@darkasvim 1. I don’t buy them anymore, see https://social.sdf.org/@mjgardner/111030499559477206
2. My wife signed me up for an #AARP secondary membership yesterday. Guilty and old as charged.
3. #Trademarks don't work like that, kid.
The 10 drugs up for Medicare price negotiation have seen steep price hikes - Enlarge (credit: Getty | YinYang)
The first 10 prescription dr... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1964177 #pharmaceuticalindustry #inflationreductionact #prescriptiondrugs #drugpricing #medicare #science #health #aarp #cms #hhs
#hhs #cms #aarp #health #science #medicare #drugpricing #prescriptiondrugs #InflationReductionAct #pharmaceuticalindustry
Enjoyed working the AARP San Jose booth at SVPride today. Great event, and glad so many had such a great time! #AARP
If you're a senior looking for interesting free classes and other resources online, check out Senior Planet, which is an #AARP service. This is a webinar we conducted back in Apr-2023 that covers Senior Planet's many offerings.
#AARP: "During a hot Texas summer and heat wave, living in low-quality, inefficient housing with no air conditioning or refrigeration for food and medicine could be a death sentence for seniors, young children, medically vulnerable citizens, and others" #power #grid #heatwaves #TX #TXwx "DEATH SENTENCE"
#aarp #power #grid #heatwaves #tx #txwx
Fight in #Texas over disconnection of #power during #heatwaves (#AARP and consumer groups vs. power companies) #climate #law #electricity #grid https://www.kxan.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/40/2023/07/tca-aarp-emergency-petition-for-disconnection-moratorium-7-23442.pdf
#texas #power #heatwaves #aarp #Climate #law #electricity #grid
Since I am over 65, I could join the #AARP or some similar organization
Does anyone have an opinion on which org to join ?
eg is the Alliance for Retired Americans better then AARP ?
#retirement #SeniorCitizens #SocialSecurity #Medicare #Medicaid
#medicaid #medicare #socialsecurity #seniorcitizens #retirement #aarp
@zzclaybourne I am a reluctant #AARP member via their Medicare supplement plan. This is just one of many ways they are awful.
@unboxedcereal I have definitely thrown out my back by sneezing on more than one occasion. #aarp
Caution! These Drugs Can Cause Memory Loss | #AARP
If you’re experiencing forgetfulness, brain fog or confusion, check your medicine cabinet.
https://www.aarp.org/health/drugs-supplements/info-2017/caution-these-10-drugs-can-cause-memory-loss.html #Memory #Medications #MemoryLoss #Drugs #Brain
#aarp #memory #medications #memoryloss #drugs #brain
13 Processed Foods That Are Actually Good for You | #AARP
Not everything that comes in a box, bag or can wreaks havoc on a healthy diet.
https://www.aarp.org/health/healthy-living/info-2022/healthy-processed-foods.html #Food #ProcessedFood #HealthyLiving #Diet
#aarp #food #processedfood #healthyliving #diet
Jupiter formed less than 3 million years after the birth of the solar system, making it the eldest planet. Saturn formed shortly after, amassing less material since Jupiter gobbled such a large portion of the outer disk.
#science #sciencefacts #jupiter #protoplanet #planet #accretiondisk #aarp
#science #sciencefacts #Jupiter #protoplanet #planet #accretiondisk #aarp
How to opt-out of American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) marketing mail (both email and physical) as well as AARP sharing your name and address with select nonprofits:
Brooke Shields is about 54 weeks older than I am, and I'd hear stories about her over the years. I can't fathom how she was able to get through all those things, if true, that happened to her.
}“They wanted to make it a reality show. They wanted to sell my actual sexual awakening.” Brooke Shields seemed to have it all as a child star…{ #AARP #BrookeShields https://www.aarp.org/entertainment/television/info-2023/pretty-baby-brooke-shields-documentary.html
Brooke Shields is about 54 weeks older than I am, and I'd hear stories about her over the years. I can't fathom how she was able to get through all those things, if true, that happened to her.
}“They wanted to make it a reality show. They wanted to sell my actual sexual awakening.” Brooke Shields seemed to have it all as a child star…{ #AARP #BrookeShields aarp.org/entertainment/television/info-2023/pretty-baby-brooke-shields-documentary.html
You know how a lot of people get wiry and spry when they get #old? As someone who recently started receiving #AARP mailers, I can tell you why that is:
Lots of #exercise running around looking for our glasses and multiple trips up and down the stairs when we forgot what we were going up there for.
#old #aarp #exercise #eldercare #aging #memory
uh-oh. it took a decade or so, but they finally found me 😥 #AARP #CantHideForever
anyone know of companies working on this problem? https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=35410162
I don't know of any software ("MDM for seniors"), consulting ("MSP for seniors"), or membership/mailing list (a quarterly "AARP Tech Recommendations" with the changes in these comments - "Hand this flyer to your kids or grandkids").
arguably #AARP would be the ideal distributor, and maybe the only way to get the CAC and price low enough.
Today, I thought that I was able to, finally, qualify for #AARP perks. Instead, I found out that I have been missing out on free shit for, like, years. Thanks Obama...