Independent redistricting commissions are one tool to ensure that the process of redrawing our voting maps respects and fairly represents communities, neighborhoods, and shared interests. State Assembly Bill 1248 would require truly independent redistricting commissions in larger jurisdictions in California, including San Francisco. Learn about AB 1248, California's fair redistricting bill in our new blog post!
#FairMapsSF #VotingRights #SanFrancisco #SF #TheBayArea #SFBA #FairMaps #Elections #PeoplePoweredFairMaps #Redistricting #FairMapsSF #AB1248
#fairmapssf #VotingRights #sanfrancisco #sf #thebayarea #sfba #FairMaps #elections #peoplepoweredfairmaps #redistricting #ab1248
#BART also has really OFD districts, with D7 (Lateefah Simon) covering parts of San Francisco, Alameda and Contra Costa counties.
This is my district in Oakland.
Lateefah Simon is great, but this district seems designed to make her reelection difficult
For Alameda County, since the Supervisors themselves vote on the district maps, better representation will take state action to shift to independent redistricting commission.
Voters should choose their elected officials, not the other way around.
LA, San Diego, Kern, Riverside, Fresno already have independent redistricting commissions. #AB1248 from Assemblymember Isaac Bryan
would require it for counties, cities, school, & college districts with over 300,000 people