We are super-proud to announce the completion of our viability study for #PublicBankEastBay, as required by #AB857. This comprehensive and detailed document serves as the foundation for the Bank we are creating. Read it here; spread it widely!
RT @sfpublicbank@twitter.com
THANK YOU California Legislators for supporting #AB857 which will allow cities and regions to create public banks! We need to take back control of our tax dollars and use public funds for public good, not private greed! #PublicBanksNow
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/sfpublicbank/status/1133753672460988417
RT @HerbJWesson@twitter.com
California’s #publicbank bill #AB857 is heading to the Assembly floor! This is another huge step for this grassroots movement and the communities that have been underbanked and overcharged for far too long. We’re standing up to the big bank status quo. https://twitter.com/santiagoad53/status/1129135431189012480
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/HerbJWesson/status/1129145698228637697
RT @publicbankla@twitter.com
We need public banks for the same reason we need public libraries, public hospitals, public schools, public airports, public water systems & public parks. We need public institutions to make sure all members of the public — not just the rich and powerful 1% — are served.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/publicbankla/status/1129511753585287168