Hating the players is pure #MentalMasturbation
#Capitalism is the problem!
#hatethegame #mentalmasturbation #capitalism #abolishcapitalism
Regarding the behavior of oligarchs and their politician minions:
There have always been horrible people among us.
The problem is not that they exist, the issue is that our societies are structured in ways that allow them to hurt the rest of us.*
Hating the players (while condoning the system) is just #MentalMasturbation!
*See: "We The Elites: Why The U.S. Constitution Serves the few", By Robert Ovetz
#SystemFail #mentalmasturbation #hatethegame #abolishcapitalism #abolishallstates #nogodsnomasters #libertariansocialism
Regarding the behavior of oligarchs and their politician minions:
please don't demagogue the demagogues!
Hating the players is #MentalMasturbation !
There have always been horrible people among us.
The problem is not that they exist, the issue is that our societies are structured in ways that allow them to hurt the rest of us.
#SystemFail #mentalmasturbation #hatethegame #abolishcapitalism #abolishallstates #nogodsnomasters #libertariansocialism
Regarding the behavior of oligarchs and their politician minions:
please don't demagogue the demagogues!
Hating the players is #MentalMasturbation !
There have always been horrible people among us.
The problem is not that they exist, the issue is that our societies are structured in ways that allow them to hurt the rest of us.
#NoGodsNoMasters #LibertarianSocialism
#SystemFail #mentalmasturbation #hatethegame #abolishcapitalism #abolishallstates #nogodsnomasters #libertariansocialism
“Modern Form of Slavery”: Haitians at Dominican Sugar Plantations Work Under Inhumane Conditions
StoryAugust 30, 2023
#boycottdominicansugar #boycottdominicanrum #dominicanrepublic #boycottdomicanexports #abolishcapitalism
I'm always flabbergasted by how good I feel at the weekend after two full nights' sleep and a long Saturday afternoon nap. Even if it did nothing harmful to us except deprive us of sleep, that would be more than reason enough to #AbolishCapitalism.
"We the people" without access to the resources necessary for life, liberty and happiness are "hungry"
#SystemFail #fuckjobs #jobsareslavery #abolishcapitalism
I feel bad that you are experiencing anxiety over your friends safety.
I must say though, that all of our lives are threatened by this #ClimateEmergency !
#SystemFail #climateemergency #keepitintheground #peoplefirst #abolishcapitalism
Regarding the behavior of oligarchs and their politician minions:
There have always been horrible people among us.
The problem is not that they exist, the issue is that our societies are structured in ways that allow them to hurt the rest of us.
#NoGodsNoMasters #LibertarianSocialism
#SystemFail #hatethegame #abolishcapitalism #abolishallstates #nogodsnomasters #libertariansocialism
If you are one of those who blames the players and not the game, YOU are the problem!
#BertrandRussell preferred #AnarchoSyndicalism!
#changethegame #abolishcapitalism #abolishthestate #nogodsnomasters #bertrandrussell #anarchosyndicalism
#Capitalism, with the support of sympathetic governments, externalize as many costs (of doing business) as they are permitted. It's the nature of the game!
Mass migration can be (directly and indirectly) an externalized cost.
Things will not change for the people or the planet, until we wrest control of our lives from the exploitive capitalists and their political class minions.
'Representative democracy' is an oxymoron that functions to maintain minority (Oligarch) rule.
We must #AbolishCapitalism and 'representative democracy' before it's too late!
If we are ever to gain life, liberty and happiness, we must establish a #DirectDemocracy/
#ParticipatoryDemocacy .
#SystemFail #capitalism #representativedemocracyisneither #abolishcapitalism #directdemocracy #participatorydemocacy #powertothepeople
Why is Spain’s inflation so much lower than the UK’s? Because it stood up to business
Carsten Jung
The reliance on Bank of England rate rises alone can’t go on. In other countries, rent caps and excess profit taxes are working
The US Fed monetary policy favors Wall Street
Higher interest rates means:
The rich get richer on the backs of everyone else.
Higher interest rates (mortgage and consumer credit) and more unemployment and poverty.
Who wins and who loses when the Fed hikes interest rates?
Updated July 27, 2022
Things that could be done that don't put the burden on the 99%
Could strategic price controls help fight inflation? --Isabella Weber
3 Anti-Inflation Alternatives to Raising Interest Rates
Tackling inflation requires reining in private markets—and embracing economic democracy.
#AbolishCapitalism and these issues go away!
#EatTheRich #abolishcapitalism
Blood produce: The supply chain that is working people to death
#EatTheRich #TaxTheMotherFuckingRich #EfraínLópezGarcía #DangDeathCamp #JimJillPurgatory #FreshPoint #Sysco $SYS #QueCalor #AbolishICE #LandBack #AbolishCapitalism #DownWithTheState #AbolishBorders
#EatTheRich #taxthemotherfuckingrich #efrainlopezgarcia #dangdeathcamp #jimjillpurgatory #freshpoint #sysco #QueCalor #abolishice #landback #abolishcapitalism #downwiththestate #abolishborders
Keep calling! (954) 424 - 0242
You may have seen that Biden has announced what he calls “extreme heat protections” but what we know to be simply creating a dedicated paperwork definition of heat related deaths rather than filing it as a general workplace hazard. There is no new policy, just a small difference in the paperwork.
However the only people in the world who will notice a change are those who fill out said paperwork: the OSHA employees. This ironically gives us an opportunity to put pressure on the South Florida OSHA employees to do something. So keep calling!
Say his name! Efraín López García https://kolektiva.social/@miaantifanews/110775035865688678
OSHA inaction https://kolektiva.social/@miaantifanews/110810211348091602
Call OSHA FTL and urge them to issue a significant citation against Dang Farms for working Efraín López García to death!
(954) 424-0242 (choose language then press 0 to speak with an operator, then ask to speak to/leave a message for Eastmond Condell, the SFL area director)
Hi I am calling about a case from July 13 of this year, inspection number 1682870.015, in which a worker died of heatstroke.
*wait for them to find the case*
I urge you to issue a significant citation against Dang Farms for working this young man to death. His name was Efraín López García, he was 29 years old and he deserves justice. I am concerned that workers are still in danger of heat related illness and deaths will continue without swift and decisive action from OSHA.
#EfraínLópezGarcía #DangDeathCamp #RafaelSlaveDriverSlumlordBarajas #HendrixHellHole #JimJillPurgatory #QueCalor #WeKeepUsSafe #AbolishICE #SolidarityEconomy #Degrowth #LandBack #CapitalismIsKillingUs #AbolishCapitalism #DownWithTheState #AbolishBorders #PhoneZap #Miami #SouthFlorida #Florida #ActionAlert
#efrainlopezgarcia #dangdeathcamp #rafaelslavedriverslumlordbarajas #hendrixhellhole #jimjillpurgatory #QueCalor #wekeepussafe #abolishice #solidarityeconomy #degrowth #landback #capitalismiskillingus #abolishcapitalism #downwiththestate #abolishborders #phonezap #miami #southflorida #florida #actionalert
Phone zap OSHA to fine Dang Dang Death Camp for working Efraín López García to death! We investigated another farm worker who died of heatstroke and found inaction by OSHA.
#EfraínLópezGarcía #DangDeathCamp #RafaelSlaveDriverSlumlordBarajas #HendrixHellHole #Jim&JillPurgatory #QueCalor #WeKeepUsSafe #AbolishICE #SolidarityEconomy #Degrowth #LandBack #CapitalismIsKillingUs #AbolishCapitalism #DownWithTheState #AbolishBorders
#efrainlopezgarcia #dangdeathcamp #rafaelslavedriverslumlordbarajas #hendrixhellhole #jim #QueCalor #wekeepussafe #abolishice #solidarityeconomy #degrowth #landback #capitalismiskillingus #abolishcapitalism #downwiththestate #abolishborders
Say his name! Diga su nombre! Efraín López García!
#EfraínLópezGarcía #DangDeathCamp #QueCalor #WeKeepUsSafe #AbolishICE #SolidarityEconomy #Degrowth #LandBack #CapitalismIsKillingUs #AbolishCapitalism #DownWithTheState #AbolishBorders
#efrainlopezgarcia #dangdeathcamp #QueCalor #wekeepussafe #abolishice #solidarityeconomy #degrowth #landback #capitalismiskillingus #abolishcapitalism #downwiththestate #abolishborders
The pain of filling out tax forms is yet another reason why we need to #abolishCapitalism.
It has always struck me as odd that Stallman, and the #FreeSoftware movement broadly, have this radical thought that all software should be _Free_ for the benefit of all humanity, but never extend this line of thought to, well, anything other than software.
If we should share and render common our computer programs for its myriad of advantages and enjoyable freedoms, then maybe there are more fields where abolishing private ownership yields positive results.
#freesoftware #abolishcapitalism #socialism