@alternativeto I'd recommend #AbiWord instead of #WordPad:
It's a simple, sleek and efficient #WYSIWYG #Editor for #printable #text and works on basically everything, without any subscriptions and offline.
#text #printable #editor #wysiwyg #wordpad #abiword
Sigo revisando los hashtag de #reddit y #RedditBlackout (si, me gusta el chisme) y veo a la gente preguntandose sobre a donde ir ahora que reddit esta "arruinado"
Alternativas hay para todo. Lo duro siempre fue el aspecto social.
Mientras que yo me cambiaba sin preocupaciones entre #word #LibreOffice y #abiword, tuve problemas cambiando #Whatsapp por #telegram porque "en Telegram no había nadie"
#reddit #redditblackout #word #libreoffice #abiword #whatsapp #telegram
Regarding writing, my sole idea now is to rely on #Abiword to simply write down stuff and lay it out in a very basic way, then give it to a professional to create a satisfying layout for ebook and print.
Regarding computers, I am considering writing down a white paper just for the sake of proposing how to do things differently. Sounds quite dumb and I suppose many people did the same but I keep thinking that we went too far with IT. I wish things could be simpler. Our lives would be improved.
The important thing is to emphasize who you personally are, because working with other developers like this is fundamentally a social choice.
Back in the day, I was leading the #AbiWord project, working alongside a few of my friends. We had a huge pile of work ahead of us, so I deliberately set aside some meaty features as the "Project of the Week" for newcomers to pick up. https://www.abisource.com/mailinglists/abiword-dev/99/September/0097.html
@isard @marcbeldata Quan em passà això, vaig trobar que #AbiWord https://www.abisource.com/ podia treure'm del pou: té capacitats que el LibreOffice Writer no té. De fet s'assembla molt al MSWord.
Altres vegades me n'he sortit simplement amb #markdown https://www.markdownguide.org/ or #LaTeX https://www.latex-project.org/ transformant-los a DOCX amb #pandoc https://pandoc.org/ Tots són programari lliure.
#abiword #markdown #latex #pandoc
@peotr26 the #OpenDocument standard allows two approaches: the file can be a ZIP archive of XML and other packed content, or the file can be a flat XML file. Maybe #AbiWord defaults to the latter? Try opening the larger file in a text editor - a flat XML file will be human readable. A ZIP version will open in a ZIP compatible archive tool. If both look zipped, then look at the properties (in Ark, File->Properties) for compression ratio - perhaps the two apps compress files differently.
After some digging, I found out that when AbiWord formats an ODT file, it makes an enormous file.
Here, in a million-word document, AbiWord makes the file more than 6 times bigger than when it was formatted by LibreOffice.
Does anyone know why?
#abiword #libreoffice #opendocument
I do wonder if #Abiword is at EOL.
I feel that it filled a niche back when it was big - a great lightweight tool.
It helped me write the CV and application that landed me my current line of work...
I remember that for the longest time, it was the easiest tool for inserting and editing tables in any text processor.
#Abiword for documents, and #CalligraSheets for Spreadsheets. It's all I need
Devo fare un documento con varie immagini.
#LibreOffice non gestisce correttamente le immagini e mi si pianta con immagini >2MB
Allora ho provato con #OnlyOffice e funziona bene. Però 1) non parte la stampa, 2) stampando in PDF le immagini vengono a righe.
Allora salvo, rigorosamento in ODT, e apro in LibreOffice. C'è qualche incompatibilità e le immagini tagliate e ruotate in OnlyO non vengono gestite correttamente in LibreO.
Non mi resta che #WPSOffice... o #Abiword
#abiword #wpsoffice #onlyoffice #libreoffice
I started to use for a nice #Gnome experience #Abiword instead of #OnlyOffice. The #Flatpak Version works pretty fine for me and i don't have to work with Word File Formats :D
#gnome #abiword #onlyoffice #flatpak
#libreoffice è da un po' che sembra appesantito, dipende da cosa devi fare ma oltre #onlyoffice che va bene, #abiword può essere una scelta interessante, sennò ti smarchi da tutto e vai di css e markdown!
#libreoffice #onlyoffice #abiword
Interesting idea.. had not consider console-based editors before. A little more of an GUI would probably be good: he sometimes gets "stuck" and forgets the next steps -- clear visual feedback when eg opening files can help him get back on track.
But I agree that something very simple would probably be good. Or something that can be easily configured to be as lean as possible.
Have also considered (but not tested) #AbiWord since it is compatible with the OpenDocument standard.
It says a lot about the state of #LibreOffice when it crashes almost every time I try to export a document as a PDF, while #AbiWord can handle the same task flawlessly. Guess I'll be using the latter for my word processing from now on.