Fuck…my daughter who communicates through body movements, and is an active crawler just got a bad concussion and fell backwards off a bench onto cement when at a park with my spouse. We are worried this could trigger status seizures. I’ve been home struggling from a long Covid flare up. Concerned about going to the ER and catching covid again and worsening our families long covid symptoms. Thanks for refusing #abledsupremacy and #masking #CovidIsNotOver #disabled #LongCovid #isolation #ableism
#abledsupremacy #masking #CovidIsNotOver #disabled #LongCovid #isolation #ableism
#AbledSupremacy #ableism The burden of safety, inclusion, and care cannot keep being placed on those most vulnerable of dying from Covid19. #MedicalIndustrialComplex #anticapitalism
#abledsupremacy #ableism #MedicalIndustrialComplex #anticapitalism
Receiving all the #ableist anti mask corporate, capitalist responses from legislators and medical administrators that removing masks in medical settings is necessary is #eugenics I am over sharing our #covid19 near death stories only to experience #medicalgaslighting Fuck the #MedicalIndustrialComplex My child and millions of other #disabled folx require access to medical supports to stay alive. Please speak out against eugenics policies. #MaskUp #AbledSupremacy #antifa #anticapitalism #oregon
#ableist #eugenics #COVID19 #medicalgaslighting #MedicalIndustrialComplex #disabled #MaskUp #abledsupremacy #antifa #anticapitalism #oregon
@magicalwoodlands Yes, thank you! The problem is that abled folx and the covid is over folx are fine if we stay isolated and ostracized from society forever. Yet, when we start speaking out about the reinforcement of #AbledSupremacy and why #mask mandates are necessary they get uncomfortable and gaslight us. #disabled Even the #progressives have long abandoned us for the sake of profits and to keep the wheels of #capitalism turning at any cost even further death. #eugenics #COVID19
#abledsupremacy #mask #disabled #progressives #capitalism #eugenics #COVID19
@emeritrix I am a very new activist in this group, Dr Shimi Sharief has been the leader of the important pro-mask movement. OHA, OHSU, Legacy, and Multnomah county “leaders” have gaslighted us time and time again. I am done telling my stories of our families near COVID death with institutions supporting #abledsupremacy This document has Multnomah Co health officials emails: https://www.oregon.gov/oha/PH/PROVIDERPARTNERRESOURCES/LOCALHEALTHDEPARTMENTRESOURCES/Documents/Multnomah.pdf
@emeritrix So grateful for your posts, and as a fellow #intersectional #antiableist activist. I have been speaking out against the ongoing #AbledSupremacy my little one faces at the hands of the #MedicalIndustrialComplex and #education system for years. It’s so fucked up how these public health officials, legislators and so called medical leaders will put profits over saving lives. #FuckCapitalsm #maskup #CovidIsNotOver
#intersectional #abledsupremacy #MedicalIndustrialComplex #education #fuckcapitalsm #MaskUp #CovidIsNotOver #antiableist
@recursive Yes, so true definitely my experience with my child in remote learning where she is expected to sit and listen to their long non-adaptive stories! I keep pushing for nuerodiverse affirming supports in school and medical settings. Unfortunately, all of these institutions, especially the #medicalindustrialcomplex and #education seem so interwoven with #abledsupremacy I am undiagnosed, but I feel that I am also neurodiverse.
#MedicalIndustrialComplex #education #abledsupremacy
@CarolynStirling The problem is my child and other folx who have chronic, complex medical conditions are extremely isolated and excluded from society and their communities thus reinforcing #AbledSupremacy My child who is 7.5 years old is such a fun and amazing kid, but she has zero friends. She is #othered and referred to as the baby in the rare occasions that we get out for a walk in the community. Thanks for wanting to support #disabled families.
#abledsupremacy #othered #disabled
@Lipk No surprise, so sorry though. Eugenics and #AbledSupremacy is an international process to try to ensure that folx with disabilities die, especially those who have multiple marginalizations such as BIPOC and disabled.
@DayWalkingRedhead Ha ha ha, going to inperson school?! No way, we do everything remotely. It is just our family and our caregiver at home doing 24/7 support. Folx who have chronic, complex medical conditions are forced to be extremely isolated, another perpetuation of #AbledSupremacy #exclusion
@luckytran Yes, wonderful sentiments! That is directly related to my child who has disabilities and chronic, complex medical conditions. She gets status seizures and breathing suppression. We have been isolated from friends, family and community for years. A cornerstone of #AbledSupremacy is the isolation, objectification, othering and ostracism folx with disabilities face. Seriously when will my child get to have friends and be a part of her community? #fuckableism #MaskUp
#abledsupremacy #fuckableism #MaskUp
#AbledSupremacy bezeichnet eine Art von Vorherrschaft, bei der Menschen ohne Behinderungen einen höheren Wert zugeschrieben wird als Menschen mit Behinderungen.
I’m so sick of abled people having zero guilt about infecting vulnerable disabled people like myself. They don’t have a right to have their “feelings” protected when they harm me. It’s toxic. My life is worth more than an abled person’s sense of entitlement to momentary convenience.
#disabled #disability #ableism #abledsupremacy