Momentum in the movement?
The US Department of Justice (DOJ) has conducted, or launched investigations into several states’ unjust practices regarding persons with disabilities and violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
The Landmark US Supreme Court (SCOTUS) case, “Olmstead v. L.C.”, concluded that “people with disabilities have a qualified right to receive state funded supports and services in the community rather than institutions…” Many state’s still choose to ignore this decision and many aspects of the ADA.
A DOJ investgation focused on Maine, found that “Maine unnecessarily segregates children with mental health and/or developmental disabilities, in psychiatric hospitals, residential treatment facilities, and a state-operated juvenile detention facility”.
This directly vIolates the “Olmstead" decision which says that people with disabilities have a right to live in the community and receive services conducive to “community intergration". Community intergration is also outlined in the ADA. The services most accommodating and appropriate according to their needs, are a “right” under these federal guidelines. Where would you prefer to receive medical services… in your community while living at home, or at a hospital, institution or other detainment facility?
Some of the other states that have, or are under investigation, are noted below and accompanied by links to the DOJ website.
The DOJ investigation of Oklahoma for ADA violations asks the question: Did Oklahoma fail to provide community based mental health services, thus creating unnecessary institutionalization and contact with police?
In 2022 it is reported that over 1100 people were killed by US police personnel. This figure most likely does not account for many unreported incidents involving those with invisible disabilities, or reports attempting to justify deaths with the commonly uttered statement: “the individual had a history of mental illness". Would these humans still be alive if they were provided proper treatment and services?
Missouri is under similar DOJ scrutiny and also seems to practice “legal" exploitation of persons with disabilities regarding employment and fair wages. How does $1 an hour sound to you? That will be the topic of my next piece.
Similar injustices with regard to providing community based services in Kentucky prompted an investigation launched last May.
Is that more listening hear? Will it really bring significant change?
Are you, the citizens and party members listening and advocating for these nessesary changes?
This may be great for the disability community, disability justice and mental health but, it takes support from all disabled and abled persons alike, to insure changes are implemented and adhered to. This support is also imperative for similar advancements in other states and at the federal level.
Unfortunately, it seems many are too distracted fighting about partisanship, and wooden hammers. Many others claiming support for all marginalized people, often fail to include or mention the disability community in the fight for equality.
“We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the hateful words and actions of the bad people but for the appalling silence of the good people. Human progress never rolls in on wheels of inevitability…”
― Martin Luther King Jr.
“The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people but the silence over that by the good people.”
― Martin Luther King Jr.
The image is courtesy of @abughythm
The accompanying caption by the artist Abu is in Arabic and reads:
يوماً ما سأكسر القضبان وأعانق الحرية..
One day I'll break the bars and embrace freedom.
OK investigation:
Justice Department Launches Investigation of Oklahoma’s Mental Health Service System,Oklahoma City’s and Oklahoma Police Department’s:
MO investigation:
KY investigation:
Maine investigation findings:
#disability #InvisibleDisability #DisabilityJustice #MentalHealth #MentalHealthServices #SocialJustice #change #partisanship #Ableds #injustice #fairness ##support #inclusion #freedom #WhatWillYouDo
#disability #invisibledisability #DisabilityJustice #mentalhealth #mentalhealthservices #socialjustice #change #partisanship #ableds #injustice #fairness #support #inclusion #freedom #whatwillyoudo