Gibt es hier Personen, die Einblick in die konkrete Erschließungspraxis in #Museen (sekundär interessant vielleicht auch #Archive und #Bibliotheken) haben?
Mich würde interessieren, welche Software zum Einsatz kommt und welche #Normvokabulare nativ (oder aber nach Anpassung) unterstützt werden. #GND? #AAT? #VIAF? #iconclass
Für Reaktionen und Boosts herzlichen Dank!
#museen #archiv #bibliothek #normvokabular #gnd #aat #viaf #iconclass #openglam
Canadian Letter: ATI AirTest should move higher, this analyst says #canada #tech #Technology #Cleantech #Allposts #Analysts #aat
#Canada #Tech #technology #cleantech #Allposts #Analysts #aat
I'm off from work, I have an exam for my #accountancy certification tomorrow. I am reviewing, doing exercises. I feel like I know a lot about it and I got reassured by the mock tests. We'll see how it goes #AAT #Bookkeeping #bookkeeper #exam
#accountancy #aat #bookkeeping #bookkeeper #exam
Eine #Frage an die sportlichen Menschen hier im Fediverse. Welche #Opensource #FitnessTracker nutzt ihr um eure Aktivitäten, wie #Joggen, #Wandern, #Bergsteigen oder #Radfahren zu dokumentieren?
Ich habe in #Fdroid ein paar ein Apps dazu gefunden.
Welcher von den genannten Apps ist am empfehlenswertesten? Gibt es noch andere gute #TrackingApps?
#trackingapps #runnerup #aat #opentracks #fitotrack #fdroid #radfahren #bergsteigen #wandern #joggen #fitnesstracker #opensource #frage
The teals want to outlaw jobs for mates. Major parties will vote it down at their peril #nationalanticorruptioncommission #tealindependents #independents #jobsformates #SophieScamps #corruption #words_1000 #Integrity #Analysis #Politics #aat
#nationalanticorruptioncommission #tealindependents #independents #jobsformates #sophiescamps #corruption #words_1000 #integrity #analysis #politics #aat
Happy #Friday #ElevensesTime everyone :) I didn't finish chapter 5 of my #AAT accountancy studes yesterday, so that will be my target for the weekend - I'm such a party animal!
I started the revision to complete my #AAT qualification this year. Not sure if I made the right decision but the module I began with is Financial Statements for Limited Companies.
My mind is a little 🤯 right now!
Porter’s approach to the #AAT:
👩⚖️ experts removed, often after decisions critical of the govt
🤝 less qualified party lifers appointed on higher pay
“The consensus is that an AAT job is purely transactional, a way of rewarding Liberal Party members for services rendered to the party.”
@AlanBixter That was the whole idea behind the #LNPCorruptionParty plan to control the AAT and boot out anyone that didn't do their bidding to protect their crooked behaviour & practices. Thank crikey for Labor's cleaning up of these crooks. I wish they could all be thrown in jail.
#AAT #Robodebt #FederalICAC
#lnpcorruptionparty #aat #robodebt #federalicac #lnpneveragain
Can someone do a welfare check on Sophie Mirabella?
Don't do anything rash, Soph! There's vacancies at!
@kentparkstreet cannot tell you how happy I was to see they are abolishing that crony stacked nightmare#auspol #aat
@ausadrian I was right. The only way to get rid of the cancer is to kill the body. But be careful of the rats, cockroaches, centipedes and spiders that will scuttle and spread. #auspol #aat
Wonderful news. The #AAT was always supposed to be #independent of the executive but every #executive stacks them just #morrison was the absolute worst of all.
#aat #independent #executive #morrison
This is great news! #AAT to be demolished. Those going through the trauma of facing a politically stacked and biased 'courtroom' against Government QC's, especially #NDIS participants, will really appreciate the enormity of this.
That's great news. I like our new broom that's sweeping clean the 9 years of neglect and corruption, and, it's got the Murdoch tabloids in such a frenzy of muck raking desperately trying to swing people's attention away from all of Labor's good deeds and the embarrassing exposure of Morrison & his cretins 🤣
A joy to behold. 😀
#AAT #Labor #auspol #MurdochGutterMedia
#aat #labor #auspol #murdochguttermedia
AAT…”One of the most notoriously politicised bodies, the Administrative Appeals Tribunal, will be abolished after the attorney-general declared its reputation had been irreversibly damaged.
“A new merits-based body will be established in the new year”
#auspol #AAT #integrity #PublicService
#auspol #aat #integrity #publicservice
More excellent news! The #AAT had become a retirement plan for failed #Liberal politicians … #governance #accountability
#aat #liberal #governance #accountability