#policebrutality: #Settlement mandates that #NYPD refrain from crowd control tactics like kettling & implement a new response system that deemphasizes #police presence at #protests, deescalate...
#AbolishQualifiedImmunity #GeorgeFloyd #CopAGanda #HumanRightsViolations #StateSanctionedViolence
#policebrutality #Settlement #nypd #police #protests #abolishqualifiedimmunity #GeorgeFloyd #copaganda #HumanRightsViolations #statesanctionedviolence
Activist’s toddler is at center of LAPD Commission controversy https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2023-09-03/activists-toddler-at-the-center-of-lapd-commission-controversy
The problem isn’t #PoliceBrutality: It’s bringing a toddler to hearing where #commissioners ignore a string of recent shootings.
#policebrutality #commissioners #abolishqualifiedimmunity
body-worn cameras showed Greene being dragged, kicked and punched while he was restrained on the roadside. Police originally attributed Greene’s death to his car crashing into a tree, but forensic examinations would later refute that claim.
#AbolishThePolice #AbolishQualifiedImmunity #WitholdingEvidenceIsACrime
#abolishthepolice #abolishqualifiedimmunity #witholdingevidenceisacrime
Investigators allowed those misstatements — and others — to stand, despite having nearly a half-hour’s worth of body #camera footage that disproved them. latest in a string of cases where the FID seemed to ignore #evidence that was potentially damaging to #officers who killed people in the line of duty.
#AbolishQualifiedImmunity #AbolishTheFilibuster #abolishthepolice #ExpandTheCourt
#camera #evidence #officers #abolishqualifiedimmunity #abolishthefilibuster #abolishthepolice #ExpandTheCourt
#abolishthepolice: an officer punching a #Black man the officer mistakenly believed was involved in a hit-and-run crash.
#AbolishQualifiedImmunity #ReformTheMedia #PoliceGangs #statesanctionedviolence #PriveledgeWitness
#abolishthepolice #black #abolishqualifiedimmunity #reformthemedia #policegangs #statesanctionedviolence #priveledgewitness
#AbolishThePolice: the “Goon Squad,” have pleaded #guilty to raiding a home and #torturing two #Black men, on #falsecharges, earlier this year, after first trying to #coverup their actions.
#AbolishQualifiedImmunity #ReformTheMedia #OnTheCourthouseLawn #StateSanctionedViolence
#abolishthepolice #guilty #torturing #black #falsecharges #coverup #abolishqualifiedimmunity #reformthemedia #onthecourthouselawn #statesanctionedviolence
#abolishthepolice #AbolishQualifiedImmunity #SCOTUStermlimits
The Washington Post launched its Police Shooting Database in 2014, after police in Ferguson, Missouri shot #MichaelBrown, 24; before then, such specific #data was #inaccessible to the #public. We now know that U.S. police shoot roughly 1,000 people per year—the highest rate among “developed” nations—and Black Americans constitute at least 25 to 50 percent of victims, despite comprising only 12.4 percent of the U.S. population.
#abolishthepolice #abolishqualifiedimmunity #SCOTUStermlimits #michaelbrown #data #inaccessible #public