JFC, I'm so stupid this morning, I forgot to even turn on the kettle to start boiling water for tea. 😩
Maybe I should go for coffee.
Anyway, #DaylightSavingTime is a complete asshole, and I wish this crap would stop. #AbolishDST #DSTMustDie
#daylightsavingtime #abolishdst #dstmustdie
Health Experts and Folks Like That: One way to adapt to the DST spring-forward time change is to go to bed earlier.
Me, at 11:00 Last Night: I'm going to bed early.
Me, at 9:00 This Morning: I got 9 hours of sleep. Why do I feel like someone dropped a ton of bricks on me? 😩
#dstmustdie #abolishdst #daylightsavingtime
OMG, Daylight Saving Time is just so fucking Evil. I can't even. 😩☹
#daylightsavingtime #dstmustdie #abolishdst
Daylight Saving Time is simply evil. Odious and awful. It must be destroyed. #DaylightSavingTime #AbolishDST #DSTMustDie
#daylightsavingtime #abolishdst #dstmustdie
I've only just (okay, a few minutes ago) hauled myself out of bed, after 9 hours of sleep, and already I feel decrepit and awful, like I spent yesterday doing hard labor or something. (I did nothing more strenuous than drive to JFK and back.)
Truly, #DaylightSavingTime is a wicked scourge, and it must be destroyed. #AbolishDST #DSTMustDie
#daylightsavingtime #abolishdst #dstmustdie
Daylight Saving Time is a plague upon humanity, and it must be eradicated.
I will keep posting this when I wake up in the morning until I don't feel like utter hell.
#daylightsavingtime #dstmustdie #abolishdst
@jensilber @gbhnews @jaspar I've toyed with proclaiming the Somerville Meridian, centered on Prospect Hill. (Lots of great cities have had their own meridian, why shouldn't Somerville!?) Get clocks prominently labeled "Somerville Standard Time", all synchronized to SST, put them in prominent locations.
SST would be about 12-minutes east of EST, maybe you would like that?
#abolishdst #SolarTime #localtime