I just donated to my favorite cause by reviewing plant-based options on this app! Download @abillionapp to start creating impact with me! #abillionimpact
I’ve donated almost US$20 to my favorite cause (Farm Sanctuary in North America) by reviewing “plant-based” (#vegan!) options on this app. Download @abillionapp to start creating impact with me! #abillionimpact
https://www.abillion.com/challenge/just-donated?utm_source=app&utm_medium=donationpage https://www.abillion.com/challenge/just-donated?utm_source=app&utm_medium=donationpage #GoVegan #VeganFood #VeganFoodShare #VeganFoodPorn #WhatVegansEat #VeganFoodReviews
#vegan #abillionimpact #govegan #veganfood #VeganFoodShare #VeganFoodPorn #whatveganseat #VeganFoodReviews
Follow me on #abillion as I discover and review #veganfood and cruelty-free products, and donate the $ generated #abillionimpact! (Also, #HappyPrideMonth! Abillion just updated their iOS app icon from the plain orange logo to a 🏳️🌈! :blobshibewink: :blobcatgay: )
https://www.abillion.com/users/renfield?utm_source=app&utm_medium=profilepage https://www.abillion.com/users/renfield?utm_source=app&utm_medium=profilepage #vegan #GoVegan
#abillion #veganfood #abillionimpact #happypridemonth #vegan #govegan
I just donated to my favorite cause (Farm Sanctuary in the US) by reviewing plant-based options on A Billion! Download @abillionapp to start creating impact with me! (I also love that their logo is 10^9 😉) #abillionimpact
https://www.abillion.com/challenge/just-donated?utm_source=app&utm_medium=donationpage https://www.abillion.com/challenge/just-donated?utm_source=app&utm_medium=donationpage