Voter ID in England led to racial and disability discrimination, report finds | Electoral reform | The Guardian

#voterid #racism #ableism #discrimation

Last updated 1 year ago

Emilyfern · @emilyfern
152 followers · 755 posts · Server

It’s starting to feel like ableism is a catch phrase ableds throw around to pretend “they get it”. Fuck all of you with your ableist gaze. My visibly disabled child is not your entertainment. Self stemming is natural. Vocalizations and body gestures must be respected as communication. There is an extensive amount of ableism within the Covid cautious and disability community towards folx who have intellectual disabilities. I’m exhausted with the questions, advice, and demeaning language.


Last updated 1 year ago

Evan · @darth_mall
92 followers · 1095 posts · Server

I already boosted @ben's original toot ( but in case you, like me, have boosts disabled I'm gonna toot this myself, because I think it is important.

Go read Ben's post about how image generation erases people with . It's been said before, but it bears repeating, and Ben's account is poignant and personal.

#ai #disability #ableism #generativeai

Last updated 1 year ago

Ben Myers 🦖 · @ben
772 followers · 1096 posts · Server

🦒 New post! "I'm a Spotless Giraffe."

models were perplexed by a baby giraffe without spots. They're perplexed by me, too.

This article on and within is more personal than I usually write. It would mean a lot to me if you read and shared it.

With thanks to @janellecshane for her original post!

#ai #disability #ableism #generativeai

Last updated 1 year ago

lkngrrr · @lkngrrr
258 followers · 782 posts · Server

@emiledingemans It really ought to be a “do the best you can” type of philosophy.

Demanding people forego lifesaving biologics or vaccines in the pursuit of an unattainable purity is beyond , it’s genocidal.


Last updated 1 year ago

Emile Dingemans ☑️ · @emiledingemans
536 followers · 1480 posts · Server

'Diversity is an Asset - A strong, sustainable movement for everyone needs representation; diverse ideas, perspectives & knowledge.'

- Lia Rodehorst, a research communications specialist, and vegan activist, as she shares her personal journey as a queer, chronically ill, and disabled woman within the animal rights movement, at International Animal Rights Conference 2023

#diversity #veganism #ableism #iarc

Last updated 1 year ago

Emile Dingemans ☑️ · @emiledingemans
536 followers · 1477 posts · Server

Our outreach communication is often ableist. Veganism is not a magical health cure.'

- Lia Rodehorst, a research communications specialist, and vegan activist, as she shares her personal journey as a queer, chronically ill, and disabled woman within the animal rights movement, at International Animal Rights Conference 2023

#diversity #veganism #ableism #iarc

Last updated 1 year ago

Emile Dingemans ☑️ · @emiledingemans
537 followers · 1476 posts · Server

'We're not broken, we do not need to be fixed and we do need you unsolicited advise, especially if you are not a professional in the field.'

- Lia Rodehorst, a research communications specialist, and vegan activist, as she shares her personal journey as a queer, chronically ill, and disabled woman within the animal rights movement, at International Animal Rights Conference 2023

#veganism #ableism #iarc

Last updated 1 year ago

Emile Dingemans ☑️ · @emiledingemans
538 followers · 1475 posts · Server

'I was motivated to bring my skills to this [vegan] movement, but the movement did not want me. I thought this was an inclusive environment, but I learned it was not. Not more than society'

- Lia Rodehorst, a research communications specialist, and vegan activist, as she shares her personal journey as a queer, chronically ill, and disabled woman within the animal rights movement, at International Animal Rights Conference 2023

#veganism #ableism #iarc

Last updated 1 year ago

Shiny Amygdala · @ShinyAmygdala
62 followers · 1119 posts · Server

I have issues with for many reasons, so I won't go into all of them.

I'll pick just one for today.


You may think a meme like this is the opposite of Ableism, but actually it's a hallmark of it.

Too many people within the ADAPT community espouse these views, and is why I never fit into spaces where these are the values shared within them .

#adapt #ableism #disability

Last updated 1 year ago

UC Access Now · @ucaccessnow
463 followers · 794 posts · Server

Mask up, folks. We as a society should not have stopped doing so.

#pandemic #covid #ableism

Last updated 1 year ago

Eric Eggert · @yatil
1223 followers · 2222 posts · Server

“M-Enabling Summit is committed to the health and wellness of all participants. We will enforce all current CDC recommendations for health and safety protocols.”

“If the government is OK with you conducting a disabling virus, so are we. Come to our conference to get infected.”

The term “disability-related conference” gets a whole new meaning that way!

#accessibility #ableism #exclusion

Last updated 1 year ago

Begrudging Recluse · @begrudging_recluse
607 followers · 1556 posts · Server

Almost two years ago my uncle passed away.

The story starts earlier. Almost four years before his death, he was diagnosed with cancer. He was healthy, only just turned 50, and barely had any symptoms. It was known to be terminal, but there were treatment options to prolong his life and ease his symptoms once they'd appear.

Later on some of the treatments didn't work so well anymore, but my uncle was still very much going strong. The doctor had him start on a new type of treatment, but a possible very low chance side effect was heart issues or heart failure.

Lo and behold, my uncle got heart issues. His girlfriend stayed over to help him for a little while, because suddenly he had started to feel bad. Then he got some sort of heart attack and dropped unconscious. His girlfriend called the emergency number and the ambulance arrived very quickly.

Two paramedics entered the house and immediately told my uncle's girlfriend that they didn't think it was worth it to resuscitate a cancer patient. "He only has a few years left at most anyway."

His girlfriend panicked and started arguing with them. Every second counts! Go to work! He really wants to live! He never signed a DNR! Revive him! This is a medication side effect, help him!

She fought and fought and after a few minutes they gave in, resuscitated him and brought him to the hospital. My mother arrived quickly afterwards. My uncle's girlfriend was traumatized from seeing her boyfriend die before her eyes and having to beg the paramedics to save him. I have never heard my mother so upset and I had no way to comfort her, I was too shocked by the story too. We all realized he would have died if he had not been at the side of a very assertive loved one at that very moment, who somehow remained clear-headed enough to argue and convince the paramedics.

My uncle was lucky. Within days he was fine again. His doctor switched his cancer treatment and the heart issues disappeared. He went on to live another good year in which he completed his bucket list and spent a lot of quality time with his girlfriend. Only after that he started to decline and almost two years ago he made use of the euthanasia law to pass away calmly with my mother at his side.

His death is a painful memory for me, because of the suffering of the ones involved of course, but also because it led to a very unsafe cremation service that caused a lot of fighting between my parents, and between my parents and myself. Death is always difficult, but even more so in a pandemic.

Mostly I'm recounting this story because it's only one of so, so many refusals of care of a family member by medical professionals. If you talk to chronically ill, disabled, caretakers, or anyone else who expresses extreme distrust and anger at the medical world, keep this in mind. They are probably carrying a lot of these kind of tales with them. Dozens of incidences, maybe even hundreds. I know I am dragging at least a mountain of them with me in my heart at all times.

#covid #ableism #eugenics #cancer

Last updated 1 year ago

UC Access Now · @ucaccessnow
463 followers · 794 posts · Server

It's part of ableism to act as if "only the weak" become disabled.

"...the updated booster is not intended for everyone. It’s for people in high-risk groups – those who are age 75 or older, pregnant or immunocompromised, said Offit, who serves on the FDA’s expert panel that reviewed the vaccine companies’ data."

#pandemic #ableism

Last updated 1 year ago

UC Access Now · @ucaccessnow
461 followers · 782 posts · Server

33 years post-ADA. Multiple notices from the DoJ and being sued. How is it UC is still creating websites that don't use equitable alt text & image description?

The image loading tag reads "lazy", but "ableist" would be more accurate.

#UCAccessNow #ableism #a11y

Last updated 1 year ago

UC Access Now · @ucaccessnow
461 followers · 780 posts · Server

When you have someone in a meeting who needs transcription/notetaking to meet their access needs, talk directly to them about it if you have security worries. Offer them an accessible human-based alternative. Don't just shut them out based on a meeting bot their university is actually forcing on them as "more affordable" than a person taking notes.

#ableism #ai #UCAccessNow

Last updated 1 year ago

UC Access Now · @ucaccessnow
549 followers · 775 posts · Server

Note these are not always used for nefarious purposes. Students who have "accommodations" to use and similar for transcriptions will be accompanied by an Otter bot named after them.

There is a risk - as with all cloud-based things - because your info passes through Otter's servers. All the more reason for universities to hire work/study student notetakers again. As soon as they could cheap-out with inferior robonotetaking, they did.

#ableism #ai #UCAccessNow

Last updated 1 year ago

Pratik Patel · @ppatel
994 followers · 15821 posts · Server

If the latest mindshare on Twitter and its logic is to be believed, I cause by fighting against it. Or Black people cause by fighting against it.

#Racism #ableism

Last updated 1 year ago

Hat. A cat. 😷n95 · @CatHat
279 followers · 12428 posts · Server

And im going to be nobody has the moral courage to accept my challenge.

If neither of those is accurate


Last updated 1 year ago

Hat. A cat. 😷n95 · @CatHat
279 followers · 12428 posts · Server

It just occurred to me WHY autistic community acts like NORMALS.

#actuallyautistic #ableism #queer #disabilityrights

Last updated 1 year ago