Also finished off the Abhorrant Ghoul King I picked up the other week, always good painting some noble knights of the realm, resplendent in their shining armour!
#Warmongers #WarhammerCommunity #WarHamFam #PaintSlam23 #WarhammerAoS #AoS #WarhammerAgeOfSigmar #AgeOfSigmar #FleshEaterCourts #Hollowmourne #AbhorrantGhoulKing #AbhorrantGhoulKingWithCrownOfDelusion #PaintingWarhammer #PaintingGamesWorkshop #PaintingWarhammer2023
#warmongers #warhammercommunity #warhamFam #paintslam23 #warhammeraos #aos #warhammerageofsigmar #ageofsigmar #flesheatercourts #hollowmourne #abhorrantghoulking #abhorrantghoulkingwithcrownofdelusion #paintingwarhammer #paintinggamesworkshop #paintingwarhammer2023
Abominable roi ghoul et sa couronne d'illusions. Premier essai d'épée en NMM (non metallic metal). Je ne suis pas pleinement satisfait du résultat, mais c'était intéressant.
#paintingwarhammer #warhammer #ageofsigmar #warcry #gamesworkshop #warhammercommunity #hobby #paintingminis #flesheatercourts #ghoul #ghoulking #abhorrantghoulking
#paintingwarhammer #warhammer #ageofsigmar #warcry #gamesworkshop #warhammercommunity #hobby #paintingminis #flesheatercourts #ghoul #ghoulking #abhorrantghoulking
Aaaand he's done!
Abhorrant Ghoul King with Crown of Delusion
#warhammer #WarhammerCommunity #PaintingWarhammer #ageofsigmar #abhorrantghoulking #flesheatercourts #AoS #warhammerfantasy #miniaturepainting #gamesworkshop
#warhammer #warhammercommunity #paintingwarhammer #ageofsigmar #abhorrantghoulking #flesheatercourts #aos #warhammerfantasy #miniaturepainting #gamesworkshop
Am I driving myself crazy with tiny absurd details when there's so much global work to do first? Yes. Yes I am.
#warhammercommunity #paintingwarhammer #abhorrantghoulking #flesheatercourts #AoS
#warhammercommunity #paintingwarhammer #abhorrantghoulking #flesheatercourts #aos
Continuing the work on the Abhorrant Ghoul King, what a lovely chap he is.
#warhammercommunity #paintingwarhammer #abhorrantghoulking #flesheatercourts #AoS
#warhammercommunity #paintingwarhammer #abhorrantghoulking #flesheatercourts #aos
Wasn't happy with the work on my converted Dark Apostle because of the sculpture of some old metal parts I used, needed a break from it, so I put it aside and started painting this handsome fellow instead.
#warhammercommunity #paintingwarhammer #abhorrantghoulking #flesheatercourts #crypthorrors #AgeOfSigmar #warhammerfantasy #AoS #vampire #ghoul
#warhammercommunity #paintingwarhammer #abhorrantghoulking #flesheatercourts #crypthorrors #ageofsigmar #warhammerfantasy #aos #Vampire #ghoul