#abbreviation : the form to which a word or phrase is reduced by contraction and omission
- German: die Abkürzung
- Italian: abbreviazione
- Portuguese: abreviação
- Spanish: abreviatura
See previous words @ https://wordofthehour.org/r/past
#abbreviation : the form to which a word or phrase is reduced by contraction and omission
- German: die Abkürzung
- Italian: abbreviazione
- Portuguese: abreviação
- Spanish: abreviatura
See previous words @ https://wordofthehour.org/r/past
Airport abbreviation origins
Here is a list of the busiest airports in the US along with a brief indication of the reason behind their abbreviations. Some require more explanation, given below.
@GreenFire #MTG @gabri
Not sure if the #context of the #abbreviation is relevant, but wouldn't a nice idea be a #mastodon server or even browser extension that just parsed text and added an html title to any #acronyms it recognised with a list of possible meanings?
Or even a courtesy code like a .dot placed before a term that forced a look-up?
As one forever rummaging around in specialist and niche accounts, I'm like 4 times an hour asking what that acro means.
#mtg #abbreviations #context #abbreviation #mastodon #acronyms
My undergraduate students mostly follow conventions in paper writing that are strange to me, but they all do it. Where do they learn them? For example, they all use semicolon where a colon is wanted; "pg." as abbreviation of "page"; no full stop at the end of a footnote; etc., etc. They have weird phraseological tics as well. Can anyone explain? #undergrad #punctuation #abbreviation #endofterm
#Undergrad #Punctuation #abbreviation #endofterm
In 2008 to 2009, Hulu provided user activity RSS feeds! I wish more companies provided those.
Today I'm going to replace my Hulu feed with my Mastodon feed in my Lifestream.
I'm "replacing" in the sense that the top of my Lifestream has "Table of Elements" index, and I'm replacing element "Hulu" with something for Mastodon. "Ma"? "Mstd"? What's 2 to 4 letters for Mastodon? #rssfeed #rss #lifestream #abbreviation https://david.dlma.com/lifestream/
#rssfeed #rss #Lifestream #abbreviation
I think we really missed out on getting .etm as a top level domain
#language #latin #abbreviation #tld
25A = 25th Amendment, etc...
2A = Second Amendment (to the US Constitution)
abbr = abbreviation
AI = artificial intelligence
A = amps
BBC = British Broadcasting Corporation
BFG = Big Friendly Giant (or Big Fucking Gun)
blm = Black Lives Matter
btw = by the way
CCP = Chinese Communist Party
CDC = Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
CDCP = the correct abbr for CDC
deco = decompression (scuba diving)
DFS = Dynamic Frequency Selection
disam = disambiguation
DS9 = Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
EMI = elecromagnetic interference
EM(R) = electromagnetic radiation
epr = Einstein–Podolsky–Rosen paradox
FDR = Franklin D. Roosevelt
fedi = fediverse
FWIW = For what it's worth
HGV = Hypersonic glide vehicle
IR = infrared
JFK = John Fitzgerald Kennedy
JPL = Jet Propulsion Laboratory
lol = (I am) laugh(ing) out loud
ms = millisecond
N95 = NIOSH rating for respirators (95% filtration)
N99 = NIOSH rating for respirators (99% filtration)
N100 = NIOSH rating for respirators (99.97% filtration)
NASA = NASA (everyone knows what NASA is)
NIOSH = National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
NPR = National Public Radio
OP = original post, original poster (the first post in this thread)
potus = President of the United States
qcd = quantum chromodynamics
qed = quantum electrodynamics
qm = quantum mechanics
ROC = Tiawan, Republic of China
scifi = science fiction
scotus = Supreme Court of the United States
scuba = self-contained underwater breathing appartus
STE(A)M = science, technology, engineering, (arts), math(s)
TIL = Today I learned
tmux = terminal multiplexer (a Linux utility)
TNG = Star Trek: The Next Generation
TOS = Star Trek: The Original Series; also, "Terms of Service"
u = micron (or micro-)
usec = microsecond
UTC = Coordinated Universal Time
V = volts
vax = vaccine
W = watts
wrt = with regard to
wtf = a profane exclamatory interrogative
www = World Wide Web
btw = by the way
wrt = with regard to
wtf = exclamation (not "why the fuss?")
CDC = Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
N95 = NIOSH rating for respirators (95% filtration)
NIOSH = National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
qed = quantum electrodynamics
qcd = quantum chromodynamics
qm = quantum mechanics
blm = Black Lives Matter
vax = vaccine
fedi = fediverse
scotus = Supreme Court of the United States
potus = President of the United States
AI = artificial intelligence
scifi = science fiction
epr = Einstein–Podolsky–Rosen paradox
2A = Second Amendment (to the US Constitution)
25A = 25th Amendment, etc...
JPL = Jet Propulsion Laboratory
NASA = NASA (everyone knows what NASA is)
FDR = Franklin D. Roosevelt
JFK = John Fitzgerald Kennedy
DS9 = Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
TNG = Star Trek: The Next Generation
TOS = Star Trek: The Original Series; also, "Terms of Service"
CCP = Chinese Communist Party
ROC = Tiawan, Republic of China
UTC = Coordinated Universal Time
NPR = National Public Radio
BBC = British Broadcasting Corporation
OP = original post, original poster (the first post in this thread)
IR = infrared
lol = (I am) laugh(ing) out loud
STE(A)M = science, technology, engineering, (arts), math(s)
EM(R) = electromagnetic radiation
EMI = elecromagnetic interference
A,V,W = amps, volts, watts
u = micron
usec = microsecond
ms = millisecond
www = World Wide Web
TIL = transparent intensional logic
#abbreviation #acronym #Disambiguation
@freemo #artdeco #scuba #art
#abbreviation #disambiguation
Here's a nice deco scuba piece by Pablo Romero:
#artdeco #scuba #art #abbreviation #Disambiguation