Presented with the question of whether the Home Office is evil or just shit, I would say that it is almost certainly evil *and* shit.
#abolishthehomeoffice #bibbystockholm
Steve Barclay is telling the media that “ministers were notified on Thursday night”.
Firstly, this is probably a lie and worth remembering. It may be that it wasn’t put to them in writing before then, deliberately.
Secondly, even if it was not a lie, what would it say about a department that it took almost a full working week for that message, about a major health risk regarding their biggest news event, to get from its contractor to the ministers? #AbolishTheHomeOffice #BibbyStockholm
#bibbystockholm #abolishthehomeoffice
I went to a law school which was on two floors of an otherwise vacant new office block. A test in the toilet cistern of a disabled toilet on one of the unoccupied floors showed Legionella bacteria.
All classes were immediately cancelled and we were sent home before lunch. Four days?
#BibbyStockholm #MigrantsWelcome #AbolishTheHomeOffice #SuellaBraverman
#SuellaBraverman #abolishthehomeoffice #migrantswelcome #bibbystockholm
Given how high profile this fascist theatre has been, and from what we know of her, it seems almost certain that the decision to evacuate was prevented by Suella Braverman herself. Although it may be that the Home Office culture didn’t require her express decision.
In a sensible system, where the press was not anti-human, she would have been sacked long ago.
However I think we may be heading for yet another “Ah well, nevertheless” moment.
#abolishthehomeoffice #migrantswelcome #bibbystockholm
#AbolishTheHomeOffice bc honestly it's just a sorry xenophobic excuse for a government department at this point. Its responsibilities would be better allocated to Justice & a new department which treats immigration as a social not criminal matter, with none of inherent cruelty.
The's asylum system is utterly unfit for purpose. It contravenes UN's rights & makes inappropriate use of institutional accommodation, not to mention appalling deportation systems, it allows private profiteering from human misery.