⛴ Trois navires de sauvetage en Méditerranée immobilisés ⚠️
L'ONU exhorte pourtant les États à garantir des alternatives sûres aux traversées dangereuses et à s’engager à renforcer l’action humanitaire sans entrave.
📸 Sea Watch International
#freeopenarms #freeaurora #freeseaeye #refugeeswelcome #abolishborders #abolishfrontex
The climate refugees are a reason to bring the concept of open borders again into discussion.
I know, it is complicated. The current administrative systems in place don't allow large influxes of refugees (there is not enpugh money, they say), and, much worse, societies of the the rich countries are moving entirely in the wrong direction with the current wave of racism.
It hurts to become aware that it won't be possible to maintain the actual levels of material wealth (anyway, I don't see so many happy faces around me...). To me it seems that this is one of the large drivers behind the current denial and racist response.
Now, I am not sure how to bring the idea of abolishing borders back on the table. The concept had some notable support some 10 years ago, but currently I see little possibilities for societal majorities (even the moderate political parties promote racist immigration policies). Although I hope that I am too pessimistic... Any ideas?
I think, the least we can do is to fight the militarization of immigration control. With every million spent in the 'security' industry, their lobby groups and influence on society are strenghtened. When there is business in racism, it becomes only worse.
#AbolishBorders #FortressEurope #BorderControl #NoBorderNoNation #ClimateRefugees #Refugees #Immigration
#abolishborders #fortresseurope #bordercontrol #nobordernonation #climaterefugees #refugees #immigration
Blood produce: The supply chain that is working people to death
#EatTheRich #TaxTheMotherFuckingRich #EfraínLópezGarcía #DangDeathCamp #JimJillPurgatory #FreshPoint #Sysco $SYS #QueCalor #AbolishICE #LandBack #AbolishCapitalism #DownWithTheState #AbolishBorders
#EatTheRich #taxthemotherfuckingrich #efrainlopezgarcia #dangdeathcamp #jimjillpurgatory #freshpoint #sysco #QueCalor #abolishice #landback #abolishcapitalism #downwiththestate #abolishborders
Keep calling! (954) 424 - 0242
You may have seen that Biden has announced what he calls “extreme heat protections” but what we know to be simply creating a dedicated paperwork definition of heat related deaths rather than filing it as a general workplace hazard. There is no new policy, just a small difference in the paperwork.
However the only people in the world who will notice a change are those who fill out said paperwork: the OSHA employees. This ironically gives us an opportunity to put pressure on the South Florida OSHA employees to do something. So keep calling!
Say his name! Efraín López García https://kolektiva.social/@miaantifanews/110775035865688678
OSHA inaction https://kolektiva.social/@miaantifanews/110810211348091602
Call OSHA FTL and urge them to issue a significant citation against Dang Farms for working Efraín López García to death!
(954) 424-0242 (choose language then press 0 to speak with an operator, then ask to speak to/leave a message for Eastmond Condell, the SFL area director)
Hi I am calling about a case from July 13 of this year, inspection number 1682870.015, in which a worker died of heatstroke.
*wait for them to find the case*
I urge you to issue a significant citation against Dang Farms for working this young man to death. His name was Efraín López García, he was 29 years old and he deserves justice. I am concerned that workers are still in danger of heat related illness and deaths will continue without swift and decisive action from OSHA.
#EfraínLópezGarcía #DangDeathCamp #RafaelSlaveDriverSlumlordBarajas #HendrixHellHole #JimJillPurgatory #QueCalor #WeKeepUsSafe #AbolishICE #SolidarityEconomy #Degrowth #LandBack #CapitalismIsKillingUs #AbolishCapitalism #DownWithTheState #AbolishBorders #PhoneZap #Miami #SouthFlorida #Florida #ActionAlert
#efrainlopezgarcia #dangdeathcamp #rafaelslavedriverslumlordbarajas #hendrixhellhole #jimjillpurgatory #QueCalor #wekeepussafe #abolishice #solidarityeconomy #degrowth #landback #capitalismiskillingus #abolishcapitalism #downwiththestate #abolishborders #phonezap #miami #southflorida #florida #actionalert
3 businesses worked someone to death in Jan; only 1 fined but it was negotiated down. They are all repeat offenders, managing to renegotiate/avoid citation except once.
Therefore we are calling for a phone zap so that OSHA knows that we are watching their investigation into Dang Farms for the death of Efraín López García.
Support #QueCalor by @WeCount_FL and check out this thread ⬇️ for resources for revolutionary organizing against Borders! A crime with a fine is only a crime for the poor!
Phone zap OSHA to fine Dang Dang Death Camp for working Efraín López García to death! We investigated another farm worker who died of heatstroke and found inaction by OSHA.
#EfraínLópezGarcía #DangDeathCamp #RafaelSlaveDriverSlumlordBarajas #HendrixHellHole #Jim&JillPurgatory #QueCalor #WeKeepUsSafe #AbolishICE #SolidarityEconomy #Degrowth #LandBack #CapitalismIsKillingUs #AbolishCapitalism #DownWithTheState #AbolishBorders
#efrainlopezgarcia #dangdeathcamp #rafaelslavedriverslumlordbarajas #hendrixhellhole #jim #QueCalor #wekeepussafe #abolishice #solidarityeconomy #degrowth #landback #capitalismiskillingus #abolishcapitalism #downwiththestate #abolishborders
Check out all of the properties and their value that Dang Death Camp has purchased since 1996.
This is where Efraín López García died from heatstroke. This is who worked him to death.
Using the University of Florida’s estimate for Avocado and Lime farms in South Florida (Dang Death Camp’s two largest crops) we estimate that their profit is at least $536k per year. While a lot and it’s easy to imagine that we’re under estimating, this does not explain spending nearly $8 million since 2019 (even overpaying for some properties).
When the Dang Death Camp first started buying in 1996, they would purchase a property every few years. Then it became every year. Now they’re buying multiple properties per year. But since their first purchase, they’ve grown at a rapid and constant rate.
The family buys $600k of land (today’s dollars) in 1996 and then another $700k in 1999. There’s no way that one parcel of land could’ve paid off a $600k loan and then been put up for another loan just with produce profits alone. Since 2019, their purchases have added $7m to their portfolio, a 25% real increase to portfolio over 4 years.
How greedy do they have to be to be spending so much on expanding while working their workers to death?
#QueCalor #abolishborders #nobordersnonations
Say his name! Diga su nombre! Efraín López García!
#EfraínLópezGarcía #DangDeathCamp #QueCalor #WeKeepUsSafe #AbolishICE #SolidarityEconomy #Degrowth #LandBack #CapitalismIsKillingUs #AbolishCapitalism #DownWithTheState #AbolishBorders
#efrainlopezgarcia #dangdeathcamp #QueCalor #wekeepussafe #abolishice #solidarityeconomy #degrowth #landback #capitalismiskillingus #abolishcapitalism #downwiththestate #abolishborders
The planet is already wrecked, but #AbolishBorders #TheEmpiresMustFall
#abolishborders #TheEmpiresMustFall
Re 3/3 Rather than investing in deportation prisons, it’s time for infrastructure to welcome and support people reaching Europe, and for Human Rights to apply equally to all persons.Abolish borders, not human rights!#AbolishBorders #FreedomOfMovementForAll #HumanRightsForAll
#abolishborders #FreedomOfMovementForAll #humanrightsforall
Remember that your boundaries are yours, determined by you and essential for liberatory work.
Unlike borders, which are determined by colonizers and need to be abolished.
#antioppression #boundaries #keepboundaries #abolishborders
#ClimateJustice #RiseUpForChange #DebtForClimate #DeCOALonize #ReinvestInOurPower #ClimateEmergency #AbolishFrontex #AbolishBorders #AbolishPrisons #AbolishPolice #NoBorders #SafePassage #StopRefugeeGenocide #TunisiaIsNotSafe #LibyaIsNotSafe #LeaveNoOneBehind #deportations
#climatejustice #riseupforchange #DebtForClimate #decoalonize #reinvestinourpower #climateemergency #abolishfrontex #abolishborders #abolishprisons #abolishpolice #noborders #safepassage #stoprefugeegenocide #tunisiaisnotsafe #LibyaIsNotSafe #leavenoonebehind #deportations
RT @SoliwRiLibya
#DefundLibyanCoastGuard https://twitter.com/INFOLEKIOSK/status/1645849705698545665
#abolishfrontex #abolishborders #abolishprisons #DismantleLibyanDetentionCenters #abolishpolice #DefundLibyanCoastGuard
RT @Maldusa_Project
Thank you @nothilfe for your support to #Maldusa, for trusting us from the first day and for making our project possible!
Read our first interview, with #MedicoInternational. #freedomofmovement #abolishborders
#maldusa #medicointernational #freedomofmovement #abolishborders
Mariposa 🦋
To remind myself gender can change the way bodies can transition.
My stories of border transition –be those of gender or nation– are so intertwined I couldn't imagine one without the other. It was until I moved far from my birthplace that I was able to fully explore my gender. I know this is also the case for many people, yet I'm also deeply aware that for both transgender and transnational people border crossing has become more and more criminalized. In both cases, these made up distinctions are upheld through violent means enacted against those who transgress them. It's clear to me we won't be free until we abolish them and let people move freely between them
Text transcription will also be posted in a comment. Do let me know if there are any suggestions to improve accessibility!
Chalk art found on the floor by WSPMA (Washington's Square Park Mutual Aid) and taken from their Instagram
#abolishborders #fuckice #trans
Mariposa 🦋
To remind myself gender can change the way bodies can transition.
My stories of border transition –be those of gender or nation– are so intertwined I couldn't imagine one without the other. It was until I moved far from my birthplace that I was able to fully explore my gender and find myself. I know this is the case for many people, yet I'm also deeply aware that for both transgender and transnational people border crossing has become more and more criminalized. In both cases, these made up distinctions are upheld through violent means enacted against those who transgress them. It's clear to me we won't be free until we abolish them and let people move freely between them
#abolishborders #fuckice #trans
I'm utterly shattered by this morning's news that an asylum seeker staying at the Red Hook cruise terminal attempted suicide. He had been relocated there after last week's Immigrant Encampment in front of the Watson Hotel, which police brutality shut down in a sweep last Wednesday. Immigrants have been speaking about the terminal's horrific conditions and yet the city won't listen. In fact, Eric Adams is so obsessed with viewing himself as a savior that he slept there earlier this week to "prove" the conditions weren't that bad. People closely working with the immigrants know that's utter bullshit! The terminal is cold, there's no privacy or place to store things, food is trash, the place is unsafe and sucks the life out of you
Fuck them all, fuck them so much
Fuck the borders, fuck the criminalization of migration, fuck la migra and the police, fuck Eric Adams and all the politicians who only use migrants as pawns to be sacrificed in little campaign-popularity game. There's blood and all their hands
#abolishborders #abolishice #acab