron Dessner, Scott Devendorf, Bryce Dessner, Bryan Devendorf, Kyle Resnick & Benjamin Lanz:
๐ต Heavenfaced (6Music Session, 8 Apr 2013)
#nowplaying #bbc6music #6MusicArtistCollection #MattBerninger #thenational #aarondessner
๐ #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music's #6MusicArtistCollection
Matt Berninger, The National, Aaron Dessner, Scott Devendorf, Bryce Dessner, Bryan Devendorf, Kyle Resnick & Benjamin Lanz:
๐ต Demons (6Music Session, 8 Apr 2013)
#nowplaying #bbc6music #6MusicArtistCollection #MattBerninger #thenational #aarondessner #scottdevendorf
๐ #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music's #TheMorningAfterMix
Aaron Dessner, Bryan Devendorf, Bryce Dessner, Hideaki Aomori, Maria Jeffers, Marla Hansen, Matt Berninger, Nadia Sirota, Richard Reed Parry, Rob Moose, Thomas Bartlett, Mads BRAUER & The National:
๐ต Sorrow
#nowplaying #bbc6music #TheMorningAfterMix #aarondessner
#mastodaoine #indiemusic #indie #music #newmusic
The @GildedALM #AlbumOfTheWeek is COMPLETE MOUNTAIN ALMANAC ( #aarondessner #brycedessner of #TheNational #JessDessner #rebekkakarijord ) on #BellaUnion
Buy ๐ฎ๐ช indie โฌ๏ธ
๐NOW on #Spotify โฌ๏ธ
#mastodaoine #indiemusic #indie #music #newmusic #AlbumOfTheWeek #aarondessner #brycedessner #thenational #jessdessner #rebekkakarijord #BellaUnion #spotify
๐ #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music's #CerysMatthews
Complete Mountain Almanac, Rebekka Karijord, Bryce Dessner, Aaron Dessner & Jessica Dessner:
๐ต February
#CompleteMountainAlmanac #RebekkaKarijord #BryceDessner #AaronDessner #JessicaDessner
#nowplaying #bbc6music #CerysMatthews #completemountainalmanac #rebekkakarijord #brycedessner #aarondessner #jessicadessner