#NewsCorpse #ABC4Corners #FoxSpin #MurdochRC #SarahFerguson
Four Corners’ Fox News documentary breached ABC editorial code but did not violate impartiality standards https://www.theguardian.com/media/2022/dec/21/four-corners-fox-news-documentary-breached-abc-editorial-code-but-did-not-violate-impartiality-standards?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
#newscorpse #abc4corners #foxspin #murdochrc #sarahferguson
I think it high time that the #ABC replace reference to ‘bird site’ with the term ‘social media’ when directing users to use a hashtag to comment on a program
#TheDrum #ABC730 #730Report #ABCInsiders #Insiders #ABC4Corners #4Corners #AfternoonBriefing
#abc #thedrum #abc730 #730report #abcinsiders #insiders #abc4corners #4corners #afternoonbriefing
It’s one week since #ABC4Corners released shocking footage of children in WA Juvenile Detention Centres being restrained by the dangerous practice of “folding up” & then sat upon by 4 male adults…whilst laying face down on the ground! What has been done in the past week to protect children in WA detention? Have officers been disciplined/charged?
Is Minister Johnston aware of the issues yet??? #StopTheTortureOfChildren
#abc4corners #stopthetortureofchildren