IT News · @itnewsbot
3292 followers · 263244 posts · Server

The Primordial Soup’s On With This Modified Miller-Urey Experiment - It’s a pretty sure bet that anyone who survived high school biology has heard abou... - -urey

#plasma #flyback #arduino #primordial #formicacid #miller #abiogenesis #chemistryhacks

Last updated 1 year ago

CellBioNews · @cellbionews
54 followers · 1304 posts · Server
Chris Rowan · @allochthonous
1354 followers · 379 posts · Server

The young sun was dinner than today, but also prone to throwing off super-energetic flares - which, experiments with a particle accelerator (!) show, were “more effective at creating amino acids and one of their components, carboxylic acids, than either lightning [in the Hadrian Earth’s atmosphere] or galactic cosmic rays.

Definitely wins the coolest use of particle accelerator prize for the week.

#abiogenesis #Hadean #geology

Last updated 1 year ago

CellBioNews · @cellbionews
54 followers · 1266 posts · Server
Hydrologic Science · @hydrosci
21 followers · 114 posts · Server
Nathan · @EarthlingNathan
106 followers · 213 posts · Server


"This isn't a tribute to the well-known Canadian rock band, but rather a reference to the protein's backbone, consisting of a chain of amino acids and two nitrogen atoms bonded to a pair of nickel atoms."

#evolution #abiogenesis

Last updated 2 years ago

Imogen · @HopelessDemigod
119 followers · 2758 posts · Server


Last updated 2 years ago

Nuno · @ncrav
90 followers · 432 posts · Server

"A shadow biosphere is a hypothetical microbial biosphere of Earth that would use radically different biochemical and molecular processes from that of currently known life."

#abiogenesis #biochemistry #biology #shadowbiosphere #til

Last updated 2 years ago

Knowledge Zone · @kzoneind
134 followers · 529 posts · Server

: In biology, or the origin of life is the natural process by which life has arisen from non-living matter, such as simple organic compounds.

Stages in the origin of life range from the well-understood, such as the habitable Earth and the abiotic synthesis of simple molecules, to the largely unknown, like the derivation of the last universal common ancestor (LUCA) with its complex molecular functionalities. (1/2)

#abiogenesis #didyouknow

Last updated 2 years ago

KaiserScience · @KaiserScience
172 followers · 175 posts · Server

I got the opportunity to design my own High School curriculum on ; sharing it with you here

* Abiogenesis & spontaneous generation – the first (incorrect) ideas about this

* religious teachings about Creation

* – modern discoveries, scientific ideas

* Charles Darwin’s Voyage of Discovery

* Darwin’s finches

* Fossils: Evidence of evolution over time. Dating of

* Convergent evolution

* Homologous and analogous structures

* Natural selection

* Artificial selection

* clades & phylogenies

* Gradualism vs. Punctuated Equilibrium

* Is evolution a theory or a fact?

Examples of evolution
* Chicken or the egg came first?! Seriously?

* Evolution of the dinosaurs

* Evolution of our kidneys

* Classifying groups of humans: , , (using words carefully and responsibly)

* Where did the idea of evolution develop? How has the idea changed over time?


#evolution #abiogenesis #fossils #races #clades #populations

Last updated 2 years ago

Ed Ross · @edaross
198 followers · 728 posts · Server

I think humans must have a switch in our brains that makes us try to not think about how we came into existence. If you start thinking about it, you can end up spending ages on the subject.
Any one aspect could take a lifetime to explore. vs something that already and always existed making the first life, for example - what's really most likely and how would you even calculate it? And then what happened to form the original non biological matter used for Abiogenesis?
It is a rabbit hole you could get lost in quite easily


Last updated 2 years ago

StephenWC · @stephenwc
22 followers · 82 posts · Server

Favourite Saturday evening viewing - top SciFi short: Abiogenesis.

#abiogenesis #scifi #shortfilm #sciencefiction

Last updated 2 years ago

Mikko Tuomi · @mustapipa
1618 followers · 319 posts · Server

The emerging evidence has caused many researchers to abandon the idea that emerged in the oceans and instead focus on land environments, in places that were alternately wet and dry.

The shift is hardly unanimous, but scientists who support the idea of a terrestrial beginning say it offers a solution to a long-recognized paradox: that although water is essential for life, it is also destructive to life’s core components.

#astrobiology #biology #abiogenesis #life

Last updated 2 years ago

Hartree · @hartree
3 followers · 31 posts · Server

A model with any predictions on the probability of abiogenesis (the formation of first life from random chemical processes and then RNA) is, so far, hard to come by. But the consensus is that abiogenesis is extremely improbable, although that's only based on the mechanisms and conditions we could think of.

Let me expand on the numbers. This paper from 2020 gives a really generous goalpost of 40–100 nucleotides for a sequence to be self-replicating.

Compare this to the minimal genome - the smallest set of genes for life to exist and propagate. The minimal genome is often considered to be 256 genes. A gene is typically 1000 or more nucleotides long, and there is some space in between, so 256 genes would amount to about 300,000 nucleotides. So the difference in definition is crucial. Not taking any fancy processes into account, just purely statistically, there's "no way" of the minimal genome occuring. The odds are one in 10 to the 90,000 power. I wanted to say, that's like winning a lottery on a cosmic scale - for example, if every solar system in the Universe had humans and everyone bought a ticket, but it's far from that. The probability is so low it's indescribable.

Nevertheless, if we suppose that a self-replicating sequence and an arbitrary amount of time is all we need, we may consider a length of 40–100 nucleotides.

On the cosmological side of calculations, it is easier to have some estimates. Totani argues that while the current number of stars in the observable universe is estimated to be approximately 10 sextillion (or 10^22), the number of stars in a model that accounts for universe inflation may be over 10 googol (or 10^100). "If that is the case, that’s a huge petri dish within which RNA, and life, could form," says an article, but I wouldn't be so optimistic. The cited research author himself says that the sequence length must be shorter than ~20 nucleotides for abiogenesis to occur on a single(!) terrestrial planet, but self-replicating activity is not expected for such a short RNA. Therefore, if extraterrestrial organisms of a different origin from those on Earth are discovered in the future, it would imply an unknown mechanism.

So, for the sake of understanding, there is hope in researching more on the mechanism and chemistry, in a wider set of conditions. But in terms of traveling to see our living brethren, that would never be possible. The theory of relativity forbids us from ever leaving our observable universe anyway.

#abiogenesis #science #biology #cosmology #hartree_bio #aliens

Last updated 2 years ago

wonky lines & squiggles · @wonkylines
30 followers · 280 posts · Server

Broadly speaking, my interests are the universe, humans and other living organisms, so I've been passionate about esp.
I don't claim advanced or extensive knowledge of any of these. I've been learning bits and pieces, focusing on certain aspects and areas within these fields.

#socialjustice #abrahamicreligions #religiousstudies #neurodiversity #neuroscience #philosophy #sociology #psychology #linguistics #anthropology #abiogenesis #evolution #astrophysics

Last updated 2 years ago

· @prototyperspective
37 followers · 48 posts · Server
Michele · @racchio
227 followers · 2147 posts · Server