Biden impeachment inquiry ‘eight months of abject failure’, watchdog report says
#BidenImpeachmentInquiry #AbjectFailure #WatchdogReport #USNews #Impeachment #Failure #Politics #News
#bidenimpeachmentinquiry #abjectfailure #watchdogreport #usnews #impeachment #failure #politics #news
@mickmeally One day, we (Ireland) are going to find ourselves in a situation when we need the Defence Forces, e.g. a massive concurrent (heatwave, wildfire, flooding) disaster here or across Europe and/or a Russia-NATO war and/or UN/EU demands for tens of thousands of peacekeepers to protect climate refugees in MENA - and we will regret our neglect of the Defence Forces and Civil Defence. The lack of government and civil service strategic foresight is unacceptable. Yes, #AbjectFailure #Ireland.
@Andy_Scollick They are shocking figures. Add in the degradation of the Reserve Forces that have been allowed to wither to near non-relevance & it is finally clear for all to see how (in)capable the Dept of Defence are in advocating, managing & delivering for our Nation's Defence & Security over decades now. Let Dept of Justice & Gards take even more of External Security role at this stage!! LOA2 me arse. #AbjectFailure #NoDefence #Defenceless #DefenceForces #Ireland #CDSP #PfP
#abjectfailure #nodefence #defenceless #defenceforces #ireland #cdsp #pfp
Starting to track IPs that hit my robots.txt, now that I know Brave says they have a search crawler without a UA that "respects robots.txt". They won't give netblocks, either. They're not welcome to my content, and I'm here to make it as difficult and expensive as possible to get and maintain.
It's sad that so many people remain steadfastly dedicated to enshittifying the 'net. We can't solve this with tech -- we have to solve it with community.
#enshittification #bravesearch #abjectfailure
So probably two dozen cases of Long Covid in the first cohort alone. And even if these doofuses all lived we know they infected others who may not be as lucky. #abjectfailure #darwinawards #wearamask
#abjectfailure #darwinawards #WearAMask