Xenni / Flea · @Xenni
19 followers · 202 posts · Server tabletop.social

After a year of playing her, joins the halls of retired DnD Characters. After discovering she was part demi-god and focusing rule of cool ALL OF HER POWER into a storm sphere to blow up the BBEG and bending reality a bit, she's gone back to being wherever the winds take her. I'm really going to miss her, she's been the most fun character I've had in a game.

As one door closes, another opens though, makes an appearance in the next camain, a Fae Fae Wanderer Ranger :D

#Wanda #dnd5e #aavia

Last updated 4 years ago

Xenni / Flea · @Xenni
19 followers · 202 posts · Server tabletop.social

@duotone I love adding random bits to my characters! Especially weird bits.

The party in my Friday DnD session have learned is scared of green. "Its unnatural!"

She's an Air Genasi, green represents Earth to her. Earth stops the movement of the wind, it has to go around :D


Last updated 4 years ago

Xenni / Flea · @Xenni
19 followers · 202 posts · Server tabletop.social

had fun last night. Out DM threw a hella-meta 4th wall breaking fight at us designed to unnerve us and our characters. I knew the solution, Aavia being the entity of chaos that she is, didn't - and essentially became paranoid as heck. To the point she's now actively distrusting the party. She's not attacking them, but the bag of devouring and bag of holding bombs is too close to her for the parties liking. :P


Last updated 4 years ago

Xenni / Flea · @Xenni
19 followers · 202 posts · Server tabletop.social

So updates on my games..
is still true chaotic, and is rapidly becoming a master of the elements, and is a fragment of a demigod of nature. oops.

is ready for his first game tonight after much buildup.

and have been retired. - one of my prerolls - saw 1 session before the group fell apart :( Div wiz with Nat20 and Nat1 on portent D:

#Seline #saria #vullyn #GodlikeORE #Magnus #dnd5e #aavia

Last updated 4 years ago

Xenni / Flea · @Xenni
19 followers · 202 posts · Server tabletop.social

How to know fate is against you. Not me and thankfully, but one in our party.

#roll20 #5e #aavia

Last updated 4 years ago

Xenni / Flea · @Xenni
19 followers · 202 posts · Server tabletop.social

How to scare the life out of your DnD group.
Suggest there's Earth, Water and Fire Genasi equivalent of your Actually True Chaotic Air Genasi, and all 4 should be brought together to create the Aaviatar. The fall out of pure horror and hysterical laughter was amazing.

#5e #aavia

Last updated 4 years ago

Xenni / Flea · @Xenni
19 followers · 202 posts · Server tabletop.social

How to mess with your players:
Give them a cursed reincarnation doll AND a scroll of revivify - then laugh like a Malkavian when the person bound to the doll dies after shoved the doll in the BoH when nobody was looking as the dead person was "transferring" to the doll.

The "doll" may have escaped and had a gust-boosted Aavia score a 23 on an acrobatics check to leap at the "doll" bag first, 10 more than *all* the opposing checks made....


Last updated 5 years ago

Xenni / Flea · @Xenni
19 followers · 202 posts · Server tabletop.social

logic got turned on one of the players who has obtained a cursed "perfect" doll.
It was 10 minutes of me talking almost endlessly about its flaws and the flaws in their argument. She found it funny when I did it against an NPC, she was stunned to have it turned on her and even more shocked to learn of talked like that 👿

#aavia #Moriveré #OtherlandLRP #5e #dnd

Last updated 5 years ago

Xenni / Flea · @Xenni
19 followers · 202 posts · Server tabletop.social

gained a tail from an air-elemental prosthetic... She can cast levitate on herself and then morph the tail slightly so she's got complete freedom in the air...

The party didn't realise this, and are now regretting letting the air-elemental keep the air-elemental prosthetic. She now has fly speed, and nobody else does.

#aavia #oops #5e #dnd

Last updated 5 years ago

Xenni / Flea · @Xenni
19 followers · 202 posts · Server tabletop.social

, the carefree and innocent embodiment of chaos has finally witnessed the death of someone close to her.

Rasmus Orellian, our level 4 fighter and the naming factor behind the Windbags passed, taking a massive 54 damage from low health killing him outright.

Aavia has never seen death until today. It's rocked her pretty damn hard.

#aavia #dnd #5e

Last updated 5 years ago

Xenni / Flea · @Xenni
19 followers · 202 posts · Server tabletop.social

I'm still laughing to myself about getting hyper on coffee, levitating around a village and being a general pain in the ass before ascending to the top of the tavern, levitate wearing off, and climbing into her bag of holding because she was curious what was in there.


Last updated 5 years ago

Xenni / Flea · @Xenni
19 followers · 202 posts · Server tabletop.social

finished up holding her breath and climbing into her bag of holding to see what it was like in there, after knocking half the village away with woodpecker knocking on doors and running away and ending up on top of the Tavern as levitate ran out.

#aavia #dnd #chaoticwhatthefuck

Last updated 5 years ago

Xenni / Flea · @Xenni
19 followers · 202 posts · Server tabletop.social

so a PC did a thing to unlock a lot of end-game plot early, peachy by me. Wasn't best pleased over being left for about an hour while the DM and this PC did their thing.
I decided, as doesn't need to breathe, she would go and win several drinking contests in the tavern. So she got absolutely hammered on Dwarven ale. The next day, someone fed her a 5 shot americano with 10 sugars and yaks milk... The embodiment of chaos with Levitate at will became pure chaos incarnate.

#aavia #dnd

Last updated 5 years ago

Xenni / Flea · @Xenni
19 followers · 202 posts · Server tabletop.social

strikes again. The embodiment of chaos managed to chaos logic the BBEG's left hand [Ming] into doubting everything she knew about him. What should've been a nasty fight with hidden warforged carrying muskets, ended up being a charisma-off. Rasmus was just straight talking and gave her a fair chance to make her point, Aavia just chaos-logiced counter points...

Like nobody could argue her weird logic because they either lacked perspective or they just made too much sense :D

#aavia #5e #dnd

Last updated 5 years ago

Xenni / Flea · @Xenni
19 followers · 202 posts · Server tabletop.social

After a discussion about good marketplace vs bad market places, we got talking about maps.
P1: So how do we tell the maps are any good? just rip a bit off and chew it?
P2: Wait a moment! This is not a legitimate map!!
DM: You can't cut a map with another map...
P1: Just tear the bit off and rub it on your gums..WAIT A MOMENT! THIS ISN'T PROPER PARCHMENT!
P3: Theres bad spots in this map! You've mixed paper with parchment!!!

#5e #aavia

Last updated 5 years ago

Xenni / Flea · @Xenni
19 followers · 202 posts · Server tabletop.social

Talking on a Sending Stone to the BBEG, our monk decided to rip one down the Sending Stone...

DM: Roll Performance with CON, low is quiet, 20 is loud and obnoxious, on a 1 you draw mud.

I may have broken down laughing... I'm totally not a child...

The sending stone is now with , who has a horn, and will be waking the BBEG up every day with a blast on the horn.


Last updated 5 years ago

Xenni / Flea · @Xenni
19 followers · 202 posts · Server tabletop.social

Gust of Wind is freaking amazing for indoor combat control. For a spell taken as a gimmick, I'm genuinely loving it :D

#aavia #5e #dnd

Last updated 5 years ago

Xenni / Flea · @Xenni
19 followers · 202 posts · Server tabletop.social

the Air Genasi has moved into Evil Territory.
Gust has been used for interrogation purposes, windswept a bandit to make it hard to breathe [using the movement strength gust while he's against a wall and maintaining it]

I didn't want her to get to this point, but the others in my group are far too lawful and good... I'm now chaotic evil... oops.


Last updated 5 years ago

Xenni / Flea · @Xenni
19 followers · 202 posts · Server tabletop.social

Sneakillli@twitter.com decided to post this... we were fighting these as we got in the Feywild. This is the person playing Ana...

#dnd5e #aavia #brokenhorizons

Last updated 5 years ago

Xenni / Flea · @Xenni
19 followers · 202 posts · Server tabletop.social

So we got to the feywilds today via anchors... they let Aavia try and activate the anchors.

DM: As you're pushing and manipulating the magic, it feels like somethings missing, like somethings not quite there and theres a void.
Me: Aavia logic time! She's going to use Gust to push Ana into the rock!

Entire group: facepalm.
DM: Cracks up.
Ana: Fails the STR check and gets a face full of fey anchor stone.

#aavia #dnd5e #brokenhorizons

Last updated 5 years ago