⛴ Trois navires de sauvetage en Méditerranée immobilisés ⚠️
L'ONU exhorte pourtant les États à garantir des alternatives sûres aux traversées dangereuses et à s’engager à renforcer l’action humanitaire sans entrave.
📸 Sea Watch International
#freeopenarms #freeaurora #freeseaeye #refugeeswelcome #abolishborders #abolishfrontex
"MUGA" presented at a workshop yesterday @anarchy2023
orginal source: https://piped.video/a9pTLpE1z_8
Teken de petitie tegen Europa’s dodelijke grensleger Frontex!
#Petitie #AbolishFrontex
#Grensbewaking #Migratiebeleid #Militarisme #Vluchtelingen
#vluchtelingen #militarisme #migratiebeleid #grensbewaking #abolishfrontex #petitie
Součástí kampaně #AbolishFrontex je 132 skupin a organizací, věnujících se mj. záchraně uprchlíků v nouzi při plavbě ve Středomoří, právnímu poradenství a také sebeorganizaci uprchlíků.
Více ke kampani: http://abolishfrontex.org
Více k zařazení kampaně do zprávy Europol v AJ: http://nolog.link/s/rS34o6
RT @antistream@twitter.com
La "forteresse Europe" et ses supplétifs #AbolishFrontex #NoBorder https://twitter.com/NadorAmdh/status/1664346166610239513
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/antistream/status/1671866468219191297
AND 🤓☝️
RT @s_assbague@twitter.com
5 riches disparus en mer en tentant d’explorer le Titanic mobilisent + de moyens & d’attention que les milliers d’exilés morts noyés au large des frontières européennes. Chaque jour, une nouvelle réaffirmation de la fracture entre les vies qui comptent & celles qui ne valent rien
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/s_assbague/status/1671198163892412416
RT @vedatyeler_@twitter.com
Frontex has released new images of the refugee ship that sank off the coast of Greece. The time frame in which the images of the ship were recorded shows that the ship was under Frontex surveillance hours before it sank. The Greek Coast Guard is also being informed.
According to… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1670893967649525760
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/vedatyeler_/status/1670893967649525760
RT @michelelancione@twitter.com
Why we need to #AbolishFrontex now: https://abolishfrontex.org/how/
On fighting to keep Frontex outside of our Universities, two recent interviews:
- ENG https://blogs.law.ox.ac.uk/blog-post/2023/04/frontex-campus-interview-professor-michele-lancione
- ITA https://www.ondarossa.info/redazionali/2023/06/cartografia-e-potere-laccordo?fbclid=IwAR3EasM-kFFt5lTnWXANSEkQmtqFmtZCY01T6RRTkCWqFnNAA-iAVsU1Iy4
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/michelelancione/status/1671032481242312705
Stop Corendon’s profiteering of deporting people.
Join us on World Refugee Day to protest it’s complicity in EUrope’s racist and violent border regime.
With banners, noise and flyers to inform hotel guests and others of Corendon’s scandalous practices.
Jeden Tag gilt #abolishfrontex
Hanybal - ABOLISH FRONTEX (prod. von EZ-Music)
Ce business des frontières, meurtrier et raciste, est une des plus grandes hontes de l'humanité.
Où est passé l'internationalisme ?
RT @StatewatchEU
#Frontex to spend hundreds of millions of euros on #surveillance and deportations
The Management Board approved the 2023 Procurement Plan in mid-February. Here's an overview of what's on the shopping list 👇
@Migreurop @abolishfrontex @ecre @Border_Violence @PICUM_p…
#abolishfrontex #Frontex #surveillance
RT @SRAntiFascism
#Refugiados #ClimateRefugees
#Rohingya #AfricansInUkraine
#AbolishFrontex #FreeIuventa
#AbolishICE #EndTitle42
#AbolishCBP #StopRwanda
#Nauru #Manus #Calais
#RescueAfgRefugees_Indonesia #AfghanRefugees↓ https://twitter.com/SRAntiFascism/lists/refugee-res-crisis-rprt-s
To Retweet Later↓
#refugiados #ClimateRefugees #rohingya #AfricansinUkraine #abolishfrontex #freeiuventa #abolishice #EndTitle42 #abolishcbp #StopRwanda #nauru #manus #calais #RescueAfgRefugees_Indonesia #AfghanRefugees #nonazis
where movements fully abolitionist, anti-colonial, demilitarization... a global and internationalist justice approach is urgently needed to counter these deadly border policies, because injustices to these people are injustices to all of us. #AbolishFrontex
Europe and its border agency Frontex prefers to support Libyan militias, intercept boats #Pushback, silence the voices of #Sahel people, support the regimes of mass #expulsion of its #Algeria watchdogs, extend its patrols and interceptions in the Mediterranean and beyond,...
RT @IuventaCrew
#AbolishFrontex https://twitter.com/statewatcheu/status/1651514727426605057
#pushback #sahel #expulsion #algeria #abolishfrontex
#ClimateJustice #RiseUpForChange #DebtForClimate #DeCOALonize #ReinvestInOurPower #ClimateEmergency #AbolishFrontex #AbolishBorders #AbolishPrisons #AbolishPolice #NoBorders #SafePassage #StopRefugeeGenocide #TunisiaIsNotSafe #LibyaIsNotSafe #LeaveNoOneBehind #deportations
#climatejustice #riseupforchange #DebtForClimate #decoalonize #reinvestinourpower #climateemergency #abolishfrontex #abolishborders #abolishprisons #abolishpolice #noborders #safepassage #stoprefugeegenocide #tunisiaisnotsafe #LibyaIsNotSafe #leavenoonebehind #deportations
RT @SoliwRiLibya
#DefundLibyanCoastGuard https://twitter.com/INFOLEKIOSK/status/1645849705698545665
#abolishfrontex #abolishborders #abolishprisons #DismantleLibyanDetentionCenters #abolishpolice #DefundLibyanCoastGuard
#TunisiaIsNotSafe #LibyaIsNotSafe
#AbolishFrontex #NoBorders #SafePassage #FreedomOfMovement
#stoprefugeegenocide #EvacuateRefugeesFromLibya #evacuaterefugeesfromtunisia #tunisiaisnotsafe #LibyaIsNotSafe #abolishfrontex #noborders #safepassage #freedomofmovement
RT @SoliwRiLibya
Important 🧵
#AbolishFrontex #NoBorders #SafePassage #StopRefugeeGenocide #EvacuateRefugeesFromLibya https://twitter.com/INFOLEKIOSK/status/1643951974054780929
#abolishfrontex #noborders #safepassage #stoprefugeegenocide #EvacuateRefugeesFromLibya
Solidarity with people on the move fleeing repression and colonial wars by taking the deadly routes of criminalized immigration.
#AbolishFrontex #AbolishAllStates #InnerWar #NoBorders
#abolishfrontex #abolishallstates #innerwar #noborders