This point was reiterated by #AbigailDisney, in a brave piece on what it's like to grow up subject to the oversight of these millionaires who babysit the children of billionaires:
This is an important contribution to the literature. We naturally focus on the ultrawealthy individuals whose reputations and fortunes are the subject of so much attention, but without the TUSNs, they would be largely helpless.
My #BuckleySchool schoolmate #AbigailDisney wrote excellent op-ed for #TheGuardian re: getting arrested for protesting wealthy persons' private jet's carbon pollution. Thank-you for your continued passionate actions, Abby!
#buckleyschool #abigaildisney #theguardian
My #BuckleySchool schoolmate #AbigailDisney wrote excellent op-ed for #TheGuardian re: getting arrested for protesting wealthy persons' private jet's carbon pollution. Thank-you for your continued passionate actions, Abby! j
#buckleyschool #abigaildisney #theguardian
‘My grandfather is spinning in his grave’: #AbigailDisney condemns Nazi demonstration by Ron DeSantis' supporters #press
#AbigailDisney expressed her disapproval of individuals who gathered with Nazi symbols to demonstrate their support for Florida Governor Ron DeSantis #press
This is completely believable and consistent with the extraordinarily frank account of how elite money-management works that #AbigailDisney described in 2021, where the ultra-rich are insulated from the scams, tricks and wheezes that lawyers and accountants dream up to keep their fortunes steadily mounting with no action needed on their part:
Gone is the culture of "shirtsleeves to shirtsleeves in three generations," where "the first generation makes it, the second generation spends it, and the third generation loses it."
Instead - as #AbigailDisney has described, in a rare glimpse behind the scenes of American oligarchs' "family offices," American wealth is now *dynastic*, perpetuating itself and growing thanks to a whole Versailles' worth of courtiers.
Tässä yksi näistä #BBCworld in ohjelmista koskien #superrikkaat, jotka tahtoisivat, että #rikkaat maksaisivat enemmän veroja.
#AbigailDisney, #Disney-perijätär, ohjelman hostina.
#eriarvoisuus #varallisuus #varakkuus #rikkaat #oikeudenmukaisuus #SosiaalinenOikeudenmukaisuus #superrikkaat #Davos #verot #verotus #varallisuusvero
#bbcworld #superrikkaat #rikkaat #abigaildisney #disney #eriarvoisuus #varallisuus #varakkuus #oikeudenmukaisuus #sosiaalinenoikeudenmukaisuus #davos #verot #verotus #varallisuusvero
@marynelson8 A surprising and intriguing article. Thank you for posting. #TaxAllTheRich #davos #AbigailDisney #elites #economicpolicies #inequality #extremepoverty
#taxalltherich #davos #abigaildisney #elites #economicpolicies #inequality #extremepoverty