@samlitzinger Wake me up when or if this TAB (https://dialogue.cpso.on.ca/2021/12/examining-the-root-causes-of-ableism/ - scroll down to near the end or search for "TAB") gets some real perspective on being #disabled, instead of this virulent "inspo-crip" rhetoric of "wow my life has chaaaaaaaanged because I don't meet society's arbitrary standards anymore" invective. #AbleismIsEverywhere #ableism
Let me also say that if #UniversalDesign were fully in place in the world, this would not be the "breaking news" story that it is. He would just be getting on with his life, and it would be an equal life to everyone else's - regardless of "gaining back" skills etc. #NothingAboutUsWithoutUs
Thus endeth the rant.
#disabled #ableismiseverywhere #ableism #universaldesign #nothingaboutuswithoutus