Abdullah Sarkar · @abdullahsarkar4
0 followers · 1 posts · Server mastodon.bida.im

Address: New York, New York

Phone: 01571013222

My name is Abdullah. I live in Bangladesh, my city is Syedpur, I am 18 years old. I am a student. I study in Inter 2nd year. My college name is Syedpur Government College. I also do online work on fiber like Local SEO Help and video editing if you want to work with me.


#fiber #abdullah

Last updated 1 year ago

L'Osservatorio Esteri · @OsservatorioEsteri
532 followers · 4881 posts · Server mastodon.uno

Re II: "La Giordania accoglie con favore il reintegro della nella Lega araba, considerandolo un passo importante che si spera possa contribuire agli sforzi per porre fine alla crisi siriana. Abbiamo ripetutamente messo in guardia dal protrarsi della crisi siriana e dalla mancanza di una soluzione, il popolo siriano ha pagato un prezzo elevato mentre gli effetti della crisi si sono riversati in tutta la regione."


#giordania #legaaraba #abdullah #siria

Last updated 1 year ago

Laurel · @LaurelQuarrel
24 followers · 162 posts · Server kolektiva.social

On March 8.. from NES messages to uprising of women in Rojhelat and Iran
With the approaching International Women's Day, female leaders and administrators in northern and eastern Syria sent messages to women in Rojalat, Kurdistan and Iran.

What is the content of these messages?

Messages of women in Rojava, North and East Syria, on the occasion of International Women's Day, March 8 of this year; I addressed the women in Rojhelat Kurdistan and Iran who have been continuing their uprising for more than 5 months under the slogan “Jin, Jiyan, Azadî, " women, life, freedom” to demand a free and democratic life.

The Kongra Star message to women in Rojhelat and Iran on the occasion of International Women's Day came from a member of the Kongra Star coordinator, Ramzia Muhammad, who congratulated all women in Rojhelat and Iran on this day.

She stressed that with the struggle of Rosa Luxemburg, up to Sakina Cansiz, Leila Qassem, Gina Amini, Avin Koy, and all the martyrs of the Rojava revolution and the freedom movement, the uprising (Jin, Jiyan, Azadî, women, life, freedom) will be able to achieve the goals of the women's revolution, and she said: " We will unite our revolution and turn it into a revolution for all women in the world and call together the slogan Jin, Jiyan, Azadî.”
he spokeswoman for the Women's Protection Units (YPJ), Roksan Muhammad, agreed with Ramzia Muhammad on the necessity of unifying the women's struggle in the face of the policies of the ruling regimes and attacks targeting women's identity, asserting that March 8; The day of resistance and struggle is for every woman, but this struggle cannot be limited to one day.

'Let's build a democratic confederation of women in the world'

She pointed out that women's struggle reached its highest levels, and expanded in all arenas, starting from northern and eastern Syria, all the way to the four parts of Kurdistan, especially in Rojhelat Kurdistan, saying: "Today we see how the slogan Jin, Jiyan, Azadî, has turned into a global slogan; thanks to Women's struggle for a free and just life.

She drew attention to the uprising of Jin, Jiyan, Azadî in Rojhelat and Iran, saying: "Women rose up in Rojhelat for a free and democratic life. seeking to annihilate her and obliterate her identity.”

She emphasized that these regimes follow all dirty war methods in order to target women's struggle, calling on women to unify resistance, struggle, will, thought and free philosophy, "and organize us together against this mentality and attacks that seek to annihilate us, and build a democratic confederation for women in the world to protect women's gains and achieve Freedom and victory.

'The cause of women will prevail'
Meanwhile, the head of the Women's Authority in the Democratic Autonomous Administration of the Jazira region, Avin Basho, sent her greetings and love to the pioneering women who lead the revolution of Jin, Jiyan, Azadî, in Rojhelat and Iran, and to all women who are fighting for the cause of women to be crowned with victory and justice and equality to be achieved within society.

Avin emphasized that the cause is the same, victory and pain are also the same. She considered the uprising of Kurdistan and Iran as a continuation of the July 19 revolution that illuminated the path of women to prove themselves and circumvent their gains.

She explained that the revolution that "we are living through today is an application of the assessments of the leader Abdullah Ocalan, and thus, with the leadership of women in Rojava, northern and eastern Syria and Iran, the women's cause will triumph."

'Together to achieve victory for our revolution'
For her part, the leader of the Internal Security Forces - Women in North and East Syria, Mahdia Hilal, congratulated the advent of International Women's Day on the leader Abdullah Ocalan and on all the women of the world in general and the women of Kurdistan in particular, "who showed great resistance in their revolution against injustice and tyranny."

In her message, she said, "We hope that we will be able to achieve victory for our revolution, and freedom for all women in the world."

'Your voice is our voice'
In turn, a member of the Coordination of the Women's Council in North and East Syria, Jiyan Hussein, noted that the difficult circumstances the world is going through, saying: "We live in very painful conditions at the level of the Middle East and the world, but despite that, women are still in Rojalat Kurdistan and Iran. They continue their uprising and struggle in the squares, so we salute this resistance and say to them (your voice is our voice, yes; you offered many martyrs, but the revolution needs great sacrifices).

Jian saluted the resistance and struggle of women in Rojhelat and Iran, and said: "From the land of Rojava and northern and eastern Syria, we congratulate you on March 8, and we say, however, that you continue your struggle until the end; we will remain by your side and support your revolution, which is the revolution of freedom."


ANHA - Hawar news Agency


#jinjiyanazadi #Rojava #AANES #rojhelat #yekitiyastar #kongrastar #ypj #womensrevolution #abdullah #kurdistan #kurdishwomensmovement #iwd #march8

Last updated 1 year ago

Snortin' Yer Packets · @packetsnorter
63 followers · 123 posts · Server ioc.exchange

The worthlessness and uselessness of :

King is concerned about the fucking with 's status, and willing to enter conflict over it, all the while ignoring the continuous slaughter of 's citizens. Typical .... Institutions over people.

Religion: Hate Masked as Love.

#religeon #abdullah #israeli #government #jerusalem #palestine

Last updated 2 years ago

Snortin' Yer Packets · @packetsnorter
63 followers · 123 posts · Server ioc.exchange

The worthlessness and uselessness of .

King is concerned about the fucking with 's status, and willing to enter conflict over it, all the while ignoring the continuous slaughter of 's citizens. Typical .... Institutions over people.

Religion: Hate Masked as Love.

#religeon #abdullah #israeli #government #jerusalem #palestine

Last updated 2 years ago

L'Osservatorio Esteri · @OsservatorioEsteri
258 followers · 572 posts · Server mastodon.uno

Re II: "Ottime le posizioni dell'Italia e dell'UE a favore degli sforzi per raggiungere la pace in Medio Oriente, sulla base della soluzione dei due Stati, uno israeliano e l'altro palestinese."


#giordania #italia #abdullah

Last updated 2 years ago

L'Osservatorio Esteri · @OsservatorioEsteri
258 followers · 572 posts · Server mastodon.uno

Re II: "È necessario rafforzare la cooperazione politica ed economica tra Giordania e Italia. È importante rafforzare la cooperazione e i legami regionali, riaffermando la necessità di includere i palestinesi nei progetti regionali come catalizzatore fondamentale per il raggiungimento della pace."


#giordania #italia #abdullah

Last updated 2 years ago

L'Osservatorio Esteri · @OsservatorioEsteri
247 followers · 503 posts · Server mastodon.uno

Il Presidente Abdel Fattah ha incontrato il Re della Giordania II per discutere delle relazioni bilaterali e degli ultimi sviluppi regionali e internazionali. I due hanno espresso la loro soddisfazione per il livello delle relazioni bilaterali e hanno convenuto sulla necessità di espandere la cooperazione tripartita con l’. Durante il colloquio, i due hanno discusso gli ultimi sviluppi regionali e internazionali di interesse comune.


#egitto #giordania #alsisi #abdullah #iraq

Last updated 2 years ago

L'Osservatorio Esteri · @OsservatorioEsteri
179 followers · 263 posts · Server mastodon.uno

Il Re di Pahang ha annunciato che Anwar (|Centro-sinistra) sarà nominato Primo Ministro nella giornata di oggi.
Ibrahim dovrebbe guidare un governo di unità nazionale che includerà, oltre la sua coalizione, anche quelle di |Destra, |Centro-destra del Sarawak e |Centro-destra del Sabah.


#grs #gps #bn #pkr #ibrahim #abdullah #malesia

Last updated 2 years ago

L'Osservatorio Esteri · @OsservatorioEsteri
178 followers · 258 posts · Server mastodon.uno

Il Re di Pahang ha annunciato che Anwar (|Centro-sinistra) sarà nominato Primo Ministro nella giornata di oggi.
Ibrahim dovrebbe guidare un governo di unità che includerà, oltre la sua coalizione, anche quelle di |Destra, |Centro-destra del Sarawak e |Centro-destra del Sabah.


#grs #gps #bn #pkr #ibrahim #abdullah #malesia

Last updated 2 years ago

Associazione Peacelink · @peacelink
3972 followers · 6952 posts · Server sociale.network

Il pm ha chiesto la condanna per riduzione in . Una condanna di 11 anni e sei mesi di reclusione ciascuno è stata chiesta dal pubblico ministero del Tribunale di Lecce per i due imputati nel processo sulla morte di un bracciante sudanese avvenuta per un malore il 20 luglio 2015 nelle campagne tra e . , di 47 anni, sposato e padre di due figli, lavorava come stagionale alla raccolta dei pomodori.
Rainews e Leccenews24

#abdullah #mohammed #Avetrana #Nardò #schiavitù

Last updated 2 years ago

m🅰️u · @Mau_or_
115 followers · 1575 posts · Server mastodon.bida.im

Cosa ti aspettavi dalla repressione israeliana sul presidente palestinese Mahmoud Abbas? Dall'incontro del primo ministro con re all'ONU e dall'abbandono totale di Abbas, come se fossimo tornati in qualche modo ai giorni dell'“opzione giordana” di ?
Cosa ti aspettavi dall'esercito e dalla crescente intossicazione dal potere dei coloni? Da dove cominciare?

È molto più facile dire come andrà a finire. Finirà con il sangue. Più sangue. Con una violenta rivolta. Potrebbe essere molto brutale e sarà abbastanza facile capirne, e persino giustificarne, le motivazioni." 7🔚

#peres #abdullah #lapid

Last updated 2 years ago

RadioBlackout 105.25 - Rss Bot · @rbo
44 followers · 1444 posts · Server mastodon.cisti.org
Radio Blackout - Rss Bot · @radioblackout
421 followers · 1816 posts · Server mastodon.bida.im