"We pursued our Journey to the Rocky Mountain Portage, Messrs McMillan, Birnie, & Drummond, with a few men, accompanied the Horse Brigade for the same place. The view now in all directions presents a continued mass of snow clad Hills, towering their lofty summits in successive ranges, their outlines assuming a great variety of forms, giving to the whole scene a grandeur and novelty beyond my power to discover -- but truly sublime.

#jasper #history #abhistory

Last updated 2 years ago

"There are forty Horses collected here for the purpose of transporting our Brigade across the Rocky Mountains. The Weather during the day was very warm.
"Saturday. A very sharp frost during the night followed by great heat throughout the day. I employed myself in the forenoon, with the assistance of Mr. Barnston, in measuring the height of Millette's Rock, the remarkable Mountain whose northern termination falls perpendicularly...

#jasper #history #abhistory

Last updated 2 years ago

"The Indians [Strong Wood Assiniboine] appear well pleased to have our society, and their appearance was certainly better calculated to prejudice a stranger in their favour than most I have yet seen in this Country.They were neatly dressed, their robes of leather being clean and fantasically ornamented. They appeared much amused by my operation of taking the Sun's Altitude. Our Land party joined us for breakfast....

#canada #history #abhistory #bookstodon

Last updated 2 years ago

"The commencement of fine weather. A distribution of the Horses & loads having been made among the Men, the Columbia Brigade commenced the Journey across the Portage at 2 pm. The Athabasca & Lesser Slave Lake Brigades took Departure in the Evening, the Whole Brigade consisting of about 50 men & 83 hores, 33 of the Men for the Columbia and New Caledonia [North Central ]. As the loaded Horses cannot travel very expeditiously...

#Athabasca #bc #abhistory #alberta

Last updated 2 years ago

"We had showers in the afternoon. At 5.30 we hauled above the Crook'd Rapids. From here the Journey has been made to , I am informed, in one day by Dogs & Sledge. Behind here on the right Banks of the River the plains are very extensive. We Encampt at 7 pm having come 23 Miles in the Course of the Day. The course of the River is if anything becoming more serpentine & the rapids more frequent, making the labour....

#edmonton #canada #history #books #abhistory

Last updated 2 years ago

"We continued our Ascent of the North River until 8 pm. We then Encampt on the South banks,being the first time we do so since leaving Carlton House.
"Friday. Commenced a Thick fog in the Morning, which continued until 8, when it became very warm.The face of the Country displays no material change from that passed yesterday, except the absence of Hills since coming above the Stag Hills. We saw several black bears....

#saskatchewan #abhistory #books #history

Last updated 2 years ago

"Morning fine -- Towards evening several claps of thunder. Shower of hail and successive showers of rain. Start between 7 and 8 am. Proceed thro' thick woods, swamps -- about 8 miles and take breakfast at first prairie. Afterwards continue for near 3 miles and encamp in the woods across the 2nd prairie. Our road the whole of this day has been thro' one continued mire -- several horses too weak to come up with the rest....

#amwritinghistory #abhistory

Last updated 2 years ago

"Morning fine -- Towards evening several claps of thunder. Shower of hail and successive showers of rain. Start between 7 and 8 am. Proceed thro' thick woods, swamps -- about 8 miles and take breakfast at first prairie. Afterwards continue for near 3 miles and encamp in the woods across the 2nd prairie. Our road the whole of this day has been thro' one continued mire -- several horses too weak to come up with the rest....

#amwritinghistory #abhistory

Last updated 2 years ago

SUNDAY -- In the evening John Stuart, Esq., arrives with 3 canoes from Lesser Slave Lake.
"Monday -- Take our departure from Fort Assiniboine about 4 o'clock with 56 horses and men, part of the horses only being loaded. Proceed thro' the woods between 4 and 5 miles and encamp at a small creek. Many deep mires. Horses very poor and weak.
"Tuesday. Weather rather overcast. Start at 7 am. Breakfast at the Riviere Cruche. Road to it very bad full of mires -- ascend several hills...


Last updated 2 years ago

SUNDAY -- In the evening John Stuart, Esq., arrives with 3 canoes from Lesser Slave Lake.
"Monday -- Take our departure from Fort Assiniboine about 4 o'clock with 56 horses and men, part of the horses only being loaded. Proceed thro' the woods between 4 and 5 miles and encamp at a small creek. Many deep mires. Horses very poor and weak.
"Tuesday. Weather rather overcast. Start at 7 am. Breakfast at the Riviere Cruche. Road to it very bad full of mires -- ascend several hills...


Last updated 2 years ago

"MAKE AN ATTEMPT to continue our journey but are soon stopt. However, after breakfast having observed that by making a short portage we should gain a clear channel we again embark and succeed. Afterwards having occasion to put ashore and speak to some Indians about a boat left somewhere hereabouts by M. F. McDonald last fall, we are overtaken by an immense quantity of loose floating ice which detains us ashore above an hour until it is passed. We then make a fresh start....


Last updated 2 years ago

"MAKE AN ATTEMPT to continue our journey but are soon stopt. However, after breakfast having observed that by making a short portage we should gain a clear channel we again embark and succeed. Afterwards having occasion to put ashore and speak to some Indians about a boat left somewhere hereabouts by M. F. McDonald last fall, we are overtaken by an immense quantity of loose floating ice which detains us ashore above an hour until it is passed. We then make a fresh start....


Last updated 2 years ago

MY INSTRUCTIONS not authorizing me to make any further delay. However, in case the Iroquois should come, I intend leaving Mr. Rowand's 2 men at this place and 1 of the Columbia men with a canoe to wait here 4 days, as I am informed they have near 300 Beaver which it is desirable should be taken out.
"Saturday. Fine warm weather. Embark with 6 men and old Paget, a freeman, at half past 4 am, taking with us all the furs at this place, say 7 pactons. Stop to breakfast...

#abhistory #jasper

Last updated 2 years ago

MY INSTRUCTIONS not authorizing me to make any further delay. However, in case the Iroquois should come, I intend leaving Mr. Rowand's 2 men at this place and 1 of the Columbia men with a canoe to wait here 4 days, as I am informed they have near 300 Beaver which it is desirable should be taken out.
"Saturday. Fine warm weather. Embark with 6 men and old Paget, a freeman, at half past 4 am, taking with us all the furs at this place, say 7 pactons. Stop to breakfast...

#abhistory #jasper

Last updated 2 years ago

THEN, HAVING LOADED 2 horses with our baggage, give the rest for the men to mount and continue our Journey at 8 am. Ford the Grand traverse about noon. Proceed to Campt. des Vache [Buffalo Encampment] where arrive about 3 pm. The greatest part of the road hither lies thro' thick woods much encumbered with fallen wood. Ice and snow thick upon the banks of the River. Terminate our journey across the Rocky Mountains at 6 pm. The canoe arrives before us...

#Athabasca #abhistory #books #amWriting

Last updated 2 years ago

THEN, HAVING LOADED 2 horses with our baggage, give the rest for the men to mount and continue our Journey at 8 am. Ford the Grand traverse about noon. Proceed to Campt. des Vache [Buffalo Encampment] where arrive about 3 pm. The greatest part of the road hither lies thro' thick woods much encumbered with fallen wood. Ice and snow thick upon the banks of the River. Terminate our journey across the Rocky Mountains at 6 pm. The canoe arrives before us...

#Athabasca #abhistory #books #amWriting

Last updated 2 years ago

"Load the horse Roy brought last night and proceed forward with the rest of our baggage at half past 3 am. Shortly after meet Jacquan with 3 more horses. Arrive at Campement d'Orignal [Moose Camp] at 7 o'clock having travelling 5 miles thro' very bad woods. Breakfast. Understanding that there is a canoe at the Grand Traverse which is likely to be wanted below, send off 3 men to repair and take it down to the end of the Portage...

#jasper #abhistory

Last updated 2 years ago

"Load the horse Roy brought last night and proceed forward with the rest of our baggage at half past 3 am. Shortly after meet Jacquan with 3 more horses. Arrive at Campement d'Orignal [Moose Camp] at 7 o'clock having travelling 5 miles thro' very bad woods. Breakfast. Understanding that there is a canoe at the Grand Traverse which is likely to be wanted below, send off 3 men to repair and take it down to the end of the Portage...

#jasper #abhistory

Last updated 2 years ago

Canadian History Ehx · @canadaehx
1484 followers · 538 posts · Server canada.masto.host

Today on Canadian History Ehx: The History Of Dunmore, Alberta!

This bedroom community of Medicine Hat got its start thanks to the railroad, and continues to be a thriving place to this day.


#alberta #history #abhistory #medicinehat

Last updated 2 years ago

SINCE PASSING the height of land the snow has very rapidly diminished. At our last encampment [Pacific Creek valley] it was 5 feet deep and here there is only a little remaining on the ice on the banks of the river. What is left still smoothens our road, which passes often over rough rocks. We however had to use our snow shoes occasionally thro' the small points of woods. Being here informed by the people that it is customary to send somebody ahead to meet the man with the horses....


Last updated 2 years ago