Fuck those cream cheese moguls, in their cream cheese mansions, riding around in their cream cheese sports cars
#creamcheesebillionaires #abolishbillionaires
@froomkin #AbolishTheStates #TaxTheChurches #RebootTheConstution #AbolishBillionaires #StripTheCorporateShield Anything conservatives love is on the table for destruction
#abolishthestates #taxthechurches #reboottheconstution #abolishbillionaires #stripthecorporateshield
@nbcnews Because billionaires can do whatever the fuck they want!!
#abolishbillionaires #yeettherich
Not only have we allowed economic power to be concentrated to a very few people, for the most part the system ensures those people are literal psychopaths.
If your goal is to collect billions of dollars, not caring about other human beings is a superpower.
Donald Trump’s entire life is an indictment of our current system.
Trump became a money-laundering Russian mafia lieutenant 40 years ago, failed and cheated at everything he did, and somehow became the fucking president. After trying to destroy the country for four years, he launched a violent coup attempt to stay in power.
Yet he still walks free.
Last Boost: He shut down all Twitter Spaces so that he could stop people from talking negatively about him.
Seeing a billionaire melt down in real time as he realizes how hated he is.
@rbreich I remember the days when people spoke of Warren Buffet as ‘the kindly billionaire’.
Billionaires should be an impossibility.
#abolishbillionaires #profitistheft #tribunusplebis #solidarity #taxtherich
#abolishbillionaires #profitistheft #tribunusplebis #solidarity #taxtherich
Elon Musk's obsession with code reminds me of when I was in college and became friends with a bunch of engineering and computer science majors who were constantly talking about the coding languages they learned. I didn't understand it, but they made it sound Very Important and Cool.
I bet Musk also had those friends in college, and he's just never grown up or grown out of their shadows. And he's clearly jealous.
#twitter #ElonMusk #abolishbillionaires #UnionizeTwitter
@AnnemarieBridy Especially partisan hacks installed by billionaires with an anti-democratic agenda #abolishbillionaires
@rbreich World democracy won’t survive unless our elected leaders have the courage to #abolishbillionaires & tax them until they all become millionaires again.
You know that gravity demo where you put a weight on a rubber sheet and then roll a ball across it, showing the weight's affect on the path of the ball around it?
Billionaires are huge weights on the rubber sheet of society. Their weight overwhelms or cancels out the influence of anyone nearby with less power. They attract awful people into their orbit, who gleefully deepen the pit and try to drag the rest of the world in.
Every billionaire is a policy failure.
You know that gravity demo where you put a weight on a rubber sheet and then roll a ball across it, showing the weight's affect on the path of the ball around it?
Billionaires are huge weights on the rubber sheet of society. Their weight overwhelms or cancels out the influence of anyone nearby with less power. They attract awful people into their orbit, who gleefully deepen the pit and try to drag the rest of the world in.
Every billionaire is a policy failure.
Let's start with the lie Elon Musk has ANY science credentials of merit whatsoever.
He's an Apartheidist, Colonist heir to blood emeralds. That's all.
#AbolishBillionaires #twittermigration #EliteCapture #elonmusk
#abolishbillionaires #twittermigration #elitecapture #elonmusk
My first post here may also be my last thread on the bird app.
I can’t help but see the parallels between a billionaire destroying our digital world here on Twitter and billionaires doing the same thing to our planet. Possibly my last 🧵 here?
I first heard of Twitter when climate activists were using it to organize & communicate at the UN climate summit COP 13 in Bali, Indonesia in 2007. To tweet with your phone at the time you had to send a text, the reason for the 140 character limit.
When I joined twitter in 2009, my first tweet was about a report we'd just published at
the Council of Canadians on why the #JustTransition needs to be Green, Decent, & Public. For me & many others this has always been an important space for organizing for peace, ecology, and human rights.
And now, Twitter is breaking down before our eyes as climate progress is being blocked by billionaires and corporations at the latest round of UN climate talks. Our digital and offline worlds are on fire and the 1% keeps fanning the flames.
At every turn since the billionaire grifter took over, Twitter engineers have said Twitter can't survive without this system, as he dismantled each one. Just as scientists and Indigenous knowledge holders have said of the many ecological systems billionaires are setting ablaze.
It may be too late to save Twitter, but it's not too late to save the world and win a future for our species and countless others that's free of the whims of billionaires and the injustices of this system.
I hope if nothing else, the end of Twitter is the beginning of the end of billionaires and the unjust system that gave rise to them. Together, let's keep organizing to win a just transition and a Green New Deal. Let's abolish billionaires so they can't Twitter the climate.
If you're looking for a way to get involved, here's one place you can start https://canadians.org/justtransition/
#AbolishBillionaires #GreenNewDeal #JustTransition #RIPTwitter #ClimateCrisis #COP27
#justtransition #abolishbillionaires #greennewdeal #riptwitter #ClimateCrisis #cop27
So this could be the last pic of the cat that I ever post over on Twitter eh? Man.
Musk is a perfect example of how money doesn't always bring happiness and creating a billionaire class puts far too much power into too few people's hands.
So this could be the last pic of the cat that I ever post over on Twitter eh? Man.
Musk is a perfect example of how money doesn't always bring happiness and creating a billionaire class puts far too much power into too few people's hands.
@torontodan Yes! Hmmm, Elon reminds of another rich spoiled kid.
#TaxTheRich #abolishbillionaires