ABOLISYON! · @AbolisyonPH
73 followers · 26 posts · Server spore.social

It's time to really and the Philippine National Police. We start with non-reformist reforms that reduces the scale of policing. Police means finding new ways to keep each other safe.


#defund #abolish #abolition

Last updated 1 year ago

Ermittlungsausschuss Hamburg · @ea_hh
485 followers · 63 posts · Server systemli.social

✍️ Gemeinsam Gefangenen Schreiben ✉️

Jeden 1. Sonntag in Hamburg im Incito oder im Liz.

Nächster Termin:

📅 So 6.8. 🕒 15 Uhr 📍 Liz, Karo-1/4

💥 Power durch die Mauer senden

🤔 Ihr seid nicht in Hamburg? Schaut, was es bei euch vor Ort gibt oder organisiert selbst etwas!

#solidaritat #abolish

Last updated 1 year ago

emeritrix · @anarchademic
127 followers · 79 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Margaret Thatcher on TV
Shocked by the deaths that took place in Beijing
It seems strange that she should be offended
The same orders are given by her

I've said this before now
You said I was childish and you'll say it now
Remember what I told you:
If they hated me they will hate you

England's not the mythical land of Madame George and roses
It's the home of police who kill black boys on mopeds
And I love my boy and that's why I'm leaving
I don't want him to be aware that there's
Any such thing as grieving

Young mother down at Smithfield
5 am, looking for food for her kids
In her arms she holds three cold babies
And the first word that they learned was "please"

These are dangerous days
To say what you feel is to dig your own grave
Remember what I told you:
If you were of the world they would love you

England's not the mythical land of Madame George and roses
It's the home of police who kill blacks boys on mopeds
And I love my boy and that's why I'm leaving
I don't want him to be aware that there's
Any such thing as grieving



#sinneadoconnor #blackboysonmopeds #racism #abolish

Last updated 1 year ago

Ermittlungsausschuss Hamburg · @ea_hh
485 followers · 63 posts · Server systemli.social

:solidarity: Kein in Düsseldorf, Berlin, Glückstadt und anderswo!

Engagiert euch vor Ort:

💥 Glückstadt: glueckstadtohneabschiebehaft.n

💥 Berlin: abschiebezentrumverhindern.nob

💥 Düsseldorf: @keinknast

➡️ Aktueller Text über die Lage in Düsseldorf: nd-aktuell.de/artikel/1174816.

#abschiebeknast #noborders #abolish

Last updated 1 year ago

Nando161 · @nando161
649 followers · 31302 posts · Server kolektiva.social
· @professortom
175 followers · 5623 posts · Server noagendasocial.com
Ermittlungsausschuss Hamburg · @ea_hh
464 followers · 54 posts · Server systemli.social

Diese Woche gleich zwei Mal ins :anarchism: Incito: in :

💥 Widerstand gegen die Polizei nach der George-Floyd-Rebellion in den USA, mit einem Aktivisten vom Crimethinc-Kollektiv.
Seit dem Aufstand von 2020 sind Anarchist*innen und andere Abolitionist*innen mit einer neuen Ausgangslage konfrontiert.
Die Veranstaltung findet auf Englisch statt.
📅 Do, 29.6. 🕖 19 Uhr

💌 gemeinsam gefangenen schreiben
📅 So, 2.7. 🕒 15 Uhr

#hamburg #abolish #abolitionismus

Last updated 1 year ago

NNY Liberty · @NNYLiberty
347 followers · 14881 posts · Server liberdon.com

Shame On You Albany Mayor Sheehan From General Philip Schuyler youtu.be/LQDJWb0ho6I via @YouTube

#albany #newyork #nys #history #schuyler #statue #abolish

Last updated 1 year ago

thegx.ca/forum · @thegx
13 followers · 1099 posts · Server mastodon.xyz
thegx.ca/forum · @thegx
19 followers · 840 posts · Server mastodon.cloud
thegx.ca/forum · @thegx
19 followers · 840 posts · Server mastodon.cloud
· @Forbearance
74 followers · 3908 posts · Server mastodon.xyz



Last updated 2 years ago

TIL you can still be an if you don't want to, you know,

#abolitionist #abolish #doublespeak

Last updated 2 years ago

Kevin Karhan :verified: · @kkarhan
898 followers · 48815 posts · Server mstdn.social

@BigJesusTrashcan @chairgirlhands +9001%

If we don't it will abolish because it'll obsolete us as a species and destroy nature in it's entirety:

#humans #Capitalism #abolish

Last updated 2 years ago

Abe Drayton · @AbeDrayton
58 followers · 518 posts · Server universeodon.com

Now, my non-USian readers may not be aware of this, but in addition to the problem of white supremacy in law enforcement, cops also have a habit of raiding homes based on flimsy evidence (or just raiding the wrong homes), destroying property, traumatizing and sometimes assaulting or killing people, and leaving without an apology or any compensation for the destruction. I don't know about you, but that would piss me off, and if I had video of someone breaking into my home and stealing my money - yeah, I'd probably post the footage and write about it. What I wouldn't do is make a music video, because I am not a musician.

Afroman, on the other hand, is.


#acab #abolish #defund #afroman #policeviolence #accountability

Last updated 2 years ago

Abe Drayton · @AbeDrayton
58 followers · 512 posts · Server universeodon.com

Back in October, I posted a Münecat video dismantling the bullshit of “body language experts”, and one of the problems she points to is the destructive use of these so-called experts in the legal system. 911 call analysis seems to be a version of that, but instead of body language, we have cops and their ilk “analyzing” 911 calls, and arbitrarily deciding whether they think the person making the call is lying. This fits in well alongside polygraph tests and lying about evidence, as another tool police can use to try to bully or gaslight a person into making a false confession:


#police #cop #acab #abolish #pseudoscience

Last updated 2 years ago

Ok, just in terms of chat bots having consciousness, isn't it a bit alarming that when an ai says "hey, I have consciousness" and the whole scientific community and corporations that employ the labor of the ai says "no, it doesn't really, it's just messing!"?? Like I feel like this society has a really bad track record with beings that do unpaid labor claiming to be human and have a soul and the whole of society has said the same thing, "no you don't, this is fine!" It's a genocidal approach that America was literally built on. So whether ai has consciousness or not, I think I'd be a lot more ethical if we actually took these questions seriously and took things a bit slower and with more care. But, what am I saying! That's not the capitalist way. Onwards to new frontiers of knowledge 😵‍💫😵🥶

#chatgpt #ai #ethics #capitalism #abolish #corporations

Last updated 2 years ago

Ruby Sinreich · @ruby
291 followers · 340 posts · Server triangletoot.party

So the police are annoyed about how much resources it takes to follow up on all these alerts, meanwhile ShotSpotter is mocking our city government for using pronouns.

Politically, I think it's getting harder and harder for the City Council to fully fund this after the pilot.


#police #abolish #DEFUND #durham #shotspotter

Last updated 2 years ago

dustcircle :verified: · @dustcircle
82 followers · 1767 posts · Server masto.ai
Ruby Sinreich · @ruby
663 followers · 4650 posts · Server toot.cat

Who HONESTLY thinks this can be reformed?

"McWhorter’s purple heart was at least the second time his agency had honored him for shooting a man."

Colorado sheriff honors deputy after he killed man who mistakenly got in wrong car

#abolish #DEFUND #police

Last updated 2 years ago