We're All In This Together: A Reportback from Our First Abolition Intensive
"Greetings from the Du Bois Movement School, where our heads are buzzing and our hearts are full after an incredible Abolition Intensive this past weekend. Over the course of three days, 60 current and future organizers across the city and as far afield as Atlanta and North Carolina joined us ..."
Presser is about to start.
No more deaths in custody.
At the Solicitor General's office.
#PrisonersRights #TorontoActions #CommunityDefence #PoliceDontKeepUsSafe #Abolitionists
#prisonersrights #TorontoActions #CommunityDefence #policedontkeepussafe #abolitionists
#Onthisdate in 1863, the #newyorkcity #draft #riots began. Originally a #protest by mostly #Irish #workingclass against #civilwar draft policies, it devolved into attacks on #abolitionists #politicians and later free #blacks in the city. It took a #militia to restore order, but only after 3 days of rioting. To date, this remains the worst #urban race riot in #americanhistory. #history #histodons https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_York_City_draft_riots
#onthisdate #newyorkcity #draft #riots #protest #irish #workingclass #civilwar #abolitionists #politicians #blacks #militia #urban #americanhistory #history #histodons
Newly elected #chicago mayor Johnson’s answer to crime fears is stunningly brilliant. He’s handed us #abolitionists a powerful organizing tool.
Very good reading here. #abolition
#chicago #abolitionists #abolition
I am learning so much from leaders of the Disability Justice movement. Talila “TL” Lewis is a leader who educates society regarding the importance for #abolitionists to integrate a #DisabilityJustice lens. TL states the dangers of #socialjustice movements that ignore #ableism I don’t want to white wash her important sentiments with my biased BS #WhitePrivelge Please read it from TL: https://level.medium.com/disability-justice-is-an-essential-part-of-abolishing-police-and-prisons-2b4a019b5730
#abolitionists #DisabilityJustice #socialjustice #ableism #whiteprivelge
I wonder if as #abolitionists we should see failures of the #carceral justice system to charge the cops who lynch Black kids as opportunities to demonstrate better methods eg #RestorativeJustice. That sounds ghoulishly opportunistic but it's certainly healthier than than the state's answer. Engage the killer cops in conversations about their part in mending the injury they've done to the #community. This seems like the appropriate abolitionist response to me but I can see a lot of ways where it could be really dangerous and counterproductive.
#abolitionists #carceral #restorativejustice #Community #acab #Abolition
1/ Just a quick note about #BlackHistoryMonth being #February — we did not "get stuck with the shortest month".
Dr. Carter G. Woodson, the second African-American to earn a doctorate from Harvard, referred to by many as "the father of Black History", developed "Negro History Week" in 1920, CHOOSING the 2nd week in February to coincide with the birthdays of #AbrahamLincoln (12th) and #FrederickDouglass (14th), two prominent #abolitionists.
#blackhistorymonth #february #abrahamlincoln #frederickdouglass #abolitionists
@Lee_in_Iowa #follow #following #boost #followfriday #Writer, #teacher, #DemocraticParty activist, #Gardener, #AnimalRescuer, #TeamPelosi.
My award-winning book Adventure Journalism in the Gilded Age is now available at online bookstores. I've written over 200 academic articles & book chapters; over 200 magazine articles; I can't seem to stop writing!
My academic work is mainly about #SelfEmancipatedSlaves and #Abolitionists.
My politics work is always about the #Democrats.
Love to reconnect with my Twitter peeps plus find new people here!
#follow #following #boost #followfriday
Waning Gibbous Moon
#follow #following #boost #followfriday #writer #teacher #democraticparty #gardener #animalrescuer #teampelosi #selfemancipatedslaves #abolitionists #Democrats
“From the direct #disenfranchisement many states impose on the current and formerly #incarcerated through the #VoteSuppressing effect of #RacialProfiling, the criminal #justice system redistributes political #rights from people of color to whites. To build a true multicultural democracy by 2050, Americans should listen to the #abolitionists.” By Victor Ray in
#disenfranchisement #incarcerated #votesuppressing #racialprofiling #justice #rights #abolitionists
Slavery and the French Revolutionists (1788-1805) by Anna Julia Cooper; Frances Richardson Keller
#slavery, #blackchattelslavery, #antiblackness, #frenchrevolution, #HaitianRevolution, #frenchempire, #frenchcolonialism, #frenchimperialism, #Haiti, #paris, #translatlanticslavetrade, #abolitionists, #abolitionism, #Martinique, #Matinik, #Matnik, #counterrevolution
The first translation and publication of a 1925 doctoral dissertation written for the University of Paris by a 67-year-old Black amerikan expatriate woman who had been born a slave. Her study of the french revolutionists' view of slavery is crucial to understanding the growth of human rights.
#slavery #blackchattelslavery #antiblackness #frenchrevolution #HaitianRevolution #frenchempire #frenchcolonialism #frenchimperialism #haiti #paris #translatlanticslavetrade #abolitionists #abolitionism #martinique #Matinik #Matnik #counterrevolution
However, this does not mean that #Twitter is uniquely bad or corrupt, it is actually similar to many other platforms and technologies in the potential for both harm and good. Think about how the printing press was used to legitimize and justify colonialism and #slavery. Yet, anticolonial movements and #abolitionists used this same technology to promulgate and shape movements for freedom.
#twitter #slavery #abolitionists
I have just finished reading #LawrenceHill’s #TheBookofNegroes.” It won the #CommonwealthWritersPrize and #CBCRadio’s #CanadaReads in 2009. The book is riveting. It tells the story of a woman’s life from enslavement in Africa and North America to liberation. It’s a story of the #blackloyalists and the #abolitionists. I should have read it a long time ago. I’m happy I’ve read it now. #goodread #greatbook.
#greatbook #goodread #abolitionists #blackloyalists #CanadaReads #CBCRadio #commonwealthwritersprize #thebookofnegroes #lawrencehill
"This article analyzes debates on #slavery in #Cuba and #Brazil, between 1790s and 1840s. In different contexts, the reformers were divided between slaveholders and #abolitionists and discussed the insertion of Afro-descendants in the mentioned societies. The former defended not only slavery but the insertion of free slaves, blacks and mulattos as part of the heterogeneous Brazilian and Cuban population. However, abolitionists considered the mixture of races as an obstacle to the formation of the nation or the origin of social integration difficulties. Unlike slaveholders, they defended the homogeneity of the population, repudiated the disproportionate increase in 'internal enemies', and encouraged European immigration. The 'racialization' of the project for the nation was a trend more evident in Portuguese and Brazilian writings before the 1830s. In Cuba, the debate became more intense when the reformers detected an increase in the black and mulatto population from the decade of 1830."
#slavery #cuba #brazil #abolitionists
Abolicionismo: Estados Unidos e Brasil, uma história comparada : século XIX by Celia Maria Marinho de Azevedo
#abolicionismo, #abolitionism, #abolitionists, #abolicionistas, #unitedstatesofamerika, #brazil, #EstadosUnidos, #Brasil, #history, #história, #abolição, #abolition, #escravidão, #slavery, #blackchattelslavery, #antiblackness
Neste livro a autora de Onda Negra, Medo Branco dá continuidade aos seus estudos sobre a história da escravidão e da abolição através da comparação do abolicionismo nos Estados Unidos e no Brasil ao longo do século XIX. A história comparada do abolicionismo permite desvendar não só as ideologias com suas distintas imagens e proposições, como também as conexões entre abolicionistas americanos e brasileiros. O mito do paraíso racial brasileiro pode ser apreciado no seu próprio fazer através destes vínculos pessoais ou de influências recíprocas entre abolicionistas dos dois países, os quais por sua vez ressoavam diálogos com abolicionistas europeus. Do mesmo modo, pode-se perceber os diferentes significados que a Revolução do Haiti, a Guerra Civil Americana e a África suscitaram entre os abolicionistas, engendrando reflexões muito distintas sobre o destino do ex-escravo e o problema do racismo em cada país.
#abolicionismo #abolitionism #abolitionists #abolicionistas #unitedstatesofamerika #brazil #estadosunidos #brasil #history #história #abolição #abolition #escravidão #slavery #blackchattelslavery #antiblackness