Global News BC: Multi-boat fire in False Creek renews questions about derelict vessel enforcement #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #falsecreekenforcement #FalseCreekBoatFire #CityofVancouver #TransportCanada #vancouverpolice #AbandonedBoats #derelictboats #boathazard #FalseCreek #Vancouver #boatfire #Canada
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #falsecreekenforcement #falsecreekboatfire #CityofVancouver #transportcanada #vancouverpolice #abandonedboats #derelictboats #boathazard #falsecreek #Vancouver #boatfire #Canada
Global News BC: Feds issue just 2 fines in 4 years for abandoned boats. Critics say itโs not enough #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #AbandonedorHazardousVesselsAct #FisheriesandOceansCanada #OceansProtectionPlan. #AbandonedVessels #marinepollution #AbandonedBoats #marinecleanup #MarineGarbage #MarineDebris #Environment #Pollution #Politics #Liberal #Wrecked #DFO
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #abandonedorhazardousvesselsact #FisheriesandOceansCanada #oceansprotectionplan #abandonedvessels #marinepollution #abandonedboats #marinecleanup #marinegarbage #marinedebris #environment #pollution #politics #liberal #wrecked #DFO
@oldbritishtelly The Clyde Puffer used in the series is berthed at Inveraray. It's my favourite photo subject when the Glasgow bus stops there for 5 minutes. I took these in 2012, and the Vital Spark's condition had sadly deteriorated by 2019. The blue boat, which was a floating restaurant, has gone. #abandonedboats #Scotland #Inveraray
#abandonedboats #scotland #inveraray
Good morning. A quick post with some more photos of the old boats and a slight view of Wales in the background. I've two cats wanting breakfast so I'll catch you later.๐
#OldBoats #boatyard #AbandonedBoats #Rewilding #RewildingBritain #Marshland #Marshlands #Wirral #RiverDee #Friday
#friday #riverdee #wirral #Marshlands #marshland #rewildingbritain #rewilding #abandonedboats #boatyard #oldboats