Sooooo, 98by30 then? Time to dissolve the nation states, unionise the corporations, turn them into massive coops, and expand autonomus mutual aid networks, methinks.
#ClimateCrisis #Environment #BiodiversityCrisis #UN #Earth #LifeOnEarth #ABetterWorldIsPossible #Anarchism #Socialism #Cooperatives #UnionPower #AntiState #NoGovernment #SolarPunk
#climatecrisis #environment #biodiversitycrisis #un #earth #lifeonearth #abetterworldispossible #anarchism #socialism #cooperatives #unionpower #antistate #nogovernment #solarpunk
Been working on art again, feels good. I'm not that great at lettering, and that's OK, it's good to have areas to improve in. Art should be about expression not perfection.
#ArtPractice #Anarchism #ABetterWorldIsPossible #SolarpunkArt #SolarpunkAnarchism
#artpractice #anarchism #abetterworldispossible #SolarpunkArt #solarpunkanarchism
Letzter Aufruf an alle, die noch einen Beweis benötigen, dass eine bessere Welt möglich ist. Die opulente, dreieinhalbstündige Doku “Herr Bachmann uns seine Klasse” liefert diesen Beweis. Sie ist aber nur noch bis 06.03.23 verfügbar. Deshalb am Wochenende noch schnell anschauen:
#Schule #Bildung #Integration #FediLZ #aBetterWorldIsPossible
#abetterworldispossible #FediLZ #integration #bildung #schule
The two boxes in the rear of this courier motor vehicle could easily fit in an e-cargo bike.
#abetterworldispossible #climatechange #climateemergency
Kudos to everyone who puts otherwise paywalled content into If you don’t know what I am talking about…..
#FuckPaywalls #Paywall #FuckCapitalistGatekeeping #KnowledgeShouldBeFree #SharingIsCaring #ABetterWorldIsPossible #MediaMogulsAreADangerToFreeSociety
#mediamogulsareadangertofreesociety #abetterworldispossible #sharingiscaring #knowledgeshouldbefree #fuckcapitalistgatekeeping #paywall #fuckpaywalls
Always #plotting #anarchy #RacoonsOfMastodon #abetterworldispossible #abetterworldawaits #trashpanda #peaceloveandanarchy #maketheworldabetterplace #peace #love
#plotting #anarchy #racoonsofmastodon #abetterworldispossible #abetterworldawaits #trashpanda #peaceloveandanarchy #maketheworldabetterplace #peace #love
I would like to share with you, that there is no such thing as category of climate refugee in international law, so they are not protected under the provisions of the 1951 Refugee Protection Convention. It also means, however, that the already existing topic of climate migration will become more acute as the effects of change worsen - and those fleeing from now-and-then uninhabitable places will be subjected to the same treatment and discrimination as non-war refugees. So, I want to ask you, friends, to stand in solidarity with those in need - who are being neglected the global elites responsible for ruining their stability, homes and living situations. Please educate yourself and others. What we need today is radicalization and agitation in terms of tolerance for immigrants and social awareness.
We have no one else but each other, for the elites don't care.
#anarchy #anarchism #solidarity #noborders #fuckborders #leftist #antiborder #NationalismKills
#abetterworldispossible #anarchy #anarchism #solidarity #noborders #fuckborders #leftist #antiborder #NationalismKills
Ch 8 of "On Repentance & Repair" by thoughts:
Oh, what a world it would be if we cared more about the question 'Are you OK?' and the work involved in the answer/s than needing to insist, whatever the cost, that 'I am right'. #aBetterWorldIsPossible
Now this is the cyberpunk dystopia I was expecting. 😎🧱 #ABetterWorldIsPossible
Ch 5 "On Repentance & Repair" by impressions:
What if we intentionally built how to engage in Repentance & Repair right into our Ed systems? What an impact that would have on our ability to engage in the work on national levels... #aBetterWorldIsPossible
So many of the lost experiences and mourning them are from a different world, a different reality. And we should rage and grieve and cry and scream about all that was denied to us, all that by rights should have been ours, all the beauty and love and excitement and experience we should be able to claim as our own.
#covid #pandemic #grief #ABetterWorldIsPossible
#covid #pandemic #grief #abetterworldispossible
I like where you’re headed, but in countries where women are forbidden to go to university it’s easy for governments to also block on-line access. Why not offer full-ride to attend in-person to women from these countries AND a stipend to support their families while they are studying?
#economicjustice #dreambig #abetterworldispossible
#myface #thinkingofmycomrades #mycomrades #LoveYouAll #loveyoufuckers #iamnotalone #WeAreNotAlone #abetterworldispossible #abetterworldawaits #NeverGiveUp #allcatsarebeautiful #CatsOfMast #commiecat #comrades #commiecat #ComradeKitty
#myface #thinkingofmycomrades #mycomrades #LoveYouAll #loveyoufuckers #iamnotalone #WeAreNotAlone #abetterworldispossible #abetterworldawaits #NeverGiveUp #allcatsarebeautiful #CatsOfMast #commiecat #comrades #comradekitty
This thread. 🧵
To paraphrase a well-known liberators quote:
None of us are free of Twitter until all of us can be free of Twitter
Let’s work together to make that happen
"It is a place that holds our dreams for making a world that is grounded in care, enmeshed in the natural world and designed to bring forth more life. It is a place that reminds me that the struggle to make worlds that refuse exploitation and greed, is long and requires commitment, persistence and sacrifice." #ABetterWorldisPossible #DoBetter #Ecosystems #Sustainability #FreeGrassy
#abetterworldispossible #dobetter #ecosystems #sustainability #freegrassy
"It is a place that holds our dreams for making a world that is grounded in care, enmeshed in the natural world and designed to bring forth more life. It is a place that reminds me that the struggle to make worlds that refuse exploitation and greed, is long and requires commitment, persistence and sacrifice." #ABetterWorldisPossible #DoBetter #Ecosystems #Sustainability #FreeGrassy
#abetterworldispossible #dobetter #ecosystems #sustainability #freegrassy