@simonezanella Magari qualcosa di/su #AaronSwartz? Anche il documentario, "*The Internet's Own Boy"*.
Consiglio anche "*Hello World: Being Human in the Age of Algorithms*" di Hannah Fry e *"Weapons of Math Destruction: How Big Data Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy" *di Cathy O'Neil (entrambi disponibili in traduzione)
Un po' borderline, invece, *"American Kingpin: The Epic Hunt for the Criminal Mastermind Behind the Silk Road" *di Nick Bilton (non so se ne esista una traduzione)
#10yrsago First 100 pages of #AaronSwartz’s Secret Service files https://www.wired.com/2013/08/swartz-foia-release/
#10yrsago Ruling: Copying articles for patent lawyers’ reference is #FairUse https://web.archive.org/web/20130804061153/http://gigaom.com/2013/08/01/judge-says-patent-lawyers-have-right-to-science-articles-under-fair-use/
#10yrsago #NZ prime minister #JohnKey: We have to spy on you because al-Qaeda has training camps here. Also: FISH! https://web.archive.org/web/20130803111024/http://www.rotoruadailypost.co.nz/news/john-key-defends-Al-Qaeda-statement/1967860/
#10yrsago #WinCo: #WorkerOwned grocery chain that pays benefits, pensions, living wages — and has lower prices than WalMart https://business.time.com/2013/08/07/meet-the-low-key-low-cost-grocery-chain-being-called-wal-marts-worst-nightmare/
#10yrsago #aaronswartz #fairuse #nz #johnkey #winco #workerowned
Aaron y su Web programable.
#websemantica #semanticweb #webprogramable #aaronswartz
#aaronswartz #webprogramable #semanticweb #websemantica
#15yrsago #DMCA does not apply to US government, which can crack #DRM with impunity https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2008/08/air-force-cracks-software-carpet-bombs-dmca/
#10yrsago Attacking the popular #Kwikset lock: open in 15 seconds with a screwdriver and a paper clip https://www.wired.com/2013/08/kwikset-smarkey-lock-vulns/
#10yrsago Six blatant lies about spying from the #NSA up to Obama https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eptZuXkUGmI
#10yrsago Prosecutor #StephenHeymann told #MIT that #AaronSwartz was like a rapist who blames his victim https://web.archive.org/web/20130804190514/http://news.firedoglake.com/2013/08/01/prosecutor-stephen-heymann-compared-aaron-swartz-to-rapist/
#15yrsago #dmca #drm #10yrsago #kwikset #nsa #stephenheymann #mit #aaronswartz
#10yrsago #NSA’s new meanings for common terms https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2013/07/nsa-lexicon-how-james-clapper-and-other-u-s-officials-mislead-the-american-public-without-lying.html
#10yrsago EFF: #MIT was not “neutral” on #AaronSwartz; actively assisted in his prosecution https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2013/07/mit-aarons-swartz-case-not-neutral-not-leading-not-standing-technologists
#10yrsago Molly Crabapple goes to #GuantanamoBay https://www.vice.com/en/article/av4wpk/it-dont-gitmo-better-than-this-0001000-v20n8
#10yrsago Prominent politicians and negotiators in poor countries speak out against #TPP https://www.techdirt.com/2013/07/30/discontent-with-secrecy-one-sided-nature-tpp-spreads-among-participating-nations/
#10yrsago #nsa #mit #aaronswartz #guantanamobay #tpp
#10yrsago Dentist sued over “I own your criticism” agreement vanishes https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2013/07/dentist-who-used-copyright-to-silence-her-patients-is-on-the-run/
#10yrsago #Rotolight sends fraudulent takedown notice to censor unfavorable review https://notesonvideo.blogspot.com/2013/07/using-copyright-infringement-claim-to.html
#10yrsago MIT report on #AaronSwartz's prosecution is out, and it's a "whitewash" https://tarensk.tumblr.com/post/56881327662/mit-report-is-a-whitewash-my-statement-in
#10yrsago US spies supplied intelligence on investigative journalist to NZ military http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/8972743/US-spy-agencies-eavesdrop-on-Kiwi
#10yrsago #rotolight #aaronswartz
#15yrsago Shanghainese disco bunny steals UK govt official’s heart, nicks his #Blackberry https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/gordon-brown-aide-a-victim-of-honeytrap-operation-by-chinese-agents-38803lj6qxn
#10yrsago #TSA screening about to get a lot worse https://memex.craphound.com/2013/07/19/tsa-screening-about-to-get-a-lot-worse/
#10yrsago #TSA orders airport valets to search parked cars https://web.archive.org/web/20130721045336/https://www.whec.com/news/stories/S3101080.shtml?cat=566
#10yrsago #MIT blocking release of #AaronSwartz’s Secret Service files https://www.wired.com/2013/07/mit-swartz-intervene/
#10yrsago MIT and Aaron Swartz’s Secret Service files: what has MIT got to hide? https://freedom-to-tinker.com/2013/07/19/mit-asks-to-intervene-in-swartz-foia-suit/
#15yrsago #blackberry #10yrsago #tsa #mit #aaronswartz
Experience the inspiring journey of #AaronSwartz in the #documentary #TheInternetsOwnBoy - his values and beliefs led him to take action. Watch and be inspired
#aaronswartz #documentary #theinternetsownboy
#15yrsago Con-artists join the war on photographers https://web.archive.org/web/20080717053614/https://scottkelby.com/blog/2008/archives/1649
#10yrsago @eff and Public Resource win: public safety standards aren’t copyrighted https://www.eff.org/press/releases/publicresourceorg-prevails-free-speech-case-over-publishing-safety-standards
#10yrsago The Optimist: #Disney alternate reality game https://web.archive.org/web/20130713064904/http://optimist.disney.com/?CMP=SOC-DPFY13Q4ExploreWaltDisneysVisionofTomorrowJoinTheOptimist000108-07-13
#10yrsago Judge orders Secret Service to release #AaronSwartz’s files https://www.wired.com/2013/07/swartz-foia/?cid=9593124
#10yrsago Templar: historical caper graphic novel from Prince of Persia creator https://memex.craphound.com/2013/07/10/templar-historical-caper-graphic-novel-from-prince-of-persia-creator/
#15yrsago #10yrsago #disney #aaronswartz
Sosyal medya savaşlarının alevlendiği bu günlerde Aaron'u da analım🌻
Hayatı boyunca bilginin özgür olması için mücadele etmiş, bu mücadelesini "Gerilla Açık Erişim manifestosu" ile teorize etmiştir.
Onu bilgisayar korsanı diyerek tutukladılar ve bir hücreye attılar.
"Mutlu olmak istemiyorum, dünyayı değiştirmek istiyorum" diyen Aaron benim kahramanımdır.
Worklab 2023 program for tomorrow Fri June 23: “Desire to collect" - #OpenSource Tools with @muimota Martin Nadal, #RicardoGines, @AndreasZingerle, special afternoon: Sylvia Petrovic-Majer (@openglamat) on 'How-to start a #roadmap' https://mur.at/project/worklab-2023/ #artisticresearch, #diyarchiving #AaronSwartz #KIG #graz #opensource #libraries #archives
#opensource #ricardogines #roadmap #ArtisticResearch #diyarchiving #aaronswartz #KIG #graz #libraries #archives
@scarpentier Right, lol. True. Altho I was always supportive of #Reddit before now. Starting with my appreciation of #AaronSwartz; their content policy allowed for NSFW; RES and Toolbox extensions were fantastic; a plethora of 3P apps...
I spent $$ on Reddit supporting it - gold & badges, etc. in the same way I've spent $$ on Tumblr supporting it.
For-profit companies aren't evil until they start pulling this greedy shit sacrificing users for $$ and (fuck) u/spez goes off praising #ElonMusk
#reddit #elonmusk #aaronswartz
Ricardo Ginés (#TacticalTech) on ‘#AaronSwartz, #OpenAccess movement’ https://mur.at/project/worklab-2023/ #kig #graz #worklab2023 #diyarchiving #libraries #opensource #openknowledge
#tacticaltech #aaronswartz #openaccess #KIG #graz #worklab2023 #diyarchiving #libraries #opensource #openknowledge
Worklab 2023 program for tomorrow Thu June 22: "Make Archiving (un)sexy again?" with @LR (@forumstadtpark), #Ricardogines (#TacticalTech), Evelyn Tschernko (#AAI Graz), @JeanFred (#wikidata), NOWA Graz, Fabricio Lamoncha https://mur.at/project/worklab-2023/ #artisticresearch, #diyarchiving #aaronswartz #KIG Graz #worklab2023
#ricardogines #tacticaltech #aai #wikidata #ArtisticResearch #diyarchiving #aaronswartz #KIG #worklab2023
Public presentation today June 21, 18:00 at #KIG Kultur in Graz to kickoff the program #artisticresearch #archive #diyarchiving #libraries #AaronSwartz #tacticaltech, #investigativejournalism #diy @Info_Activism
#openglam #graz #kig #opensource https://mur.at/project/worklab-2023/
#KIG #ArtisticResearch #archive #diyarchiving #libraries #aaronswartz #tacticaltech #investigativejournalism #diy #openglam #graz #opensource
Looking forward to this years #worklab June 21-24, Graz, with many interesting speakers on #artisticresearch #archive #diyarchiving #libraries #AaronSwartz #tacticaltech #investigativejournalism #diy @Info_Activism @OpenGLAMat #graz #kig #opensource https://mur.at/project/worklab-2023/ pls register for free online!
#worklab #ArtisticResearch #archive #diyarchiving #libraries #aaronswartz #tacticaltech #investigativejournalism #diy #graz #KIG #opensource
Looking forward to the @murpunktat - worklab in #Graz this week: A bundle of interesting talks and workshops, from #AaronSwartz to #Archive concepts.
L’hypercentralisation de Reddit, c’est, une fois de plus, Aaron Swartz qu’on assassine.
On fait ce qu’on peut mon frère, mais tu n’es pas prêt de reposer en paix.
What Would Aaron Swartz Think Of Reddit’s Ridiculous New Direction?
https://www.techdirt.com/2023/06/12/what-would-aaron-swartz-think-of-reddits-ridiculous-new-api-fees/ #AaronSwartz #Reddit #Kbin #Lemmy
#aaronswartz #reddit #kbin #lemmy
@Eve19925 Dieser hier, der #RFC Nummer 3870, von dem legendären #AaronSwartz, beschäftigt sich mit einem Thema aus dem #RDF-Umfeld: