Repressive governments (at home and abroad) always bash and persecute gay and trans people to distract from their own failings.
'Ethiopia's LGBTQ+ community face sudden wave of persecution'
#LGBTQI+ #Ethiopia #AddisAbaba #AbiyAhmed #homophobia #LGBTQ #LGBTQrights
#lgbtqi #ethiopia #addisababa #abiyahmed #homophobia #lgbtq #lgbtqrights
Ethiopia's LGBTQ+ community face sudden wave of persecution
#LGBTQI+ #Ethiopia #AddisAbaba #AbiyAhmed #homophobia #LGBTQ+ #LGBTQrights
#lgbtqrights #lgbtq #homophobia #abiyahmed #addisababa #ethiopia #lgbtqi
Ethiopia grapples with clashes in Amhara region
#fanomilitia #peaceaccord #civilwar #Amhara #abiyahmed
Sure, there are many different components of academic ethics.
Promoting Mussolini-Hitler governance, communications and human resources policies [modern jargon!] does not necessarily involve fabrication, falsification or plagiarism.
#AbiyAhmed plagiarised his PhD thesis and is co-responsible (with #IsaiasAferwerki) for the genocide of 10% of the Tigrayan population over a 2-year period, but the two are not directly related.
#AcademicEthics #tigrayangenocide #isaiasaferwerki #abiyahmed
From liberator to oppressor: 30 years of Eritrea under Isaias Afwerki
#Eritrea #Ethiopia #rebels #Tigray #IsaiasAfewerki #AbiyAhmed
#abiyahmed #isaiasafewerki #Tigray #rebels #ethiopia #eritrea
Ethiopia announces peace talks with Oromo rebel group
#OromoLiberationArmy #OromoLiberationFront #Oromia #AbiyAhmed
#abiyahmed #oromia #OromoLiberationFront #OromoLiberationArmy
@WainnieT @Tek @zekuzelalem @wisewoman
Every page of Chapter 2 of #AbiyAhmed 's #PhD thesis (2017, #AddisAbabaUniversity = #AAU) has apparent signs of plagiarism. See Annex C for the analysis [1] and decide for yourself.
For followers who don't know: Abiy Ahmed is the prime minister of #Ethiopia [2].
#dissernet #vroniplag #plagiarism #ethiopia #aau #addisababauniversity #phd #abiyahmed
Blinken visits Ethiopia to renew ties
#africa #Tigray #ethiopia #AntonyBlinken #abiyahmed
🇫🇷🇪🇺🇪🇹 Abiy Ahmed à Paris : la discrète mais pragmatique diplomatie française en Éthiopie 📰
#revuedepresse #france #emmanuelmacron #ethiopie #abiyahmed
As our primary school teachers repeated ad infinitum about essays and other written assignments that we sign in our own names, "Write and summarise in your own words! Use quotation marks if you need to quote. Think!"
But some people get through primary and high school, undergrad studies, and still haven't got the idea by the time they write a #PhD.
#AbiyAhmed #plagiarism #NobelPeacePrize2019
#nobelpeaceprize2019 #plagiarism #abiyahmed #phd
Former African leaders' mediation efforts under scrutiny
#Africa #UhuruKenyatta #OlusegunObasanjo #AfricanUnion #AU #DRC #DemocraticRepublicofCongo #Ethiopia #TPLF #AbiyAhmed
#abiyahmed #TPLF #ethiopia #democraticrepublicofcongo #drc #au #AfricanUnion #olusegunobasanjo #UhuruKenyatta #africa
Ethiopia seeks national healing after Tigray peace treaty
#Ethiopia #TPLF #AbiyAhmed #Amhara #Afar #AmnestyInternational
#amnestyinternational #AFAR #Amhara #abiyahmed #TPLF #ethiopia
VIDEO: Could #Ethiopia's Nobel laureate Prime Minister #AbiyAhmed be held accountable of war crimes?
Partially good news for all #oldwhitemenyellingatGreta: She did not get the #NobelPeacePrice.
#AbiyAhmed is the laureate who got the price for his role in ending the conflict between #Ethiopia and #Eritrea. A deserving win for sure, but the fanboys of the orange imbecile will go batshit crazy anyway because their one-and-only Donald did not get the price for his #greatandunmatched ego.
#oldwhitemenyellingatgreta #nobelpeaceprice #abiyahmed #ethiopia #eritrea #greatandunmatched