Monica K. Shields · @marzours
80 followers · 256 posts · Server

Two waves (1950s & 1970s) of systemic deinstitutionalisation and there are more “beds” than before; they just look different.

Busting the Deinstitutionalization Myth: We Actually Have More Beds Than Ever Before
New data upends common beliefs about asylum closures, deinstitutionalization, and rates of psychiatric coercion.

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#madliterature #Madness #madmastodon #madpride #madthought #madmovement #madstudies #mad #Madodon #TransMad #eugenics #asylum #carceralableism #antiblacksanism #instutionalization #ablesim #disabilitycommunity #invisibledisabilities #psychiatricsurvivor #antipsychiatry #DisabilityJustice #livedexperience #psychsurvivor #chronicpain #DisabilityMastodon #neurodivergent #radicalmentalhealth #CripCamp #DisabilityRights #neurodiversity #sanism #disability #disabilitystudies #stories #isolation

Last updated 1 year ago

Monica K. Shields · @marzours
80 followers · 255 posts · Server

Mad Crip doula: offering holistic and emotional spiritual bodymind care, mixed with practical and crisis support (and plant medicine). moving from a liberation-centered and anti-oppressive lens. a transition doula with skills in: abortion, death, grief, Madness, and Disability.

endorsing: non-carceral, peer-led mental health care systems that exist outside of the state, reimagining everything we’ve come to learn about madness, and intervening in systems that oppress, disappear, and kill Disabled and mad folks.

Please Note: I don’t know Them in any capacity and They sure look bad-ass

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#madliterature #Madness #madmastodon #madpride #madthought #madmovement #madstudies #mad #Madodon #TransMad #carceralableism #instutionalization #ablesim #disabilitycommunity #invisibledisabilities #psychiatricsurvivor #antipsychiatry #DisabilityJustice #livedexperience #psychsurvivor #chronicpain #DisabilityMastodon #neurodivergent #radicalmentalhealth #CripCamp #DisabilityRights #neurodiversity #sanism #disability #disabilitystudies #stories #isolation

Last updated 1 year ago

Monica K. Shields · @marzours
80 followers · 255 posts · Server
Monica K. Shields · @marzours
77 followers · 248 posts · Server

Open Minded Online
sharing ideas and resources about holistic approaches to emotional and social wellbeing

We are two people who both have a great passion for holistic approaches to mental health. This passion has grown out of our own experiences of receiving traditional psychiatric treatment and finding it lacking.

We believe that it is possible to make sense of intense states of mind often described as psychosis.

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#madliterature #asylum #instutionalization #Madness #madmastodon #madpride #madthought #madmovement #madstudies #mad #Madodon #TransMad #ablesim #disabilitycommunity #invisibledisabilities #psychiatricsurvivor #antipsychiatry #DisabilityJustice #livedexperience #psychsurvivor #chronicpain #DisabilityMastodon #neurodivergent #radicalmentalhealth #CripCamp #DisabilityRights #neurodiversity #sanism #disability #disabilitystudies #stories

Last updated 1 year ago

Monica K. Shields · @marzours
77 followers · 247 posts · Server
Anti.:fuck_verify: · @antiall3s
180 followers · 405 posts · Server

Okay, @anarchy2023, maybe it would be a good idea NOT TO SPREAD LIES when you make a statement:

You write: "Concernant le témoignage de la personne appelée Pieceofplastic, la réalité est autre de notre point de vue. Nous avons considéré cette personne, nous l’avons invitée à plusieurs réunions, il s’est rendu à une réunion de groupe Radio, où il a été invité à exposer tous ses besoins, puis il a disparu en disant qu’il ne pouvait pas travailler dans ces conditions, sans expliquer lesquelles étaient manquantes ou défaillantes."

Everything is wrong in this paragraph, or it is framed in a way that intents to shift the blame on me. And to throw me under the bus.

1. The name of the blog is, that is not my name.
2. You "considered" me (what a horrible word in this context), after four months of an ordeal during which i was trying to get involved, with a great number of my emails left without a response.
3. You "placed" (i could also say "forced me" here, it's would be correct) me into the group radio, when my expressed interest from the start had been to be in the care team.
4. I did explain why i left the group radio, in detail, i will quote that statement bellow. I then contacted the care team, to a.) try to get involved in the care team and b.) appeal to them that they fight against the ableist structure of the gathering. I did not receive an answer to my various emails o for weeks to then be told that they had not checked the email "for a long time". After that i heard nothing from them to my follow up question.
5. My issue, from the start has been ableism in the very structure of the organizational team (and in the plans form the RIA). My expressed interest had been that the orga meetings should be covid-safe, so that chronically ill or immunocompromised people, like myself, could participate OR that hybrid meetings are organzied which would allow them remote access.
6. I explained all this in great detail in my blog post here: What you did here is not only a disingenuous summary but actually an outrageous twisting of the issues at hand. An attempt to throw me under the bus. My concerns are valid. The RIA still does not have a covid-safe structure. I (and others) still cannot participate.
7. Chris Zumbrunn's statement is vague and rubbery and does not make things clearer to the least. Meanwhile @zumbrunn on Twitter RTs Elon Musk, RFKjr (see bellow, in the video RFKjr compares Fauci to Dr. Mengele), Kim Dotcom and other right wing libertarians. He was involved in the ableist, antisemitic and fascist Anti-Mask Anti-Vaxx protests in Bern. And incidentally it was him who was also the one that side lined me for four months by not responding to my emails where i was trying to fight for masks at the organizational meetings and the RIA. Plus Chris is a conspiracy theorist. He cannot be involved in an anarchist gathering.
8. I can prove all my claims with emails and screen shots.
9. You throwing me under the bus in such a manner this IS . I have expressed valid concerns. I am chronically ill, neurodivergent, depressed and suicidal. And you KNOW all this. You are playing with fire here.
10. I am pleased that you will cancel some of the workshops mentioned at

So following is the statement when i made when i left the radio group:

"Hey guys. I realise that, as it stands, i cannot in good conscience be involved in planning this gathering in St. Imier. Since it will not be planned with COVID-Safety in mind, which for me, who is chronically ill, and many others will mean we cannot participate. During, or so short after (if you buy the sociological production of the end of the pandemic bullshit), a global pandemic you simply can't plan an international meeting without a pandemic safety concept. People will travel here from other countries, this could easily turn into a super spreader event. We all hope it wont't of course. But as anarchists, we have to consider such scenarios.

I will therefore leave this group. My contact at the CCC never answered, anyway, and i doubt decent video streaming will be possible. A solid internet connection should have been organised months ago, these things take planning." [sic]

#ablesim #anarchy #anarchy2023 #stimier

Last updated 1 year ago

Monica K. Shields · @marzours
73 followers · 244 posts · Server
Monica K. Shields · @marzours
73 followers · 243 posts · Server
Monica K. Shields · @marzours
71 followers · 241 posts · Server
Monica K. Shields · @marzours
71 followers · 241 posts · Server

What to do with the mad people?
Outta sight outta mind.
History. Treatments. Surgery. Sterilization.

The Rise and Fall of the Asylum
PBS series: Mysteries of Mental Illness
About an hour long
Aired: 06/23/21
Expires: 07/22/24

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#madliterature #dorotheadix #eugenics #galton #darwin #moraltreatment #history #documentary #asylum #antiblacksanism #Madness #madmastodon #madpride #madthought #madmovement #madstudies #mad #Madodon #TransMad #ablesim #disabilitycommunity #invisibledisabilities #psychiatricsurvivor #antipsychiatry #DisabilityJustice #livedexperience #psychsurvivor #chronicpain #DisabilityMastodon #neurodivergent #radicalmentalhealth #CripCamp #DisabilityRights #neurodiversity #sanism #disability #disabilitystudies #stories

Last updated 1 year ago

Monica K. Shields · @marzours
71 followers · 241 posts · Server

Super cool resource & literature. Need more time in a day!!! I just read the interview with Sofia Jeppsson

The series is designed to provide a public venue for discussion with disabled philosophers about a range of topics, including their philosophical work on disability; the place of philosophy of disability vis-à-vis the discipline and profession; their experiences of institutional exclusion and personal and structural gaslighting in philosophy, in particular, and in academia, more generally; resistance to ableism, racism, sexism, and other apparatuses of power; accessibility; and anti-oppressive pedagogy.

BIOPOLITICAL PHILOSOPHY: Dialogues on Disability

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#madliterature #antiblacksanism #Madness #madmastodon #madpride #madthought #madmovement #madstudies #mad #Madodon #TransMad #ablesim #disabilitycommunity #invisibledisabilities #psychiatricsurvivor #antipsychiatry #DisabilityJustice #livedexperience #psychsurvivor #chronicpain #DisabilityMastodon #neurodivergent #radicalmentalhealth #CripCamp #DisabilityRights #neurodiversity #sanism #disability #disabilitystudies #stories

Last updated 1 year ago

Monica K. Shields · @marzours
71 followers · 241 posts · Server
Monica K. Shields · @marzours
71 followers · 241 posts · Server
mara · @marzours
67 followers · 219 posts · Server

International Mad Studies Journal

First issue 2023: imsj.journals.publicknowledgep

Our Vision and Values
* Diverse voices and perspectives.
* Opposes hegemony and seeks to challenge power.
* Embraces marginalised epistemologies and privileges mad and unheard voices.
* Provocative and critical.
* Founded on human rights, social justice, resistance, and desire for real change. 
* Accessible and independent.
* Transparent and responsive. 
* Quality

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#madliterature #Madness #madmastodon #madpride #madthought #madmovement #madstudies #mad #Madodon #TransMad #ablesim #disabilitycommunity #invisibledisabilities #psychiatricsurvivor #antipsychiatry #DisabilityJustice #livedexperience #psychsurvivor #chronicpain #DisabilityMastodon #neurodivergent #radicalmentalhealth #CripCamp #DisabilityRights #neurodiversity #sanism #disability #disabilitystudies #stories

Last updated 2 years ago

mara · @marzours
67 followers · 216 posts · Server
mara · @marzours
65 followers · 208 posts · Server
mara · @marzours
65 followers · 200 posts · Server
mara · @marzours
62 followers · 199 posts · Server
mara · @marzours
61 followers · 194 posts · Server
mara · @marzours
58 followers · 185 posts · Server

This changed me! The chapters are standalone stories and as a compilation they critique "the system" psy-complex, mental health, sanity, all the things. I can't say enough about how powerful this text is! Diverse Living all over the globe experiencing insanity or sanity or a combination of the two!

I have close relationships with a few of the authors but their chapters were a surprise to me!

Because the book is newly-released, some online booksellers don’t have it listed on their sites yet; some sites are quicker than others with such things. But it’s already available on the Amazon and Barnes & Noble sites.

Local brick-and-mortar booksellers can also order it for customers via the Ingram distribution catalogue, and customers whose mailing addresses are in the USA can order it direct from Autonomous Press.


Barnes & Noble:

Autonomous Press:

#book #authors #goodwriting #writers #readers #Madness #madmastodon #madpride #madthought #madmovement #madstudies #mad #Madodon #TransMad #ablesim #disabilitycommunity #invisibledisabilities #psychiatricsurvivor #antipsychiatry #DisabilityJustice #livedexperience #psychsurvivor #chronicpain #DisabilityMastodon #neurodivergent #radicalmentalhealth #CripCamp #DisabilityRights #neurodiversity #sanism #disability #disabilitystudies #poetics #stories

Last updated 2 years ago