My story starts in 2021, remembering,vividly, "suppressed memories of my alter self, military Ops,DUMBs & off planet?space?As I researched,James Rink, supersoldiertalks interview w/Johan Fritz, triggered more memories, things got super weird, I stopped looking for answers,until the abductions was frequent&traumatic,got a device implanted inside my head.Amongst other experiment's was done to me.Mixed👽DNA-hybrid/superhuman
#alien #abductee
I'm new here but looking forward to getting to know everyone in the community, especially those of you with an interest in ufos, space, the paranormal, and consciousness.
I'm not all about the woo though. I have lots of other interests too. I have a degree in Ancient History and I'm a huge bookworm with a love of folklore, history, art, antiques, and the environment.
#ufomastodon #ufotwitter #paranormal #consciousness #abductee #experiencer #ancienthistory #vegan #books
#ufomastodon #ufotwitter #paranormal #consciousness #abductee #experiencer #ancienthistory #vegan #books