Dublin City Council, in their infinite wisdom, decided last week to grant permission for the demolition of Stephen Court on St Stephen's Green.
Last year, architectural historian, Emma Gilleece explained why this was a very bad idea:
#AdaptiveReuse #AbolishDemolish #EmbodiedCarbon #20thCenturyArchitecture
#adaptivereuse #abolishdemolish #EmbodiedCarbon #20thcenturyarchitecture
Millions of euro were pumped into the design and construction of these buildings at a time when we should have been building housing.
We need to have the principles of adaptive reuse embedded in our planning laws to prevent the same mistakes being made again.
#abolishdemolish #adaptivereuse #housing #planning
The regeneration of three blocks of apartments built in the 1960s will increase the number of homes by 40% without demolishing any of the existing flats.
This is sustainable residential development at its best. Credit to Grafton Architects and Dublin City Council for this initiative
#housing #IrishArchitecture #abolishdemolish #adaptivereuse