auch wenn es mich, inzwischen, nicht mehr persönlich betrifft: bitte setze nicht "schwerbehindert" mit MDE (Minderung der Erwerbsfähigkeit) gleich. Ich, Jahrg. '53, hatte nach meiner BW Zeit eine MDE von 50%, war sogar "Schwerkriegsbeschädigten" gleichgestellt. War aber, in meinem Beruf, voll erwerbstauglich.
Ich würde daher eher AfD Anhänger als, geistig, "behindert" einstufen, auch wenn sie sonst, ohne MDE, erwerbsfahig sind. 🥴👍
#Augmented, S49:E4 of #Nova, on #PBS validates what I've been noting (and warning of) about what could become an evolution of humans from #biological, to #mechanical / #digital beings.
What downsides will there be to all of the positive effects of these radical improvements?
"Is it coercive to attach goods to the abilities of the body?"—which we do now so, yes—and to whom and how will people be indebted for their #augmentations?
#humans #enhanced #disabled #abled #augmentations #Digital #mechanical #Biological #pbs #nova #augmented
#Australia has a long way to go to #house #abled and #disabled #people alike. Poor form #albanesegovernment.
#ausgov #auspol #tasgov #taspol #politas #tasmania #lutruwita #auspol2023 #housing #anthonyalbanese #news #classwar #humanrights #rentistheft #landlordsareparasites
#australia #house #abled #disabled #people #albanesegovernment #AusGov #auspol #tasgov #taspol #politas #tasmania #lutruwita #auspol2023 #housing #anthonyalbanese #news #classwar #humanrights #rentistheft #landlordsareparasites
The road to hell is paved with paperwork Unsure about good intentions.
“You know that essay you wrote? Yeah, didn’t read it” or “You aren’t eligible.” You couldn’t have told me this?
How can there be any more forms left to fill in? Questions to answer?Are there any people left to contact? Underfunded #social #services to work through?
How can I rest? My #adrenals will burn out completely if I continue like this. I need to stop adding #hydrocortisone #steroids to get things done. I didn’t just suddenly wake up. This is VERY bad for me.
If only #help and #housing was #safe and #accessible. It’s hard enough for the #abled. I need an #advocate. More forms.
#ChronicIlness is a full time unacknowledged job. #Abuse is the sprinkles.
#severeME #pwme #mecfs #LongCovid #ChronicPain #Disability #NEISVoid
#social #services #steroids #abled #NEISvoid #adrenals #hydrocortisone #help #housing #safe #accessible #advocate #chronicilness #abuse #SevereME #pwme #mecfs #LongCovid #chronicpain #disability
I also wish folx were more understanding of the different kinds of #privilege
Yes, I'm a #white #man - I'm also #disabled, #queer and #trans.
I'm not saying these #Cancel each other, only that it's #complicated and dependent on #Context
On another #SocialMedia platform, I was getting flak from a man who happened to be #CisHet #Abled and #Black.
It's not a #race to the #bottom and we are all gonna #Fail if we don't #JoinTogether and #help each other
#privilege #white #man #disabled #queer #trans #cancel #complicated #context #SocialMedia #cishet #abled #black #race #bottom #fail #jointogether #help
Too slow for all the folks that deserve this, I found this site that helps n00b abled folks test just how accessible sites are for one value of disabled folks:
#Disability #abled
#Accessibility #A11y
#Website #UX #Design
#Design #ux #Website #a11y #Accessibility #abled #disability
Witnessing & reporting is important, but far more vital is calling it out and demonstrating that the behaviour is unacceptable
People don't change harmful behaviour when they are 'debated' or 'heard'. People change only when they are made to feel unwelcome because of their choices
#yeg #abled #abpoli #cndpoli #antifascist
#yeg #abled #abpoli #cndpoli #AntiFascist
இந்தியாவிலேயே முதன்முறையாக மெரினாவில் அமைக்கப்பட்டுள்ள மாற்றுத் திறனாளிகளுக்கான மரப்பாதையை திறந்து வைத்தார் உதயநிதி ஸ்டாலின்…
#MarinaBeach #DifferentlyAbled #alternative #abled #Ramp #wooden #WoodenRamp
#woodenramp #wooden #ramp #abled #alternative #differentlyabled #MarinaBeach
To my #abled twitter friends, you can create a feed entirely of political hashtags.
From your PC:
1. Click on a hashtag, and then click on the follow icon. This will create an entire feed of just that hashtag
2. under that feed's settings, add additional hashtags to the ANY OF THESE category.
You can reduce the size of everything, as usual, with CTRL-Mouse Wheel, so everything fits.