I might be really late on this but I discovered website that I think is just as amazing as myabandonware today through a youtube video by a channel called Dungeon Chill.
https://collectionchamber.blogspot.com I'm putting this post here for myself as much as everyone else. This kind of stuff is my jam. #classicgaming #abandonware #gaming
#classicgaming #abandonware #gaming
Wow. It gets better. Apparently an #Abandonware website is the #Bing "Official" result for the 1992 Space Crusade computer game 😆
If it wasn't abandonware then I think Microsoft might end up getting stern words from someone's lawyer!
@libreoffice @avon_deer @aetus yeah, that"s because #Oracle basically gave the original devs the middle finger and they hard-forked #OpenOffice to #LibreOffice.
And then Oracle made it basically #Abandonware so it ended up at the Apache Foundation...
Similar to #Sibelius vs. #Dorico but both are #CCSS and don't share any codebase whatsoever!
#ccss #dorico #sibelius #abandonware #LibreOffice #OpenOffice #Oracle
This morning's Steam Deck rabbithole... how to get Black & White running and seeing if it's possible to source a copy of War For Cybertron. Two properly great games that have evaporated into the ether due to stupid licensing/legal shennanigans.
Ayé ! Terminé ! 25 ans après sa sortie, j'ai rejoué avec plaisir à #Thief #DarkProject, jeu immersif où la progression se fait toute en furtivité (sinon gare à la sanction ☠️ ). Impressionné à l'époque par son ambiance sonore et son côté #steampunk médiéval, ce #jeu #AbandonWare conserve tout son charme.
L'anti-jeu de bourrin par excellence (même si j'aime bien aussi bourriner de temps en temps) #JeuxVideo
Si vous voulez le découvrir à votre tour, c'est par ici : https://www.abandonware-france.org/ltf_abandon/ltf_jeu.php?id=1195
#thief #darkproject #steampunk #jeu #abandonware #jeuxvideo
Una colección de horror independiente, Abandonware: The Horror Collection, ya está disponible en Steam
#noticias #abandonware #fossilgames
@getimiskon @KingEric @norshgaath @VaskosMD
Να προσθέσω (ή να θυμίσω) ότι πολλά παλιά open source & #abandonware που παίζουν στον browser με dos emulation έχει στο internet archive
καλό #καλοκαίρι
@ComputerBase Wir müssen darüber reden, wie wir mit #Abandonware und #Emulator|en umgehen wollen. Uns droht ein wichtiges Stück unserer Kulturgeschichte verloren zu gehen.
@heiseonline alles was nicht mehr vom Hersteller gepflegt wird, sollten die der Allgemeinheit zur Pflege übereignen müssen. Inklusive des Produkt- und Service-KnowHows.
Kampf der #Abandonware!
browsing through vetusware...
Out of 3 entire categories, literally just one package I'd like to have that I don't already have...
yeah I got the goods for msdos.
#vetusware #abandonware #msdos
Hacking Headaches: Keeping a Neurostimulator Working - We’ve heard a ton of stories over the years about abandoned technology — useful wi... - https://hackaday.com/2023/06/13/hacking-headaches-keeping-a-neurostimulator-working/ #sphenopalatineganglion #clusterheadache #neuromodulation #medicalhacks #repairhacks #abandonware #migraine #brick #nerve #neuro #spg
#spg #neuro #nerve #brick #Migraine #abandonware #repairhacks #medicalhacks #neuromodulation #clusterheadache #sphenopalatineganglion
Perhaps software #copyright should follow similar rules to patents (at least, how I understand them in the UK). Expires after 20 years, unless you apply in the 20th year for it to be renewed for a further 5. After that, PD.
#abandonware #retrocomputing #copyright
'Software copyright should officially expire after 20 years, clarifying the status of obsolete works and letting the support systems grow as they see fit. [...] Whether this newly freed software makes it into full open sourcehood would be for us all to decide, yet it would remove that barrier to freedom that "we want to make this FOSS, but there are licensed components we can't give away."'
#abandonware #oldtech #retrocomputing
@ShadowJonathan +9001%
I think that the #EU and all the other big governments should #outlaw #PlannedObsolescence & #ReducedLifecycle as the #EnvoirmentalCrime|s they are and also strip #Abandonware of any #IP rights protections like #DRM...
Also any infringement on #ConsumerRights is bad, including shit like "locking down firmware" to "enforce spectrum compliance" or whatever bullshit figleaf they make up...
#ConsumerRights #DRM #ip #abandonware #envoirmentalcrime #reducedlifecycle #plannedobsolescence #outlaw #EU
I wish that Kojima would take on a remake of the Silent Hill franchise too. #abandonware
PC Classics, Right In Your Browser With EmuOS https://hackaday.com/2023/05/06/pc-classics-right-in-your-browser-with-emuos/ #Retrocomputing #SoftwareHacks #abandonware #emulation #pcgaming #classic #vintage #windows #EmuOS #dos
#Retrocomputing #SoftwareHacks #abandonware #emulation #pcgaming #classic #vintage #windows #emuos #dos
PC Classics, Right In Your Browser With EmuOS - [Emupedia]’s work to preserve computer history by way of making classic and abando... - https://hackaday.com/2023/05/06/pc-classics-right-in-your-browser-with-emuos/ #retrocomputing #softwarehacks #abandonware #emulation #pcgaming #classic #vintage #windows #emuos #dos
#dos #emuos #windows #vintage #classic #pcgaming #emulation #abandonware #softwarehacks #retrocomputing