#mindefsg: Ahoy there! ⚓️ Celebrating the defenders of our waters – the Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN), as they commemorate their 56th anniversary! 🫡
#Didyouknow that 5.55pm on 5 May 1967 marks the birth of our Singapore Navy?
#ABCofDEFence #NisforNavy #NisforNauticalWarriors https://t.co/Q3FO0vX6PQ #Singapore
#mindefsg #didyouknow #abcofdefence #nisfornavy #nisfornauticalwarriors #singapore
#mindefsg: #Didyouknow that the first-ever graduation parade for military working dogs was in 1992? These highly-trained furry soldiers are always on paw-trol to protect our nation 🇸🇬
#ABCofDEFence #MisforMilitaryWorkingDogUnit #MisforMansBestFriend https://t.co/s9MPwcQj8Z #Singapore
#mindefsg #didyouknow #abcofdefence #misformilitaryworkingdogunit #misformansbestfriend #singapore
#mindefsg: #Didyouknow each Service has their own set of unique vocab? Here are some:
🔫 Bobo shooter = someone not good at shooting
🥳 Secure! Liberty crew, FREE GANGWAY! = In naval lingo, book out lo!
🤝 “I’ve got your six!” = “I’ve got your back!”
#ABCofDEFence #LisforLingo https://t.co/gnsSfiVT1x #Singapore
#mindefsg #didyouknow #abcofdefence #lisforlingo #singapore
#mindefsg: The Kranji War Memorial stands as a poignant symbol of the price of freedom and the sacrifices of those who came before us. We must #NeverForget that only we can defend our country. For those in MINDEF/SAF, this is the reason we serve🫡
#ABCofDEFence #KisforKranjiWarMemorial https://t.co/ZTMTPdsSPe #Singapore
#mindefsg #neverforget #abcofdefence #kisforkranjiwarmemorial #singapore
#mindefsg: #Didyouknow when #NationalService started in 1967, the physical fitness test included a 4.8km run in 30 min, and a 9.6km run in 70 min while wearing basic combat equipment? 🤯 Today’s IPPT comprises three stations – 2.4km 🏃, Sit-Ups and Push-Ups.
#ABCofDEFence #IisforIPPT https://t.co/Hv2oXnqj1H #Singapore
#mindefsg #didyouknow #nationalservice #abcofdefence #iisforippt #singapore
#mindefsg: The SAF have gone through several “Generations” of transformation to stay ahead of evolving security threats. By 2040, the #NextGenerationSAF will be equipped new assets and capabilities to better defend our air, land, sea and digital domains.
#ABCofDEFence #GisforGenerations https://t.co/UZIAQBlKgF #Singapore
#mindefsg #nextgenerationsaf #abcofdefence #gisforgenerations #singapore
#mindefsg: The Warrant Officers or ‘Enciks’ play key roles in the SAF, and in many NSFs' NS journeys. Legend has it that Enciks have extremely fit grandmothers that can outperform new recruits 😮 Deep down, we know they are pushing NSFs to their fullest potential! #ABCofDEFence #EisforEncik https://t.co/tWNEpysQoX
#mindefsg #abcofdefence #eisforencik
#mindefsg: .@thesingaporeDIS is the SAF’s newest service. Inaugurated just last year, the DIS consolidates and integrates the SAF’s C4I and cyber capabilities. Our DIS will defend and dominate in the digital domain, to enhance Singapore’s security 💻
#ABCofDEFence #DisforDIS #checkDISout https://t.co/XZW45tXWsO
#mindefsg #abcofdefence #disfordis #checkdisout
#mindefsg: Now you see me, now you don’t 👀 #didyouknow that the SAF has gone through different iterations of camouflage uniforms, including the “watermelon” 🍉 camouflage or Temasek Green No. 4 uniform?
#ABCofDEFence #CisforCamouflage https://t.co/D6I9kuKrif
#mindefsg #didyouknow #abcofdefence #cisforcamouflage