Fenneladon Privacyasaurus · @fenneladon
433 followers · 2050 posts · Server todon.eu

FD Signifier's video essays are always worth the time, but his latest is a timely tour de force: youtube.com/watch?v=SyEwOxp_Iy

#DefundPolice #abolishpolice #fuckthepolice

Last updated 1 year ago

· @Corse_Noire
0 followers · 1 posts · Server kolektiva.social
Abolition Media · @amwenglish
6909 followers · 1319 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Fuck Andy Ngo. The racist piece of shit is targeting black people in Portland specifically for doing a vigil for the Hayes family member who was murdered by Portland Police Bureau. Andy & his Nazi buddies are trying to suppress and have those who want to murdered through stochastic terrorist shootings like the one he previously inspired.

#freespeech #abolishpolice

Last updated 1 year ago

@foodnotbombswpb has been issued three citations for distributing food at their weekly food share along with independent journalist of WPB Government Watch.

“A disgrace to our First Amendment rights and a blatant act of cruelty” said one before vowing to fight the charges. @foodnotbombswpb has been sharing food for 16 years as direct action against war, imperialism, and capitalism.

The ordinance with which they’re being cited requires permits for events that feed 25+ people and only allows two permits per year per location. While Food Not Bombs universally stands against permits, this particular ordinance is designed to make compliance impossible and force the group to shut down.

However the community is fighting back! Students, community gardens, other Food Not Bombs chapters, journalists, socialists, and anarchists have rallied behind these food shares since the police began their campaign of harassment five months ago. Police will not be able to shut these food shares down.

Now all eyes now look to the Courts. FTL famously lost a similar case in federal court to @foodnotbombsftlauderdale and now WPB stands to as well.

There are five Food Not Bombs chapters being criminalized for sharing food in the so-called United States @foodnotbombshtx @memphisfoodnotbombs @fnbaberdeen and Food Not Bombs Las Vegas. As always, Food Not Bombs continues unabated.

Join @foodnotbombswpb food shares every Saturday at 4pm! Call WPB Government and demand a stop to these unconstitutional citations before a federal lawsuit costs the city!

#fuckpermits #fuck12 #abolishpolice #endwar #anticapitalism #antiimperialism #anarchism #socialism #MutualAidIsLove #foodnotbombs

Last updated 1 year ago

Captain Aby Sparklepants · @aby
1223 followers · 3748 posts · Server aus.social

Queensland’s new laws will see children as young as 10, who are held in remand and haven’t been convicted of any crime, locked up and held indefinitely in adult watch houses. These egregious laws will go down as one of the biggest human rights breaches by an Australian government in recent history.


#abolishpolice #abolition #abolishprisons #anarchism #communitynotcops #aboriginal #indigenous #decolonise

Last updated 1 year ago

A cappella · @waldenecovillage
339 followers · 504 posts · Server kolektiva.social
Captain Aby Sparklepants · @aby
1173 followers · 3719 posts · Server aus.social
Captain Aby Sparklepants · @aby
1156 followers · 3690 posts · Server aus.social

“He said, ‘I thought I was dying in the cell last night’. He said ‘I couldn’t move’,”

She said the arrest was so violent it could have broken a bone when the young man was thrown to the ground. She claimed an ambulance was not called despite his seizures.

In May a NSW police officer was found guilty of assaulting a 16-year-old Indigenous boy in inner Sydney in 2020, when he threw the boy to the ground using a similar leg sweep manoeuvre.


#aboriginal #indigenous #decolonise #abolishpolice #abolition #abolishprisons #anarchism #communitynotcops #racism #whiteness #whitesupremacy #fuckracism #fuckwhiteness #SovereigntyNeverCeded

Last updated 1 year ago

Cops: Follow your Minnesota colleagues’ lead! Quit!

#abolishpolice #StopCopCity

Last updated 1 year ago

ted cutezynskiš · @shrugdealer
1127 followers · 11236 posts · Server kolektiva.social
Captain Aby Sparklepants · @aby
1143 followers · 3673 posts · Server aus.social

"Herman and I called it an “antirape squad.” We set up guidelines for the other prisoners who wanted to stand with us: Work in pairs; never alone. Use violence only as a last resort. Every Thursday on fresh fish day we armed ourselves and went down the walk, introduced ourselves to the new prisoners, and told them they were now under the protection of the Black Panther Party. We escorted them to whatever dormitory they were assigned to and we explained the type of games that a prisoner played to sexually assault or rape another prisoner, or coerce him into becoming a sex slave. “Don’t borrow anything,” we told them. “Don’t take anything that’s offered, don’t ask for favors, don’t accept favors. If you do you are opening yourselves up to being in debt to sexual predators.” We told them if they needed anything to come to us. We’d help them find what they needed—whether soap, toothpaste, deodorant, or “zuzus,” the term we used for snacks like potato chips and candy. If we came upon anyone threatening another prisoner with rape we stopped it. Sometimes all it took was to say something—“Brother, leave that, go ahead on” or “This ain’t gonna happen”—and that would be enough. Other times we had to fight. We put the word out that if you messed with someone under our protection you had to deal with the Black Panther Party. As the presence of the party grew on the walk we knew the prisoner “shot callers”—those who had profitable gambling, drug, and prostitution businesses within the prison—were watching us. I never had a direct confrontation with any of them, but we always traveled in groups of two or three. That wouldn’t protect us from being attacked but it made us feel better.
Wherever we were, in the dorm, at our jobs, on the chow line, on the walk, Herman and I talked about the Black Panther Party. Some guys would make remarks to me like, “Damn, man, that’s all you talk about, the Panthers.” I didn’t deny it. For me it was always the Panthers. Our list of enemies was long. It wasn’t just the prisoner pimps and drug dealers, both white and black, who hated us. Snitches gravitated to us too, trying to get information they could sell. Security officers overheard us. We knew we were a threat to the status quo. I got scared of being killed sometimes. But I believed what I was struggling for was more important than me. It never occurred to me to stop what we were doing."

-- Albert Woodfox
Former Angola 3 political prisoner
from Solitary: Unbroken by Four Decades in Solitary Confinement. My Story of Transformation and Hope

This solidarity is the reason the Louisiana prison authorities tortured the Angola 3 political prisoners -- Albert Woodfox, Herman Wallace, and Robert King -- in solitary confinement for over 40 years.

#racism #whiteness #whitesupremacy #fuckracism #fuckwhiteness #anarchism #activism #abolishpolice #abolishprisons #abolition

Last updated 1 year ago

Captain Aby Sparklepants · @aby
1143 followers · 3668 posts · Server aus.social

“The purpose of the chief repressive institutions within the totalitarian capitalist state is clearly to discourage and prohibit certain activity, and the prohibitions are aimed at very distinctly defined sectors of the class–and race–sensitized society. The ultimate expression of law is not order–it’s prison. There are hundreds upon hundreds of prisons, and thousands upon thousands of laws, yet there is no social order, no social peace. Anglo-Saxon bourgeois law is tied firmly into economics. One can even pick that out of those Vital Statistics. Bourgeois law protects property relations and not social relationships. The cultural traits of capitalist society that also tend to check activity–(individualism, artificial politeness juxtaposed to an aloof rudeness, the rush to learn 'how to' instead of 'what is')–are secondary really, and intended for those mild cases (and groups) that require preventive measures only. The law and everything that interlocks with it was constructed for poor, desperate people like me.”

--George Jackson, Blood In My Eyes

#racism #whiteness #whitesupremacy #fuckracism #fuckwhiteness #anarchism #activism #abolishpolice #abolishprisons #abolition #fuckcapitalism

Last updated 1 year ago

Captain Aby Sparklepants · @aby
1143 followers · 3649 posts · Server aus.social

Prison, Where Is Thy Victory?
- Huey P Newton

“When a person studies mathematics, he learns that there are many mathematical laws which determine the approach he must take to solving the problems presented to him. In the study of geometry, one of the first laws a person learns is that “the whole is not greater than the sum of its parts.” This means simply that one cannot have a geometrical figure such as a circle or a square which in its totality contains more than it does when broken down into smaller parts. Therefore, if all the smaller parts add up to a certain amount, the entire figure cannot add to a larger amount. The prison cannot have a victory over the prisoner because those in charge take the same kind of approach to the prisoner and assume if they have the whole body in a cell that they have there all that makes up the person. But a prisoner is not a geometrical figure and an approach which is successful in mathematics is wholly unsuccessful when dealing with human beings.

In the case of the human, we are not dealing only with the single individual, we are also dealing with the ideas and beliefs which have motivated him and which sustains him, even when his body is confined. In the case of humanity, the whole is much greater than its parts, because the whole includes the body which is measurable and confineable, and also the ideas which cannot be measured and which cannot be confined. The ideas are not only within the mind of the prisoner where they cannot be seen nor controlled, the ideas are also within the people. The ideas which can and will sustain our movement for total freedom and dignity of the people cannot be imprisoned for they are found in the people, all the people, wherever they are. As long as the people live by the ideas of freedom and dignity there will be no prison which can hold our movement down. Ideas move from one person to another in the association of brothers and sisters who recognize that a most evil system of capitalism has set us against each other, when our real enemy is the exploiter who profits from our poverty. When we realize such an idea then we come to love and appreciate our brothers and sisters who we may have seen as enemies, and those exploiters who we may have seen as friends revealed for what they truly are to all oppressed people. The people are the idea; the respect and dignity of the people, as they move toward their freedom is the sustaining force which reaches into and out of the prison. The walls, the bars, the guns and guards can never encircle or hold down the idea of the people. And the people must always carry forward the idea which is their dignity and their beauty.

(cont in thread)

#abolishpolice #abolition #abolishprisons #anarchism #communitynotcops

Last updated 1 year ago

Captain Aby Sparklepants · @aby
1139 followers · 3640 posts · Server aus.social

"The function of freedom is to free someone else."

- Toni Morrison

#abolishpolice #abolition #abolishprisons #anarchism #communitynotcops

Last updated 1 year ago

Captain Aby Sparklepants · @aby
1131 followers · 3591 posts · Server aus.social
Captain Aby Sparklepants · @aby
1127 followers · 3574 posts · Server aus.social
Captain Aby Sparklepants · @aby
1129 followers · 3547 posts · Server aus.social

NSW police Tasered ‘extremely unwell’ Indigenous man a week before incident with Clare Noland [a 95 year old woman who weight 43kg (94lbs). She was killed after being Tasered in her nursing home while using her walking frame to approach police]

Man experiencing mental health issues sought help from police but was later Tasered [twice, and pepper sprayed] in hospital by officers who mistakenly thought he was armed with scissors


#aboriginal #indigenous #decolonise #abolishpolice #abolition #abolishprisons #anarchism

Last updated 1 year ago

Captain Aby Sparklepants · @aby
1128 followers · 3543 posts · Server aus.social

"The Queensland government must listen to the voices of Indigenous people if it’s to reckon with its “oxymoronic” approach to youth justice and stop breaking its commitment to close the gap, advocates say.

In a report this week the Productivity Commission cited changes to Queensland’s harsh bail laws as an example of “reform” likely to “exacerbate, rather than remedy” the disadvantage faced by Aboriginal people and reverse progress on closing the gap."


#aboriginal #indigenous #decolonise #SovereigntyNeverCeded #abolishpolice #abolishprisons #abolition

Last updated 1 year ago

Captain Aby Sparklepants · @aby
1069 followers · 3417 posts · Server aus.social