@samuraikid@freeatlantis.com @djsumdog
We're not big supporters of #meatEating. It'd be great for many, including in terms of #publicHealth, if we were somehow limited in our #meat intake.
We're quite sure that if we stopped bombing far flung places, incl' staging #coups that destabilise, there'd be no #slaveLabour on our shores in the #massProduction of #meatProducts at #abattoirs.
#meatIndustry #consumption #extremeImmigration #humanTrafficking #bigAg #abattoirWorkers #refugeeProduction #MICIMATT
#meatEating #publichealth #meat #coups #slavelabour #massproduction #meatProducts #abattoirs #meatindustry #consumption #extremeImmigration #humantrafficking #bigag #abattoirWorkers #refugeeProduction #MICIMATT
We agree on the premises of 2 and 3 but we doubt the efficacy of 1, given that #workerCoaxing and #workerExpoitation are still rife.
#migrantExploitation #wageSlavery #confidenceTrickery #tysonfoods #businessRoundtable #abattoirWorkers #meatConsumption #propertyCouncil #growthPushers #slums #sanFrancisco #losangeles #homelessness #urbanSprawl #gentrification #debtSlavery #overdevelopment #drugwar #racketeering
#workerCoaxing #workerExpoitation #migrantExploitation #wageslavery #confidenceTrickery #tysonfoods #BusinessRoundtable #abattoirWorkers #meatConsumption #PropertyCouncil #growthPushers #slums #sanfrancisco #losangeles #homelessness #urbanSprawl #gentrification #debtslavery #overdevelopment #drugwar #racketeering