So yesterday an actual nurse said that people who don't work don't deserve good healthcare. One of the most ableist statement I've ever heard. And she's a nurse! I told her that's messed up, and cruel, and she said she's the kindest person if you got to know her. 🙄 but people have to earn heath care.
I think there is a pole I can make about this but I just can't quite format it.
#ableist #disability #nurse
Week One:
Everyone in #bced schools is already sick with what appears to be one of the most infectious #covid variants to date, but you won’t hear anyone talking about it.
There will be no independent inquiry or exposé on how the #bcndp govt embraced this virus; gave up on expensive tracking, containment or any sort of layered protection. How this govt chose (for all of us) to accept constant societal sickness as our new norm.
The #teamaccess #bcmedia won’t inform you on how this #bcndp used #bced teachers like Guinea pigs in their own private clinical trial while #bonniehenry continued to openly lie about unchecked airborne transmission in #bced schools.
They won’t remind you how our #bcndp govt was caught hiding casualties in children with no negative press or pressure from #msm.
In our new #GBD reality, there will be no #memorial to the thousands who have perished under #Capitalism and it’s #LetErRip #Eugenic policies while this #bcndp continue to clutch their majority power.
There will be no mention of the thousands of deaths to come under this #bcndp due to politically corrupted #bcpublichealth leadership and zero accountability by friendly press.
This #bcndp govt, #bonniehenry and #adriandix will only ever work to hide, minimize and ignore the fallout from their cowardly #GreatBarrington surrender to #covid19bc.
They will only ever continue to hide the truth, continue to lie, continue to virtue signal and ultimately profit off our shared loss of community, loss of connection and loss of hope in humanity itself.
They will continue to ignore science and discriminate against our #vulnerable, constantly pushing a delusional post covid society like a desperate OxyContin doctor, all while silently sacrificing the last of us with no questions asked.
Soon they will begin their campaign for re-election, bragging about the death money they saved by giving up and accomplishing all these horrible feats in gilded secrecy.
They will try to convince us that they always cared, but we all now know “be kind and calm” was just another carefully scripted govt #PR lie.
Don’t fall for the pricey virtue signalling. Don’t consume the endless #bcndp propaganda, it’s only convincing because deception is their sole skill.
The hard truth is that these asinine “leaders” must be exiled for us to move forward. To heal we must first address the rampant virus that is our #bcgovt.
We need to work together to vote this #corrupt, #ableist #insufferable group of padded pocket politicians out! Our lives literally depend on it.
/end rant
#CovidIsNotOver #NewDeathParty #NoDataParty #MakeSchoolsSafe #masks4healthcare
#CDNhealth #CDNPoli
#BCED #covid #BCNDP #teamaccess #bcmedia #BonnieHenry #msm #gbd #memorial #capitalism #leterrip #eugenic #bcpublichealth #adriandix #greatbarrington #COVID19BC #vulnerable #pr #bcgovt #corrupt #ableist #insufferable #COVIDisAirborne #CovidIsNotOver #newdeathparty #nodataparty #makeschoolssafe #masks4healthcare #cdnhealth #cdnpoli
Pkw-Parkplätze verteidigen für mobilitätseingeschränkte Menschen, ist oft kaschiertes Verteidigen des eigenen Pkw-Parkplatzes - und Betroffene haben es satt!
„Lack of cycle infrastructure is negligent, ableist and ageist.“
#truth #mobility #ableist #ageist #inclusive #cycling #infrastructure #marginalised
#truth #mobility #ableist #ageist #inclusive #cycling #infrastructure #marginalised
“landlords are bad because they don’t work” no. #landlords are bad because they use the justice #system and the #police to render innocent #people #homeless. landlords are bad because they put barriers between living #human beings and having shelter. landlords are bad because they #hoard wealth and resources while their #community suffers
enough with the #ableist horseshit. nobody needs to work 40h a week to deserve to live"
#landlords #system #police #people #homeless #human #hoard #Community #ableist
@rtfmkiesel +9001%
#noJS is an act of self- and mutual defense...
It's also #ableist af since #accessibility-oriented browsers like #Lynx don't support it!
#lynx #Accessibility #ableist #nojs
I just published Dear Woom Bikes, you need adaptive accessories, like training wheels NOW
#Woom #WoomBikes
#Stroke #BrainTrauma #BrainInjury
#Adaptive #TrainingWheels
#Ableism #Ableist
#woom #woombikes #stroke #braintrauma #braininjury #adaptive #trainingwheels #ableism #ableist
@yassie_j I mean I hate #CAPTCHAs as they are #ableist af and don't even work for anything but exclude #blind and #VisionImpaired people.
But since #bots are a problem, I can't just complain about #ValueRemoving #RentSeekers like #CloudFlare without proposing any alternative methods...
#CloudFlare #rentseekers #valueremoving #bots #visionimpaired #blind #ableist #captchas
@Radical_EgoCom ADD #ImageDescriptions or at the very least #LinkToSources unless you're #ableist on purpose!
#ableist #linktosources #imagedescriptions
I’m not even going to post it bc it is too vile but #RFKJr made an obvious reference to 1488, a well known signal to neo-Nazis. It doesn’t even make sense in context. #RFK sucks and if you support his anti-#science, #ableist #antisemitic asshole, you do too.
#antisemitic #ableist #Science #rfk #rfkjr
Important to note that 3 gets used by -phobes of all stripes who want everyone to be cis/heteronormative or are #ableist but that's also a misunderstanding. If you're here, you haven't been selected against, and as also mentioned, selection is not a moral process so it's a non question.
It's quite possible I have sent mental curses to McConnell many times over the years but can we please continue hating him because he is evil, and not because we are being #ableist
You really should #AltTxt that so it can be boosted… a lot.
This is the sort of thing I’d immediately boost on all 3 of my masto accounts, but I (& many others I know) won’t boost pics lacking alt text.
Please consider whether being #Ableist might also be a form of #Bigotry.
The #MoonMoon meme is #ableist
#unpopularopinion #moonmoon #ableist
#Anarchist|s during the pandemic.
At the start of the pandemic things went pretty great. We saw many #MutualAid projects cropping up, people were shopping for each other, making and distributing masks etc. It would be presumptuous to claim that all these people were anarchists. Nevertheless such projects gave people hope. Could the pandemic, despite the humyn tragedy it represents, also be one of these moments in time when Mutual Aid and #CommunityCare could reach and maybe even convince the masses, that bottom up initiatives are fantastic and to implement them in opposition to the state makes a lot of sense.
But then the state seized its opportunity and started to use its enormous resources to implement some relatively decent policies, financial aid, eviction freezes, distribution of masks, tests, later vaccines and such. It seems to me, this had a deep impact on many anarchists. The state doing decent things for once, while, it has to be pointed out also expanding their overreach and control mechanisms, was feeding the wrong narrative and created confusion.
Many anarchists at this point turned their focus onto state overreach, understandably, or they started to fight the COVID-deniers, anti-maskers, anti-vaxxers, even more understandably so. While, sadly, some "anarchists" joined the wrong side and could then be seen protesting along side neonazis and new ager conspiracy nuts against masks or what have you. This made the confusion even worse.
When the state started their process of normalizing this debilitating disease, and when what the Death Panel podcast has so aptly dubbed the sociological production of the end of the pandemic started, by running a vaccine only strategy, anarchists missed their chance to switch their focus yet again. This time back to communal care, to solidarity with the people most endangered by this awful disease (please believe me, i have #LongCOVID), by opposing the state, who started to herd everyone back into wage labor and consumption of goods. Instead anarchists just went along with the #ableist and ultimately #eugenic bullshit and were even some of the first to drop mask mandates at their events.
For comrades like myself, who had been debilitated by this insidious disease, who may still suffer from it, and who now just had to watch, sidelined, how they were now being excluded from participation, this was an almost even more devastating blow, than suffering from the disease itself.
To be clear, this will not be the last pandemic. The causes for zoonotic diseases (deforestation, intensive animal and industrial farming) have not been addressed. #COVID could have, no should have been! an opportunity to reach consensus on how we respond to a pandemic, starting within our community to then reach out to the masses.
We absolutely failed at this. Even in the analysis of the pandemic response very few interesting contributions came from our circles (many of the better ones came from socialists and marxists). Meanwhile many of the big anarchist writers remained stumm on the topic.
And for some of us, with a heavy heart, we are now in the process of moving away from #anarchy out of sheer disillusionment and disappointment.
It is time to grieve. It is time to scream. I am so done.
#Anarchist #MutualAid #communitycare #LongCovid #ableist #eugenic #covid #anarchy #anarchy2023 #ableism
I exist to dismantle that negativity & highlight how beautiful disabled people are, what an important part of society we are, & to shine a light on every single #ableist shadow out there!
Part of this process, the very first part I think, is unraveling internalized ableism, which is the shame we as disabled folx feel for being who we are. This is something we have picked up from society, and it's toxic as fuck!
As much as I love many of the actors in this, #MeBeforeYou is a dum-ass #ableist movie. It is not romantic.
Quite #disappointing when people #comment after only #reading the #headline and not the actual #article. Just read a post where a young #college #student had to ask someone to vacate a seat she reseved cause she needed that specific seat to prevent #motionsickness, and of course the comments got very #ableist from people who clearly didn’t #read the whole article cause all they got about he #r from the headline is that she’s a young #collegestudent and didn’t see she also has an #invisibledisability. Wish there was a requirement where you have to scroll through the entire article before you can comment. #ableism #disabled #disability
#disappointing #comment #reading #headline #article #college #student #motionsickness #ableist #read #R #collegestudent #invisibledisability #ableism #disabled #disability
you may want to reconsider that toot and probably delete it